Three pronged SLA push thwarted in Pa'ndivirichchaan - LTTE

[TamilNet, Monday, 11 February 2008, 20:47 GMT]
Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) Operations Command in Mannaar Monday said the Tigers thwarted a three-pronged ground push by the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) along Pa'ndivirichchaan - Madu Road. The movement by the SLA, launched at 1:30 a.m. was defeated at one of the fronts within an hour. Heavy fighting was reported at the remaining two fronts on either sides of the road till the SLA was pushed back at 3:45 p.m., the Tigers said.

Claiming that the SLA sustained heavy casualties in direct clashes, the Tigers said they mounted attacks on SLA units during their retreat, causing further casualties.

Meanwhile, at Kaddaiyadampan, a Deep Penetration Unit of the Sri Lanka Army was confronted by a specialized reconnaissance detection team of the Tigers who seized four Claymore mines with remote control devices and batteries after the encounter, according to the LTTE operations command in Mannaar.


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