How do you contract ebola?
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How do you contract ebola?


Quick Answer

A person may contract Ebola following contact with an infected individual's blood, urine, sweat, semen, breast milk, saliva, feces and other body fluids, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Transmission of Ebola also occurs through contact with infected animals or objects contaminated with the virus.

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Full Answer

Humans, bats, monkeys and apes are the only mammals that are able to transmit and become infected with the Ebola virus, states the CDC. It is unclear if the virus is transmitted through sex. Ebola does not spread through air, food or water, and it is not transmitted by mosquitoes or other insects. Ebola is capable of spreading quickly among family, friends and health care workers who are in close contact with infected individuals. Medical personnel who are caring for Ebola patients must wear appropriate personal protective equipment and properly sterilize or dispose of all equipment and instruments used in the patient's care.

Treatment of Ebola generally includes administering intravenous fluids, balancing electrolyte levels, monitoring blood pressure and oxygen levels, and treating other infections if needed, notes the CDC. After patients recover, they are not able to spread the Ebola virus. Because the virus is sometimes found in the semen after recovery, male patients are advised to abstain from sex for three months.

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