Authors: C. Stace, R. van der Meijden (ed.) & I. de Kort (ed.)
Scientific name:

Lonicera periclymenum

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Lonicera japonica - Honeysuckle, Japanese
Lonicera caprifolium - Honeysuckle, Perfoliate


Scientific name: Lonicera periclymenum L.

Diagnostic features
Deciduous climber to 6(10)m.
Leaves 3-7cm, ovate, elliptic or oblong.
Bracteoles 1-2mm, partly obscuring ovary, densely glandular.
Flowers in terminal whorls, zygomorphic, 40-50mm, pale yellow to yellow, often tinged purplish, glandular pubescent to densely so.
Berry red.

Chromosome number: 2n=18, 54 (18, 36, 54).

Native; woods, scrub and hedges (often not flowering in shade).

Common throughout British Isles.

This species is keyed out on Page 3646 in the Text Key.

Cultivars are often more robust and with more deeply purple-tinged flowers, and are often naturalized.

Lonicera periclymenum (Honeysuckle)
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