More information

"U.S. Fire Experience By Region" report (PDF, 303 KB)
Errata incorporated September 10, 2013. Download the errata. (PDF, 30 KB)

Fact sheet
"U.S. Fire Experience By Region 2007-2011 Annual Averages" fact sheet (PDF, 126 KB)

Archive errata
2010 report - Download the errata. (PDF, 50 KB)

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Report: NFPA's "U.S. Fire Experience By Region"
Author: Michael J. Karter
Issued: January 2013 

Patterns and trends in the fire problem by each of the four major regions of the U.S.—northeast, midwest, south, and west—including differences in relative risk and in leading ignition causes. Updated unpublished report.


Number of fires per thousand populations for the 2007-2011 period indicate that the South and Midwest with 5.4 fires per thousand people had the highest overall rates for the five year period. The Midwest with 13.0 and South with 12.8 had the highest annual average fire death rates per million people for the period. The Midwest had an average civilian injury rate of 71.8 for the five year period or 27% higher than the national rate. The South had the highest civilian death rates for most community sizes under 100,000. The Northeast with 56% had the highest occurrence of cooking equipment fires than other regions.