Evaluation of Water Additives for Fire Control

Fire Protection Research Foundation report: "Evaluation of Water Additives for Fire Control and Vapor Mitigation - Phase II, Two and Three Dimensional Class B Fire Tests(PDF, 959 KB)
Author: Joseph L. Scheffey and Matthew E. Benfer, Hughes Associates, Inc.
Date of issue: September 2014


The goal of this Phase II project was to provide a repeatable and reproducible evaluation methodology for the performance characteristics of water additives used in fixed fire protection systems for fire control and vapor mitigation, as compared to a baseline of water-only performance for Class B applications involving two and three dimensional liquid fuel fires. The results of this Phase II project will be of direct benefit to the NFPA Technical Committees responsible for NFPA 18A, Standard on Water Additive for Fire Control and Vapor Mitigation, and NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection. This effort also relates to application oriented documents that address Class B hazards involving two and three dimensional liquid fuel fires, such as NFPA 850, Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter Stations.