About CancerTutor.com

CancerTutor.comThe Cancer Tutor website is a product of the cancer researchers of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. (ICRF) headquartered near Salt Lake City, Utah.

The ICRF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2006 to research and report on the most effective natural cancer treatments available.

Foundation team members include Michael Vrentas, Dr. William Wassell, M.D. and Gary Teal, each expert sharing their knowledge and experience to help develop some of the most powerful natural cancer treatment protocols in the world.

The ICRF has empowered thousands of cancer patients all over the world to consider alternative treatments and take back control of their lives and their health.

Cancer Tutor is not just for those with cancer, many natural health practitioners and researchers, have recognized Cancer Tutor as being a seminal force in their journey, and because CancerTutor.com receives no advertising dollars and sells no products, it has remained a safe haven for the truth. A place where cancer researchers and patients can share their successes and their failures without fear.

From its first online article in 2003 to now reaching over 15,000 daily visitors, it has become a lifeline for countless patients, practitioners and researchers worldwide.

In order for the ICRF cancer researchers to continue to maintain the Cancer Tutor website, and support the cancer patients who send us emails, we need financial support from those who use the Cancer Tutor website and who can afford to help without jeopardizing their natural medicine cancer treatment.

Here is how to support the ICRF researchers:

About The Founder

Our founder, Webster Kehr, retired in 2015 leaving behind a true legacy. For more than 13 years Webster has led an unprecedented pursuit to discover and publish about natural cancer treatments, and since the founding of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation and cancertutor.com, Webster has been a catalytic voice for alternative cancer treatments.

Learn more about Webster