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  1. Caught between two allies, US makes a clear choice

  2. Can wolves and ranchers coexist in Washington state?

  3. Why a Brexit leader is campaigning in the US for Donald Trump

  4. Olympic spirit controversies still under spotlight as US Soccer benches Solo

  5. Getting a new credit card? Six questions to ask your issuer.

  6. Clinton proposes tax simplification for small business

  7. Forget the Olympics. At NASA, they're breaking cosmic records

  8. Forget the Olympics. Astronaut breaks US record for days in space

  9. Existing home sales fall, but new home sales reach nine-year high

  10. Uber offers retirement plans. Will it appease drivers fighting for basic benefits?

  11. Historic Colombia-FARC peace deal: questions and answers

  12. Your personal finance guide to America's national parks

  13. : Muslims and Europe, swimming chic by chic

  14. The global human footprint isn’t increasing as fast as previously thought

  15. A final blow to myth of how people arrived in the Americas

  16. 10 best books of August: the Monitor's picks

  17. Prince's Paisley Park open for tours this fall: a look at the singer's legacy

  18. Amid quake's devastation, Italians tap experience to swing into action

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