Thomas Jefferson

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Constitution Society

The Constitution Society is a private non-profit organization founded in 1994 and dedicated to research and public education on the principles of constitutional republican government. It publishes documentation, engages in litigation, and organizes local citizens groups to work for reform. Click on the links provided to find more.

This site aims to eventually provide almost everything one needs to accurately decide what is and is not constitutional in most situations, and what applicable constitutions require one to do. It is for constitutional exegesis and decision support.

This organization was founded in response to the growing concern that noncompliance with the Constitution for the United States of America and most state constitutions is creating a crisis of legitimacy that threatens freedom and civil rights. Although the focus here is on government in the United States, coverage also includes the rest of the world, and private as well as public organizations.

We maintain that the principles of constitutional republicanism and constitutional design are universal, and applicable to all nations, although not well understood or upheld by most.

We also examine the related principles of federalism and nomocracy, the rule of law, of nomology, the science of law, and show how those principles are applicable to solving the fundamental problem of avoiding excessive or unbalanced concentrations of power.

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If you benefited from your visit, donate your fair share to keeping this site going. Just because it's free to you doesn't mean it doesn't cost someone to make it available to you. No amount is too small. Can you spare ten dollars a month as a recurring donation? That's only the cost of a meal or a movie. Click on the Donate Now button below and set it up. There's plenty of money for violating the Constitution, precious little for defending it.

When people are donating to the Constitution Society and similar organizations in large numbers and amounts, then perhaps we can start blaming someone else. As long as they hold on to their money they have only themselves to blame.

What you can do to help

We apologize for cluttering our site with ads. We resisted doing so for a long time, but donations were just not enough to support our efforts, and the revenue from visitors clicking on the ads is needed to enable site maintenance and expansion.

Home page created: 1995/09/12 — 

This home page exceeded 100,000,000 page views about April 12, 2009, and 142,000,000 on Jan. 1, 2011. Page views for 2010 increased by 40% over 2009, which had increased by 31% over page views for 2008, and the trend continues. Visits to the site as a whole have averaged 467,000 per month during 2015.

For more details on site visits see Site Statistics for preceding month and Longterm Site Statistics

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