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Find friends by uploading your contacts

When you upload your contacts to your account, we can help you find people you may know on Twitter. Then you’ll be able to find and follow contacts who have allowed other people to find them by their email address or phone number. Click here to learn other ways to find people to follow on Twitter. You can learn more about how we use your uploaded contacts in this article.

To upload contacts and see which of them are on Twitter:

  1. Sign in to your account on
  2. Look for the Who to follow box located on your Home timeline (Note: you will also see suggestions for Who to follow on the Notifications and profile pages.)
  3. Click Find people you know. You may be asked to allow Twitter permission to access to your contacts.
  4. Select Search Contacts.
  5. Enter your email login credentials when prompted. (Please make sure your browser enables pop ups!)
  6. When asked if you agree to share your information with Twitter, click Agree or Allow access.
  7. People who are already on Twitter will be shown. Follow individuals by clicking Follow, or follow all contacts by clicking Follow all.

To view or remove contacts from Twitter after uploading:

You can view or remove previously imported contacts from Twitter at any time. (Note: Your Who to follow recommendations may not be as relevant after removing this information.)

  1. Sign in to your account on
  2. Go to your Security and privacy settings.
  3. Under Privacy, look for Address book.
  4. Click Manage your contacts. All of your uploaded contacts will be displayed, in addition to where they were imported from and if they are on Twitter.
  5. If you’d like to remove your contacts, click Remove all contacts. You will be prompted to confirm that you’d like to remove your contacts. After you confirm by clicking Remove, your contacts will be removed from Twitter.

Note: You can control whether we will suggest your account to someone else who has your email address or phone number in their contacts by adjusting your privacy settings. For instructions, read this article.

Having trouble?

Read our troubleshooting tips in our I'm having trouble with following article.