. Author(s): Jesse Roman. Published on May 1, 2015.

New DOE grant to help expand alternative fuel vehicle training. 

THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY has awarded NFPA a two-year, $750,000 grant to expand existing, and develop additional, safety training programs for emergency responders who come in contact with alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and infrastructure.

NFPA and its partners, the Fire Protection Research Foundation and Argonne National Laboratories, will develop a new online safety training course for emergency medical services; a training video for crash reconstruction teams; and a classroom course for fire investigators responding to AFV fires. All resources are free.

In addition, free train-the-trainer workshops will be held in the summer of 2016, designed for the fire service in 15 states around the country that have a high number of AFVs. The money will also be used to update existing NFPA training programs already offered to the fire service, tow and salvage operations, and others, to include information on gaseous fuel vehicles and AFV infrastructure such as refueling and charging stations.

Learn more about the free training programs offered at the EV Training Safety website.

JESSE ROMAN is staff writer for NFPA Journal.