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  • 2,484,934 unique users per month ¹
  • The third most visited automotive classified site in the UK ²
  • 61% male ³
  • Average age 44 ³
  • 21,558,062 Page Impressions ¹
  • 70% ABC1 ³
  • 39% female ³
  • Average household income £30k ³


Average household income £36k ³
¹ (Google Analytics, March 2015)


¹ (Google Analytics, March 2015)

² (Hitwise, March 2015)

³ (ComScore, March 2015)

Did you know?

  • Parkers users that are looking to a buy new car are planning on spending an average of 50% more on their next car than the general public that are looking to buy a new car (Bauer Research, February 2014 and TGI 2015 Q1) 
  • 56% are considering buying a new or a nearly new car (Bauer Research, February 2014)
  • 83% of users on the Parkers website are considering changing their current car manufacturer (Bauer Research, February 2014).
  • 50% of our users are new to the site each month. This demonstrates Parkers is clearly not an enthusiasts site as users visit solely with the purpose of researching specific information about their next vehicle purchase. (Google Analytics, March 2015)


Parkers online delivers an audience of consumers who are immersed in the process of buying and/or selling their car. Parkers is the UK's number 1 online destination for prospective car buyers seeking independent pricing & review information.


Intuitive campaign targeting allows all advertisers to track relevant users through the site. Every advertising campaign can be targeted by section and specific make, model and derivative.

Advertising rates

Integrated advertising solutions are available for all business budgets. For further information contact a sales representative as below.

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Advertising Opportunities:
01733 468806
01733 366324