Carbon monoxide incidents

More information

 "Non-Fire Carbon Monoxide Incidents" report (PDF, 597 KB)

Fact sheet
"Non-Fire Carbon Monoxide Incidents" Fact Sheet. (PDF, 204 KB)

Research Foundation reports
See the Research Foundation's reports on Carbon Monoxide detection.

Contact us
If you have any questions, e-mail Nancy Schwartz or call +1 617 984-7450.

Report: NFPA's "Non-Fire Carbon Monoxide Incidents"
Author: Ben Evarts
Issued: March 2012

A summary of non-fire carbon monoxide incidents reported during 2006-2010, by month, by time of day and by type of occupancy.


During 2006-2010, municipal fire departments responded to an annual average of 72,000 carbon monoxide incidents, excluding incidents where nothing was found or fire was present. These incidents were more common during the winter months, and in residential properties. Carbon monoxide calls to fire departments are more common during the early evening hours.