Gap Year abroad
Application info

Christian gap year program - Application Info

The Shelter Jordan and the Shelter City are two Christian youth hostels in the heart of Amsterdam. Both of them are run by volunteers. The volunteers come from all over the world to serve, share the love of Jesus and learn more about God and themselves. Some of them serve for several months, others took the opportunity to make a Christian gap year program at the Shelter. Read more about how to get involved!

General requirements for the Christian gap year program

In order to join our team, we are looking for people who:

Gap Year Program

Visa needed for the Christian gap year program

That depends on the country you come from (or where you have a passport from). Discover by answering the questions if you need a visa or working holiday permit.

Do you have a passport from one of the EU-countries or Switzerland? (with the exception of Croatia)

Yes, my passport is from the EU or Switzerland



Starting dates of the Christian gap year program

To enjoy the benefits from the full training program, you can do the full Christian gap year program in the course of one year. Here you can find further informations about the starting dates of our Christian gap year program.

For an internship, please contact our Personnel Department, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your specific school requirements.

If you want to join for only 3 months, see our Short Term Mission Opportunities.

Christian Gap Year Program

Costs for the Christian gap year program

During your Christian gap year program in the Shelter, we will provide you with:

  • Accommodation (free of charge)
  • Ministry Training Program (free of charge)

You will have to provide and pay for:

  • Travel to Amsterdam and back
  • 60€ for each month of your term
  • Medical insurance
  • Extra spending money

It would be great if you would do this mission together with your home church. We encourage you, because it is powerful and they can support you not only financially, but also in prayer. This is not a requirement for your application and not all of our staff members are commissioned by their church. But part of your application is reference forms and one of them has to be completed by your youth group leader or someone who has leadership in your church.

Medical Insurance for your Christian gap year program

For this Christian gap year program, it is required that you have medical insurance. This needs to cover medical (emergency) costs of hospitals, doctors, dentist, etc. in the Netherlands. You will need to provide this for yourself.

Application Procedure for the Christian gap year program

Once you are sure that you would like to apply for our Christian gap year program and after you have checked the start dates, if it is possible to work with us, you can start the application procedure.

Discover by answering the questions which application procedure fits to your country and situation.

Do you have a passport from one of the EU-countries or Switzerland? (with the exception of Croatia)

Yes, my passport is from the EU or Switzerland




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