

Intro To Programming

Intended Audience:

Anybody who wants to understand and remember how to program with JavaScript using the best techniques and the most recent standards.

Further Training:

HTML5 / JavaScript if you are considering to go into Programming.

Course Material

We give you an original copy of the book:Head First JavaScript Programming  as we use this mainly, but we also give additional examples where it falls short.

Course Info


Day 1

Getting your feet wetThe way JavaScript worksHow you’re going to write JavaScriptHow to get JavaScript into your pageHow to make a statementVariables and valuesBack away from that keyboard!Express yourselfDoing things more than once

How the while loop works

Making decisions with JavaScript

And, when you need to make LOTS of decisions

Reach out and communicate with your user

A closer look at console.log
Opening the console

Coding a Serious JavaScript Application

How do I add code to my page? (let me count the ways)

We’re going to have to separate you two

Going further


Let’s build a Battleship gameOur first attempt…First, a high-level designA few more details…

Working through the Pseudocode

Oh, before we go any further, don’t forget the HTML!

Writing the Simple Battleship code

Now let’s write the game logic

Step One: setting up the loop, getting some input

How prompt works

Checking the user’s guess

So, do we have a hit?

Adding the hit detection code

Hey, you sank my battleship!

Provide some post-game analysis

And that completes the logic!

Doing a little Quality Assurance

Can we talk about your verbosity…

Finishing the Simple Battleship game

How to assign random locations

The world-famous recipe for generating a random number

Back to do a little more QA

Congrats on your first true JavaScript program, and a short word about reusing code

Getting functional

What’s wrong with the code anyway?By the way, did we happen to mention FUNCTIONS?Okay, but how does it actually work?What can you pass to a function?

JavaScript is pass-by-value.

Weird Functions

Functions can return things too

Tracing through a function with a return statement

Global and local variables

Knowing the scope of your local and global variables

The short lives of variables

Don’t forget to declare your locals!


Day 2
ArraysCan you help Bubbles-R-Us?How to represent multiple values in JavaScriptHow arrays work

How to access an array item

Updating a value in the array

How big is that array anyway?

The Phrase-O-Matic

Meanwhile, back at Bubbles-R-Us…

How to iterate over an array

But wait, there’s a better way to iterate over an array

It’s that time again…. Can we talk about your verbosity?

Redoing the for loop with the post-increment operator

Quick test drive

Creating an array from scratch (and adding to it)

And the winners are…

A quick survey of the code…

Writing the printAndGetHighScore function

Refactoring the code using printAndGetHighScore

Putting it all together…

A trip to Objectville

Did someone say “Objects”?!Thinking about properties…How to create an objectWhat is Object-Oriented Anyway?

How properties work

How does a variable hold an object? Inquiring minds want to know…

Comparing primitives and objects

Doing even more with objects…

Stepping through pre-qualification

Let’s talk a little more about passing objects to functions

Oh Behave! Or, how to add behavior to your objects

Improving the drive method

Why doesn’t the drive method know about the started property?

How this works

How behavior affects state… Adding some Gas-o-line

Now let’s affect the behavior with the state

Congrats on your first objects!

Guess what? There are objects all around you! (and they’ll make your life easier)

Getting to know the DOM

In our last chapter, we left you with a little challenge. The “crack the code challenge.”So what does the code do?How JavaScript really interacts with your pageHow to bake your very own DOM

A first taste of the DOM

Getting an element with getElementById

What, exactly, am I getting from the DOM?

Finding your inner HTML

What happens when you change the DOM

A test drive around the planets

Don’t even think about running my code until the page is fully loaded!

You say “event handler,” I say “callback”

How to set an attribute with setAttribute

More fun with attributes! (you can GET attributes too)

So what else is a DOM good for anyway?


Day 3
Serious types

The truth is out there…Watch out, you might bump into undefined when you aren’t expecting it…How to use nullDealing with NaN

It gets even weirder

We have a confession to make

Understanding the equality operator (otherwise known as ==)

How equality converts its operands (sounds more dangerous than it actually is)

How to get strict with equality

Even more type conversions…

How to determine if two objects are equal

The truthy is out there…

What JavaScript considers falsey

The Secret Life of Strings

How a string can look like a primitive and an object

A five-minute tour of string methods (and properties)

Chair Wars (or How Really Knowing Types Can Change Your Life)

Building an app
This time, let’s build a REAL Battleship gameStepping back… to HTML and CSSCreating the HTML page: the Big PictureAdding some more style

Using the hit and miss classes

How to design the game

Implementing the View

How displayMessage works

How displayHit and displayMiss work

The Model

How we’re going to represent the ships

Implementing the model object

Setting up the fire method

Implementing the Controller

Processing the player’s guess

Planning the code…

Implementing parseGuess

Counting guesses and firing the shot

How to add an event handler to the Fire! button

Passing the input to the controller

How to place ships

Writing the generateShip method

Generate the starting location for the new ship

Completing the generateShip method


Day 4
Handling events What are events?What’s an event handler?

How to create your first event handler

Test drive your event

Getting your head around events… by creating a game

Implementing the game

Test drive

Let’s add some more images

Now we need to assign the same event handler to each image’s onclick property

How to reuse the same handler for all the images

How the event object works

Putting the event object to work

Test drive the event object and target

Events and queues

Even more events

How setTimeout works

Finishing the image game

Test driving the timer

Liberated functionsThe mysterious double life of the function keywordFunction declarations versus function expressionsParsing the function declaration

What’s next? The browser executes the code

Moving on… The conditional

How functions are values too

Did we mention functions have First Class status in JavaScript?

Flying First Class

Writing code to process and check passengers

Iterating through the passengers

Passing a function to a function

Returning functions from functions

Writing the flight attendant drink order code

The flight attendant drink order code: a different approach

Taking orders with first class functions

Webville Cola

How the array sort method works

Putting it all together

Take sorting for a test drive

Serious functions
Taking a look at the other side of functions…How to use an anonymous function We need to talk about your verbosity, again When is a function defined? It depends…

What just happened? Why wasn’t fly defined?

How to nest functions

How nesting affects scope

A little review of lexical scope

Where things get interesting with lexical scope

Functions Revisited

Calling a function (revisited)

What the heck is a closure?

Closing a function

Using closures to implement a magic counter

Looking behind the curtain…

Creating a closure by passing a function expression as an argument

The closure contains the actual environment, not a copy

Creating a closure with an event handler

How the Click me! closure works


Day 5
Creating objects

Creating objects with object literalsUsing conventions for objectsIntroducing Object ConstructorsHow to create a Constructor

How to use a Constructor

How constructors work

You can put methods into constructors as well

It’s Production Time!

Let’s test drive some new cars

Don’t count out object literals just yet

Rewiring the arguments as an object literal

Reworking the Car constructor

Understanding Object Instances

Even constructed objects can have their own independent properties

Real World Constructors

The Array object

Even more fun with built-in objects

Extra strength objects
Hey, before we get started, we’ve got a better way to diagram our objects Revisiting object constructors: we’re reusing code, but are we being efficient?Is duplicating methods really a problem?What are prototypes?

Inheriting from a prototype

How inheritance works

Overriding the prototype

How to set up the prototype

Prototypes are dynamic

A more interesting implementation of the sit method

One more time: how the sitting property works

How to approach the design of the show dogs

Setting up a chain of prototypes

How inheritance works in a prototype chain

Creating the show dog prototype

Creating a show dog instance

final cleanup of show dogs

Stepping through

The chain doesn’t end at dog

Using inheritance to your advantage… by overriding built-in behavior

Using inheritance to your advantage… by extending a built-in object

Grand Unified Theory of

Better living through objects

Putting it all together



  • Duration and pricing
    • Full-time over 5 days (R9995)
    • Part-time over 4 weeks (2 nights per week, 3 hour sessions) (R11995)
    • Part-time over 8 Saturdays, 3 hour sessions (R11995)
    • Please note : For part-time courses we do not have a fixed schedule and you will be placed on a waiting list until we get a group of 4+ together. Please book with no dates on the bookings form. This will automatically put you on the waiting list. We will confirm with you as soon as we have a part-time group together.
    • Distance-learning over up to 3 months (R9995)
    • International exams are not included in the course price.
    • Prices exclude Vat for Vat-registered companies


    1. Upon completion of this course we will issue you with attendance certificate to certify your attendance and / or completion of the prescribed minimum examples.
    2. You may sit for our competency assessment test and on passing you will obtain our competency certificate.
    3. Our competency assessment can be booked and taken by someone who has not attended the course at a cost of R950.


    You can download the course registration form on our home page or by clicking here


    You may download a pdf copy of this page by clicking on the pdf icon at the top of the page.


    Please email us


    On the calendar below. If your browser doesn’t display the calendar below, please click on this link or try using Google Chrome, alternatively please enquire via our Contact Us page.