Demographic and other characteristics related to fire deaths

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Report: NFPA's "Demographic and Other Characteristics Related to Fire Deaths or Injuries"
Author: Fire Analysis and Research, One-Stop Data Shop
Issued: March 2010 

This report includes key findings from two NFPA reports – Characteristics of Home Fire Victims and U.S. Fire Experience by Region.


The risk of fire death and injury varies by age group, race, region, and community size. Children under five and adults 65 or older face the highest risk of fire death, although they do not account for the majority of fire fatalities. The risk of non-fatal fire injury is highest for those between 20 and 49. Higher fire death rates are seen in states with larger percentages of people who possess one or more of the following characteristics: are black, poor, smoke, have less formal education, or who live in rural areas. In more affluent areas, race played less of a role. The South and Midwest had the highest fire death rates per million population in 2004-2008. The rate in the rural South was the highest by far.