Fixed an Answers in Genesis comic for them


I recently received a scan of one of Answers in Genesis’ newsletters that contained the cartoon above, and I couldn’t resist the urge to fix it for them.

I think my version is much better.

The original comic comes to us via Dan Lietha, AiG’s resident cartoonist, which of course is something that any respectable organization advancing a thoughtful critique of the scientific paradigm would have.

His drawings are exactly like regular cartoons, except that instead of being funny, they aren’t, and are really just intended to reassure closed-minded people about how right they are. They’re like the young-earth creationist equivalent of Fox News, in comic form.

To be honest, though, cartoons like this strike me as maybe the most baffling thing AiG does. (Or maybe not.) But seriously, look at the original, and see if you can tell me how the ultimate takeaway here is anything other than AiG straight-up admitting that they are bad at their jobs.

… Right? I mean, look at the angry mob that is inexplicably cloaked in deep shadow (probably because the darkness is emanating from within). Atheists, liberals, the non-religious … well, maybe not “social media trolls” so much, but all the rest — just throw in Billy Graham and a pope or two, and that pretty much encompasses anyone and everyone who is not already 100 percent in agreement with AiG’s peculiar view of science and scripture.

So … if the only ones supporting AiG are the folks who already agree with them, who exactly are the createvangelists reaching with their life-changing message of incest and genocide?

And, I know that they would just say that they haven’t been able to get through to us because our hearts are hardened or we just love our darn sin too much or whatever, but if that’s the case, then — garsh — the “Great Evangelistic Outreach” that is the Ark Encounter seems kind of like a ludicrous waste of time and money, doesn’t it?

Tyler Francke is founder of God of Evolution and author of Reoriented. He can be reached at

  • Yewnique

    “It’s sad when people warn NOT of God’s righteous judgment, but of REMINDERS of God’s judgment and salvation.”

    What does that even mean? I’m having trouble understanding the quote. If people are reminding others of God’s judgment and salvation, isn’t that a good thing?

    Shouldn’t it be “It’s sad when people warn NOT of God’s righteous judgment, but are REMINDERS of God’s judgment and salvation”?

    I have a suspicion the YEC folks don’t really think it is all that “sad”.

    • Tyler Francke

      They’re claiming that the Ark Encounter is a “reminder of God’s judgment and salvation,” and that’s what we’re “warning” people about. Make sense now?

      You’re not the only one who’s been confused, by the way.

      • Yewnique

        I’m glad I’m not the only who is confused!

        So, because the Ark Encounter is “only” a REMINDER of God’s judgment and salvation, it seems a bit “sad” (and silly?) to warn people about it? That we really should be warning others about God’s righteous judgment instead? Our anger is misplaced?

        Sorry, I’m a bit thick.

        • Tyler Francke

          Don’t feel bad. Dan Lietha is not exactly H.L. Mencken. The man has spent his life writing comics for audiences who could not care less what he actually says as long as it contains some vague positive mention of the YEC worldview or mocks evolution.

          That said, I think his point is that, instead of in biblical times, when prophets like Jonah would warn people of God’s righteous judgment, now we have people who are warning of warnings of God’s righteous judgment, which is the Ark Encounter, of course.

          I think part of the confusion stems from the non-parallel construction. If Lietha had worded it the way I did above, it probably would have been more clear, but he wanted to pigeonhole in the word “salvation” because of their party line that the Ark is going to be an amazing evangelical outreach.

  • Phil Ledgerwood

    I agree with the initial comic. What kind of world do we live in when social media trolls stopped reminding people of God’s judgment?

    • Tyler Francke
