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Applying lotion on dried skin, or keeping your skin smooth, soft, and moisturized is a great thing! Here is where I will show you the proper way to apply lotion, and certain techniques that help keep your skin at its best! ;)



  1. 1
    Pick a really good lotion that you really like.
  2. 2
    Squirt, or pump a blueberry sized amount on your hand.
  3. 3
    Put your hands together as if you were going to clap. Don't actually clap though.
  4. 4
    Make a sliding motion going up and down with your hands together one time.
  5. 5
    Rub the lotion as if you were washing your hands.
  6. 6
    Make sure to get the back of your hands,
  7. 7
    in between your fingers,
  8. 8
    on your fingers,
  9. 9
    and just above your wrist.
  10. 10
    Rub it in until you can't see it anymore.
  11. 11
    Next, get 2 hot towels, and wrap each of your hands in them until the warmth is gone. (Ask a friend, or family member for help with wrapping your hands.)
  12. 12
    Unwrap your hands.
  13. 13
    Finished. Do this once everyday, or once every other day, depending on which lotion you are currently using. :)

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    • Your lotion can be scented or non-scented. This will not affect the outcome.
    • Make sure you picked a lotion you really like.

    EditThings You'll Need

    • A good lotion that moisturizes well.
    • 2 hot towels (soaked in hot water)
    • A friend or family member. (optional)

    Article Info

    Categories: Skin Care

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