Tree Felling

Tree Felling Regulations Tree felling is governed by The Forestry Commission (TFC). The only exceptions are if your woodland is covered by a Tree Preservation Order or if it lies within a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Otherwise, TFC allows most types of routine cutting that you’d likely want to carry out. For example, they only count trees as those that have a diameter greater than 8cm at breast height. Therefore, beyond that, you can without needing any permission whatsoever to cut five cubic metres in any one calendar quarter for private use only. This can be simplified basing it on volume and calculating it from diameter and height, without the need to take in to account branches. TFC have published a summary of timber volumes based on diameter and height. Therefore, as an example, you’d be able to cut down 70 trees that are approximately 15cm in diameter and are 4m tall, every three months. This allows a very reasonable allocation for clearing paths and general woodland management. If you don’t feel comfortable carrying out this type of tree felling, contact who will…

Various Types of Woodland

There are various types of woodland, but in general we can classify this to three. Mixed Deciduous Firstly, there is mixed deciduous which be anything like, sycamore, birch, oak, ash, willow, chestnut or beech, or even a mix of any of them. Woodland can be mature, meaning that the trees have high crowns which give a lot of shade. This results in the ground being clear or almost clear. Typically, you’ll have clear views and can quite easily walk around freely. Although, other areas of your woodland might be less mature, possibly felled and replanted. Certain areas may need replanting which can be an excellent opportunity to spend time in your woodland planting new trees. Areas within your woodland may contain mature timer, when carefully marketed can reach a very good price. And with the increase in demand for firewood fuel, this has resulted in an even high price for good timber, ideal if you happen to be a woodland owner? Mixed deciduous Coniferous Woodlands Coniferous Woodlands are a fairly common types of woodland now. Typically plantations are whereby the entire woodland will be…

Being a woodland owner

Woodland owners Buying woodland can be a very exciting prospect and somewhat more attainable than one may think. As a woodland owner it will bring freedom to do many activities, you’ll not require permission and you could even camp whenever you want! Why not invite some friends over to camp out and bring a barbecue. If you want to clear some undergrowth, then you can do, and you can clear and use as big an area as your heart desires woodland is. Want to clear paths, no problem; you are free to cut back branches and even full trees (check the tree felling regulations first though). Another great thing about owning woodland is that when you plant tree seeds, over the years you will see them grow and grow. You will be able to shape how the woodland will look in years to come, leaving your mark so to speak. Woodland Regulations There are some things to consider, for example certain regulations that we have to follow. We must follow the tree felling regulations set out by the Forestry Commission. Check your wood for tree…