"Stop, Drop, and Roll" - The Technical Substantiation Behind Public Fire Safety Messaging

Fire Protection Research Foundation report: ""Stop, Drop, and Roll" - The Technical Substantiation Behind Public Fire Safety Messaging"
Author: Tiffney A. Cates and James A. Milke, Ph.D., P.E.
Date of issue: April 2006 


In 2005 , the National Fire Protection Association s Public Education Division commissioned the Fire Protection Research Foundation to carry out a study on the technical basis for the Stop Drop and Roll message.

The "stop, drop, and roll" (SDR) technique was designed to demonstrate how individuals should respond at the onset of clothing ignition. However, in recent years, suggestions regarding the slogan s revision have arisen. The goal of this study was to determine whether the original concept should be reassessed.

The Research Foundation expresses gratitude to:

The report authors Tiffany A. Cates , and James A. Milke , Ph. , P. E.; the Project Technical Panel (listed on following page), and the National Fire Protection Association Public Education Division.

The content, opinions and conclusions contained in this report are solely those of the authors.