Simplifying WCF: Using Exceptions as Faults

This article describes an overview of error handling in WCF, discusses its advantages and drawbacks and shows how to extend WCF to marshal .NET exceptions as SOAP faults. Ready-to-use source code and examples are available for download.


When using WCF to create distributed applications,  .NET developers have to deal with the issue of passing error information from service to its consumer. In modern applications and frameworks, error information is usually communicated with the help of exceptions. Unfortunately, WCF was designed for service interoperability and uses SOAP faults instead of exceptions. In order to be interoperable, fault messages are much simpler than exceptions. They reduce error information to Code, which provides machine-readable error information and Reason, which provides human-readable error information. If additional information about the error is necessary, the service must define a fault data contract that can be consumed by the client.

Let’s review examples of typical error handling code used by WCF service and client applications. Consider the following service contract.

public interface IService
    void Operation();
Simple Error Handling

To pass information about data access errors to the client, the service code shown below catches DbException and throws a FaultException with a specific FaultCode. WCF catches FaultException and generates a fault Message that will be sent to the client instead of a normal response a service operation would return.

public class Service : IService
    public void Operation()
            // Access a database …
        catch (DbException e)
            throw new FaultException(
                new FaultReason(e.Message),
                new FaultCode(“Data Access Error”));

Below is an example of client code handling the data access error.

public class Client
  public void InvokeOperation()
    IService service = // Obtain service proxy…
    catch (FaultException e)
      if (e.Code.Name == “Data Access Error”)
        Console.WriteLine(“Handling data access exception {0}”, e.Reason);

FaultCode is a machine-readable error description, similar to error codes used in Win32 and COM APIs. The client code above uses an if statement to examine the FaultCode and determine if it is caused by a data access error. Although this error-handling approach is simple, as the number of possible error conditions that need to be handled on the client side increases, developer has to add a new else-if clause for each specific FaultCode. In other words, this approach encourages developers to create procedural, difficult-to-maintain error handling code we used to write in good old days, before exceptions.

Advanced Error Handling

WCF also allows developers to define custom fault contracts, which helps to deal with a large number of error conditions and more complex error conditions in a more object-oriented way.

Below is an example of a custom fault contract that provides more details about data access errors. For illustration purposes, this fault contract is simplistic. A more realistic data access fault contract could provide machine-readable information about a foreign key violation that would allow a client application to handle Customer deletion failure by displaying a list of Orders that need to be deleted first.

public class DataAccessFault
    public string AdditionalDetails { get; set; }

Having the fault contract defined, you need to modify service contract to indicate that a particular method may return it. WCF provides FaultContractAttribute for this purpose.

public interface IService
    void Operation();

Here is the updated version of the service code. Note that it now throws a generic version of FaultException that takes fault contract as a type parameter.

public class Service : IService
    public void Operation()
            // Access database …
        catch (DbException e)
            DataAccessFault fault = new DataAccessFault();
            fault.AdditionalDetails = e.Message;
            throw new FaultException<DataAccessFault>(fault);

On the client side, the error-handling code can now look like this.

public class Client
    public void InvokeOperation()
        IService service = // Obtain service proxy…
        catch (FaultException<DataAccessFault> e)
                “Handling data access error {0}”,

The big improvement here is that code now uses strongly-typed try/catch statement instead of weakly-typed if-else-if statement to detect a particular error condition. Additional information about the error can be passed from service to client using properties of the fault class. Unfortunately this improvement came at a cost of having to maintain yet another class that does nothing by transfer data from service to client. In order to handle error conditions in a type-safe, object-oriented manner, developer has to define a separate fault contract class for each error condition that needs to be handled on the client side.

Using Exceptions as Faults

In most cases, fault contracts and fault codes directly correspond to exceptions already defined in the framework and application code. During development of distributed applications, where service and client are parts of a single closed system, having to convert exceptions to faults and back to exceptions is a pure overhead, plumbing that adds no value to the end result. In a distributed application, it would be ideal to have error information travel as exceptions from the service to the client, without forcing developer to do extra coding.

It is possible to use exceptions themselves as fault contracts. For example, here is what service code could look like.

public class Service : IService
    public void Operation4()
            // …
        catch (DbException e)
            throw new FaultException<DbException>(e);

And here is what client code could look like.

public class Client
  public void InvokeOperation()
    IService service = null; // …
    catch (FaultException<DbException> e)
      Console.WriteLine(“Handling data access error {0}”, e.Detail.Message);

This approach relies on support WCF provides for runtime serialization, the same mechanism used by .NET remoting. All exception classes must be serializable by design. All exceptions defined by the .NET framework class libraries are serializable. Custom application exceptions that define additional properties can support serialization by implementing GetObjectData method and serialization constructor.

Unfortunately, WCF supports runtime serialization only for primitive types to ensure interoperability. This creates a problem with exception serialization, in particular  with Exception.Data property, which is exposed as IDictionary and implemented as an internal dictionary class. WCF’s DataContractSerializer cannot serialize complex types, like this, because resulting XML infoset would not be interoperable.

Ideal Scenario

There is one more problem with the last example above. It forces developer to use FaultException class on both service and client side. This hard-wires WCF to every non-trivial piece of code in a distributed application. If, for any reason, you later decide to deploy the application on a single tier, you will not be able call the service directly from the client in the same AppDomain and will have to either live with messaging overhead or go through the application code and remove FaultException from error handling code.

Below is an ideal implementation of the error-handling in the service. Note that there is no special, WCF-specific error handling code. Service simply accesses the database and allows DbException to propagate to the caller.

public class Service : IService
    public void Operation()
        // Access database …

Here is an ideal implementation of the error-handling in the client code. Here we also have no WCF-specific error handling code. Client simply catches and handles DbException thrown by the service code.

public class Client
    public void InvokeOperation()
        IService service = // Obtain service proxy …
        catch (DbException e)
            Console.WriteLine(“Handling data access exception {0}”, e.Message);

In fact, there is nothing “distributed” left in this code, which is a good thing. One would hope that, this code follows Martin Fowler’s first law of distributed objects and simply uses good design practices to separate application into layers, with Client calling Service through an explicitly defined interface without incurring the overhead of WCF at all. Later when developer determines a good reason for separating Client and Service into separate physical tiers and using WCF for communication, it would be ideal if this code simply continued to work without developer having to go through and add logic to wrap and unwrap errors using FaultException.


This section describes a solution that uses WCF extensibility mechanisms to automatically convert exceptions to faults on the service side and faults to exceptions on the client side, making possible the ideal scenario described above.


Unlike DataContractSerializer used by WCF by default to produce interoperable XML messages, NetDataContractSerializer embeds type information into XML it generates. This allows it serialize any .NET type, but messages it generates are not interoperable, as they require a .NET application to deserialize. This behavior is similar to that of SoapFormatter used by Remoting and can be appropriate and beneficial for closed distributed application, where interoperability is not required. Here is an example of an exception serialized by NetDataContractSerializer.

<ApplicationException z:Id=1z:Type=System.ApplicationExceptionz:Assembly=0xmlns=>
  <ClassName z:Id=2z:Type=System.Stringz:Assembly=0xmlns=“”>System.ApplicationException</ClassName>
  <Message z:Id=3z:Type=System.Stringz:Assembly=0xmlns=“”>Exception raised on the service side</Message>
  <Data z:Id=4z:Type=System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternalz:Assembly=0xmlns=“”>
    <count xmlns=>1</count>
    <head z:Id=5xmlns=>
      <b:key z:Id=6z:Type=System.Stringz:Assembly=0>exception</b:key>
      <b:next i:nil=true></b:next>
      <b:value z:Id=7z:Type=System.Stringz:Assembly=0>data</b:value>
    <version xmlns=>1</version>
  <InnerException i:nil=truexmlns=“”></InnerException>
  <HelpURL i:nil=truexmlns=“”></HelpURL>
  <StackTraceString i:nil=truexmlns=“”></StackTraceString>
  <RemoteStackTraceString i:nil=truexmlns=“”></RemoteStackTraceString>
  <RemoteStackIndex z:Id=9z:Type=System.Int32z:Assembly=0xmlns=“”>0</RemoteStackIndex>
  <ExceptionMethod i:nil=truexmlns=“”></ExceptionMethod>
  <HResult z:Id=11z:Type=System.Int32z:Assembly=0xmlns=“”>-2146232832</HResult>
  <Source z:Id=12z:Type=System.Stringz:Assembly=0xmlns=“”>Server</Source>


On the service side, WCF provides IErrorHandler interface. An object implementing this interface can be added to the list of ChannelDispatcher.ErrorHandlers to process unhandled exceptions that reached WCF runtime.

ExceptionMarshallingErrorHandler implements IErrorHandler to serialize unhandled exceptions thrown by service code as fault messages. When an exception bubbles up to WCF runtime, it calls ProvideFault method of the error handler to process the exception. As you can see below, code in ProvideFault method uses NetDataContractSerializer to serialize the exception and generate a fault message that will be sent to the client. WCF then calls HandleError method to determine if it needs to perform standard error handling for this exception.

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher; 

namespace WcfExtensions
    public class ExceptionMarshallingErrorHandler : IErrorHandler
        public bool HandleError(Exception error)
            if (error is FaultException)
                return false; // Let WCF do normal processing
                return true; // Fault message is already generated

        public void ProvideFault(
            Exception error, MessageVersion version, ref Message fault)
            if (error is FaultException)
                // Let WCF do normal processing
                // Generate fault message manually
                MessageFault messageFault = MessageFault.CreateFault(
                    new FaultCode(“Sender”), new FaultReason(error.Message),
                    error, new NetDataContractSerializer());
                fault = Message.CreateMessage(version, messageFault, null);

On the client side, WCF provides IClientMessageInspector interface. An object implementing this interface can be added to the list of ClientRuntime.MessageInspectors to process messages received from the service before they are processed by the rest of the WCF runtime.

ExceptionMarshallingMessageInspector implements IClientMessageInspector interface to convert a fault message back to the original exception and re-throw it. When reply message is received from the service, ClientRuntime calls the AfterReceiveReply method of the inspector. Code in this method checks if the message contains a fault and tries to deserialize exception from it. If exception was deserialized successfully, the AfterReceiveReply re-throws it, otherwise it allows WCF to finish normal processing. ReadFaultDetail method uses NetDataContractSerializer to deserialize the exception. Due to its length, body of this method is not included here. It is available for download in the attached source code.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher;
using System.Xml; 

namespace WcfExtensions
  public class ExceptionMarshallingMessageInspector : IClientMessageInspector
    public void AfterReceiveReply(ref Message reply, object correlationState)
      if (reply.IsFault)
        // Create a copy of the original reply to allow default WCF processing
        MessageBuffer buffer = reply.CreateBufferedCopy(Int32.MaxValue);
        Message copy = buffer.CreateMessage();  // Create a copy to work with
        reply = buffer.CreateMessage();         // Restore the original message 

        object faultDetail = ReadFaultDetail(copy);
        Exception exception = faultDetail as Exception;
        if (exception != null)
          throw exception;

    public object BeforeSendRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel)
      return null;

Note that ExceptionMarshallingMessageInspector may not be able to deserialize service exception if its type is not available on the client side. In this case, it will allow WCF to perform standard fault handling, which will throw FaultException.


To configure communication channels with the custom IErrorHandler and IClientMessageInspector objects ExceptionMarshallingBehavior implements IServiceBehavior, IEndpointBehavior and IContractBehavior interfaces provided by WCF. IServiceBehavior, IEndpointBehavior and IContractBehavior are used to install ExceptionMarshallingErrorHandler on service side. IEndpointBehavior and IContractBehavior are used to install ExceptionMarshallingMessageInspector on the client side. Strictly speaking, it is not required to implement all three behavior interfaces. Implementing either IEndpointBehavior or IContractBehavior would be sufficient. ExceptionMarshallingBehavior implements them all to give developer maximum configuration flexibility. See the Usage section below for details.

Extract from the source code of ExceptionMarshallingBehavior is included below. Empty methods and some code were removed to make it easier to read. Complete implementation of this class is available for download with attached source code.

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher; 

namespace WcfExtensions
  public class ExceptionMarshallingBehavior: Attribute,
    IServiceBehavior, IEndpointBehavior, IContractBehavior
    void IContractBehavior.ApplyClientBehavior(ContractDescription contract,
      ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime runtime)

    void IContractBehavior.ApplyDispatchBehavior(ContractDescription contract,
      ServiceEndpoint endpoint, DispatchRuntime runtime)

    void IEndpointBehavior.ApplyClientBehavior(
      ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime runtime)

    void IEndpointBehavior.ApplyDispatchBehavior(
      ServiceEndpoint endpoint, EndpointDispatcher dispatcher)

    void IServiceBehavior.ApplyDispatchBehavior(
      ServiceDescription service, ServiceHostBase host)
      foreach (ChannelDispatcher dispatcher in host.ChannelDispatchers)

    private void ApplyClientBehavior(ClientRuntime runtime)
      // Don’t add a message inspector if it already exists
      foreach (IClientMessageInspector inspector in runtime.MessageInspectors)
        if (inspector is ExceptionMarshallingMessageInspector)
      runtime.MessageInspectors.Add(new ExceptionMarshallingMessageInspector());

    private void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ChannelDispatcher dispatcher)
      // Don’t add an error handler if it already exists
      foreach (IErrorHandler errorHandler in dispatcher.ErrorHandlers)
        if (errorHandler is ExceptionMarshallingErrorHandler)
      dispatcher.ErrorHandlers.Add(new ExceptionMarshallingErrorHandler());

WCF includes a class called BehaviorExtensionElement, which serves as a base for classes that encapsulate configuration elements you can use in app.config files to configure service and endpoint behaviors. ExceptionMarshallingElement inherits from BehaviorExtensionElement to provide support for ExceptionMarshallingBehavior in application configuration files.

using System;
using System.ServiceModel.Configuration; 

namespace WcfExtensions
    public class ExceptionMarshallingElement : BehaviorExtensionElement
        public override Type BehaviorType
            get { return typeof(ExceptionMarshallingBehavior); }

        protected override object CreateBehavior()
            return new ExceptionMarshallingBehavior();


1. Download and compile exception marshalling extensions

Attached source code includes WcfExtensions project that contains source code of the exception marshalling classes described in this article. You can either compile it as a standalone DLL or merge the source code in one of your projects. Either way, the assembly that contains this code needs to be deployed with both client and service code.

2. Configure your application to use exception marshalling extensions

There are three ways to configure exception marshalling behavior. They produce the same end result. And if you want to find out what maintenance developers really think about you, you can mix and match different options on client and service side or even use more than one option on each side.

a) In Application Code, Programmatically

Here is how to configure exception marshalling behavior programmatically on the service side.

ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(Service));
ServiceEndpoint endpoint = host.AddServiceEndpoint(…);
endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ExceptionMarshallingBehavior());
// or host.Description.Behaviors.Add(new ExceptionMarshallingBehavior());
// or endpoint.Contract.Behaviors.Add(new ExceptionMarshallingBehavior());

Here is how to configure exception marshalling behavior programmatically on the client side.

ChannelFactory<IService> factory = new ChannelFactory<IService>(…);
factory.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ExceptionMarshallingBehavior());
// factory.Endpoint.Contract.Behaviors.Add(new ExceptionMarshallingBehavior());
IService channel = factory.CreateChannel();

If you are using by svcutil or Add Service Reference in Visual Studio to generate a proxy class for accessing the service, you can access the factory using its ChannelFactory property.

b) In Application Code, Declaratively

Here is how to configure exception marshalling behavior in the service code using attributes.

public class Service: IService
    // service implementation

If you are using a shared service contract definition on both service and client side, such as when you have the interface defined in a common assembly deployed on both sides, or if you are compiling the same source file that defines it in both service and client assemblies, you can also configure exception marshalling behavior on the service contract.

public interface IService
    // operation contracts

If both client and service use this interface definition, exception marshalling behavior will be enabled automatically on both sides.

c) In Application Configuration Files

Here is how to configure exception marshalling behavior in the application configuration file on the service side. Note that example below demonstrates both endpoint and service behavior configuration. Choose one particular approach appropriate for your needs. For example, if you choose endpoint behavior configuration, you need to remove <serviceBehaviors/> element and service->behaviorConfiguration attribute from this example.

<?xml version=1.0encoding=utf-8?>
        <behavior name=endpointBehavior>
        <behavior name=serviceBehavior>
        <add name=exceptionMarshallingtype=WcfExtensions.ExceptionMarshallingElement, WcfExtensions, 
                Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null/>
      <service name=Server.ServicebehaviorConfiguration=serviceBehavior>
        <endpoint address=net.tcp://localhost:9001/Servicebinding=netTcpBindingcontract=Common.IServicebehaviorConfiguration=endpointBehavior/>

Here is how to configure exception marshalling behavior in the application configuration file on the client side.

<?xml version=1.0encoding=utf-8?>
        <behavior name=endpointBehavior>
      <endpoint name=MyEndpointaddress=net.tcp://localhost:9001/Servicebinding=netTcpBindingcontract=Common.IServicebehaviorConfiguration=endpointBehavior/>
        <add name=exceptionMarshallingtype=WcfExtensions.ExceptionMarshallingElement, WcfExtensions, 
                Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null/>

Note that on the client side, only endpoint behavior can be specified in the configuration file. Contract behaviors cannot be specified in configuration files on either side. Also note that we <behaviorExtensions/> elements contain fully-qualified type name of the ExceptionMarshallingElement  class, which includes its namespace and assembly name. You will need to update this information if you compile these classes in one of your own assemblies.

3. Use Exceptions to Pass Error Information from Server to Client

On the service side, use code like this.

public class Service : IService
    public void Operation()
        // Execute code that can throw exceptions…

On the client side, use code like this if you need to handle a particular error condition.

public class Client
    public void DoStuff()
            // Execute code that can access services
        catch (DbException e)
            Console.WriteLine(“Handling data access exception {0}”, e.Message);

Consider using an unhandled exception handler, such as Application.ThreadException or AppDomain.UnhandledException check for and to log detailed information about FaultException. An unhandled FaultException may occur when an exception could not be deserialized on the client side because its type is only available on the service side. If you find that you have such an exception, consider handling it on the service side or making its type available on the client side if it needs to be handled there.

Sample Application

The attached solution includes two projects - Client and Server, which you can use to test exception marshalling. You can also open messages.svclog file produced by Server in its bin\Debug using Service Trace Viewer to see how exceptions are serialized in fault messages.


Source code of exception marshalling WCF extensions and code examples are available for download here. The code was compiled using Visual Studio 2008 and .NET framework 3.5, but should work without changes with Visual Studio 2005 and .NET framework 3.0.

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Reader Comments

Oleg - this is prety awesome and the first time I’ve gotten my head around implementing the bahviours. Thanks for working this solution all the way through - jlo

Awesome! Thank you.

Thanx, Very userful . with out reading any books and no guidence ,I implimeted fauts in wcf by your article

This code is great and it greatly simplified what were were attempting to do with our project after migrating our code to WCF from .NET Remoting.

I have found one somewhat big problem with the implementation provided in that the stack trace doesn’t appear to be preserved from the server. I understand that this may actually be desirable depending on the amount of information that one desires to disclose to the client however I have found a hack that seems to be working for us in the meantime.

In the AfterReceiveReply() method of the ExceptionMarshallingMessageInspector class the following code can be changed as shown below.
object faultDetail = ReadFaultDetail(copy);
Exception exception = faultDetail as Exception;
if (exception != null)
throw exception;

By adding a little reflection magic to the code shown above as shown below, you should then see the server stack trace.

object faultDetail = ReadFaultDetail(copy);
Exception exception = faultDetail as Exception;
if(exception != null)
// NB: Error checking etc. excluded
// Get the _remoteStackTraceString of the Exception class
FieldInfo remoteStackTraceString = typeof(Exception).GetField(
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic

// Set the InnerException._remoteStackTraceString to the current InnerException.StackTrace
exception.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine

throw exception;

I can’t take all the credit for this hack though since I found it at Chris Taylor’s blog.

NOTE: With this technique you the original stack trace however it is muddied up with some of the intermediate exception marshaling code which would be nice to bypass and it appears that the proxy automatically shoves some of the client side portions of the stack trace under the “Server stack trace” section.

I am trying to use this in conjunction of RESTful services using WCF, which makes use of WebHttpBindings and WebServiceHost. Using TCP will allow for soap serialization, but I cant quite figure out why I cant make this work over HTTP. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This only seems to work with the NetTcpBinding … not BasicHttpBinding.

I believe I’ve isolated the problem with BasicHttpBinding. The two bindings (NetTcpBinding vs BasicHttpBinding) seem to use different Fault objects when serializing faults. The NetTcpBinding uses a Fault that serializes out with a “Details” tag, while the BasicHttpBinding uses a Fault that serializes out with a “details” tag. This causes the ExceptionMarshallingMessageInspector to break when trying to locate the Details element. I modified the code as follows to fix this problem:


40: const string detailElementName = “detail”;

47: if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.LocalName.ToLower() == detailElementName)

54: if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element || reader.LocalName.ToLower() != detailElementName)

Firstly thanks for your wonderful explanation.

One wierd thing that I have noticed was, though exceptions cannot be serialized using DataContractSerializer hance the NetDataContractSerializer. However is the client throws FaulException instead of the exception i.e. instead of client throwing say ArgumentNullException if it throws FaultException, the error handler will be bypassed and the exception get serialized using the normal DataContractSerializer without any serialization exception. And at the client end you would IClientMessageInspector would throw serialization exception.

FYI, your zip file appears to be missing the file “Examples.cs”.

Hi, thanks for the insights! I couldn’t get the IErrorHandler to work still, but I did find a sneaky workaround. I’ve just written a post about the details (seems bl##dy .NET BCL bug):

- Wout

[…] other faultexception, so I don’t need investigating ExceptionMarshallingBehavior described here and […]

Oleg, very good stuff. Thanks for helping us navigate the intricacies of WCF configuration.

[…] I find very instrumental in dealing with exceptions in WCF. Oleg Sych wrote an excellent article, Simplifying WCF: Using Exceptions as Faults, back in 2008 that I believe is still very pertinent for us today. His solutions is very similar to […]

Still I’m kind of freaked out about the extent of coding required to get basic stuff like exception handling to work seamlessly in WCF.

Not sure if anyone has a better solution for Fault Exceptions (see Bunty Singh post above). What I did was change replace the FileNotFoundException catch to just a generic Exception catch when it tries to read from the serializer in ExceptionMarshallingMessageInspector.cs. The code looks like this now:

NetDataContractSerializer serializer = new NetDataContractSerializer();
return serializer.ReadObject(reader);
catch (SerializationException)
// Serializer was unable to find assembly where exception is defined
return null;

Seems a little hackish to ignore all SerializationExceptions. With this change, I can successfully catch FaultException.

I would give a million like for this.
And to all those who contributed to this library for different binding.

However i’m still facing problems with basic http binding. I threw NotImplementedException, etc, but i received System.Reflaction.TargetInnvoation exception.

Not sure how to resolve this.

Many thanks!