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Home Structure Fires
Cooking equipment is the leading cause of home structure fires and home fire injuries, while smoking materials remain the leading causes of home fire deaths.

A Few Facts at the Household Level
Have you ever wondered what your personal risk of fire is over your lifetime? Or how the fire risk from smoking when you're not the smoker compares with the other risks to non-smokers from smoking? These and many other examples of fire statistics at the individual or household level are presented as a collection of conversation-starters in this short report.

Dormitories, Fraternities, Sororities and Barracks
Overview of the fire problem in dormitories, fraternities, sororities and barracks, including trend tables, causes, time of day, day of week, month of year and area of origin. 

Fires in Residential Properties Under Construction or Undergoing Major Renovation
This report analyzes fires in those residential properties that were under construction and those that were undergoing major renovation. The report also divides residential properties into two property use classifications – residential properties that are one- and two-family homes, and residential properties other than one- or two-family homes, and these are also analyzed separately.

Manufactured Home Fires 
Manufactured home (i.e., mobile home) fire experience, patterns, and trends are analyzed in this report, which also examines the impact of the 1976 federal standards and fire risks relative to other types of dwellings. Unpublished annual report.

Structure Fires in Residential Board and Care Facilities
This analysis of structure fires in residential board and care facilities includes information on when these fires occur, leading causes, equipment involved, heat source, area of origin, item first ignited, and extent of flame damage.

U.S. Hotel And Motel Structure Fires
Overview of the fire problem in hotels and motels, including trend tables, causes, equipment involved, heat source, area of origin, item first ignited, extent of flame, time of day, day of week, month of year and selected published incidents.