Audit Committee 
Chair: Kwame Cooper
Committee members:Amy Acton, Eric Rosenbaum, Peter Willse, Michael Wallace, Tonya Hoover, Julie Rochman, Mary K. Briand (staff liaison)
Scope: Recommend annually to the Board of Directors the appointment of the external auditor for the Association; consult with the external auditor on the planned scope of the audit; review the external audit report (including the management letter and management responses) in consultation with the external auditor, President, and Chief Financial Officer and report to the Board; review the internal audit reports in consultation with the external auditor; provide direct channels of communication to the Board for the external auditor, responsible internal audit staff, and other designated officers; initiate special audits when appropriate; report at least annually to the Board; review the external audit report of the NFPA-related foundations with the external auditor and report to their respective Boards and the NFPA Board.  

Compensation Committee
Chair: Tom Lawson
Committee members: Randy Tucker, R. David Paulison, Russ Leavitt, Jim Pauley, Ernest Grant, Julie Lynch (staff liaison)
Scope: Review annually and recommend to the Board of Directors the compensation for the President of the Association; review annually, in conjunction with the President, and recommend to the Board of Directors the establishment of the salary ranges and incentive compensation for the Senior Vice President and Officers of the Association; review annually the salary administration for the Association; report at least annually to the Board. Take such other action as may be assigned to it by the Board or as set forth in the Compensation Committee Procedures for setting compensation.

Executive Committee
: Ernest Grant
Committee members: Randy Tucker, Keith Williams, Amy Acton, Phil Stittleburg, Jim Pauley, Ned Pettus, Jr., Tom Lawson, Dennis J. Berry (staff liaison)
Scope: Authority pursuant to 5.10 of the Bylaws to act on behalf of the Board of Directors between meetings of the Board. The Executive Committee is required to distribute its minutes in a timely fashion and make a report of its interim activities at the next meeting of the Board. At the Board meeting following each Annual Meeting, the Executive Committee submits a report to the Board on the recommended size and composition of the Board for review, modification, and transmittal to the Nominating Committee.  

Finance Committee
: Tom Lawson
Committee members: Randy Tucker, Keith Williams, Phil Stittleburg, Russ Leavitt, Julie Rochman, Jim Pauley, Ernest Grant, Bruce H. Mullen (staff liaison)
Scope: General supervision of the financial affairs of the Association subject to the approval of the Board of Directors (see Bylaws 5.11). Review annual operating, capital, and cash flow budgets of all NFPA activities and recommend them to the Board for approval. Annually recommend dollar limits to the Board for capital expenditures and debt financing. Receive and review information regarding the budgets of NFPA-related foundations. Develop, review, and evaluate investment policy for NFPA funds and reserves, subject to review with the Board. 

Scholarship Fund
: Kenneth E. Isman, P.E.
Committee members: Michael Snyder, Jim Jablonsky, Casey Grant, Willa Gratz, Ron Farr, Ernest Grant, Jim Pauley, Maureen Berstrand (staff liaison)
Scope: Administration of the NFPA Fire Safety Educational Memorial Fund, including investment of funds and establishment of criteria for award and designation of recipients. The scholarships include Arthur E. Cote, David B. Gratz (International), John L. Jablonsky, George D. Miller, and the Warren E. Isman Educational Grant. The committee reports annually to the Board.  

Governance/Nominations Committee
Donny Cook
Committee members: John Bonney, Bill Stewart, Harold Schaitberger, Ned Pettus, Jr., Phil Stittleburg, Ernest Grant, Jim Pauley, Dennis J. Berry (staff liaison)
Scope: Recommend a Code of Ethics for Directors for approval by the Board; review questions concerning the ethical conduct of Board members and report to the Board; review proposed amendments to Bylaws and Regulations of the Association and all Constitutions, Bylaws, and procedures of sections and recommend action to the Board of Directors; recommend Standing Rules, which should be affirmed, modified, or rescinded prior to automatic five-year rescission; review operating procedures prepared by Board Committees for approval by the full Board; report at least annually to the Board. 

Paul C. Lamb Award Committee
Ernest Grant
Committee members: Phil Stittleburg, Jim Pauley, Michael Snyder, Jack Wells, Dennis J. Berry (staff liaison)
Scope: Select recipients of the Paul C. Lamb Award; report annually to the Board. 

Pension Committee
: Keith E. Williams
Committee members: Jim Pauley, Bruce Mullen, Bill Stewart, Eric Rosenbaum, Ernest Grant, Jeff Sargent, Julie Lynch (staff liaison)
Scope: Review the employee pension plan and make recommendations to the Board regarding contributions to and other policies for maintenance of an appropriate pension plan for NFPA employees within the requirements of the Employee Retirement and Security Act and other applicable law; to appoint the committee responsible for the administration of the NFPA Employees’ Retirement Plan as more fully set forth in Article 7 of the National Fire Protection Association Employees’ Retirement Plan as amended and restated January 1, 1998, or as may be further amended from time to time; to report at least annually to the Board of Directors. 

Rolf H. Jensen Memorial Public Education Award Committee
: Ernest J. Grant
Committee members: Jim Pauley, Jill K. Glanz, Ken Willette, Phil Stittleburg
Scope: Award a fire department with a $5,000 stipend to implement or continue a community-wide public education program or initiative that will achieve measurable success. Assist in publicizing applications for the award. Review applications and select award recipients. Report award selection to the NFPA Board of Directors.