Obstructions and ESFR Sprinklers - Phase 2

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Download the executive summary for this report. (PDF, 178 KB)

Also see the Research Foundation's "Obstruction and ESFR Sprinklers - Phase 1" report.

Fire Protection Research Foundation report: "Obstruction and ESFR Sprinklers - Phase 2" (PDF, 20 MB)
Author: Garner A. Palenske, P.E., William N. Fletcher, Aon Fire Protection Engineering Corporation
Date of issue: September 2015


The objective of the Phase 2 research effort was to explore the threshold and tolerance of the early suppression fast response (ESFR) sprinklers to obstructions. This research utilized both intermediate scale testing and full-scale testing.

ESFR sprinklers were developed to meet the demands of high challenge storage fire scenarios and are a common choice to protect warehouses. Many aspects of ESFR sprinklers are unique compared to standard spray sprinklers. Paramount to ESFR sprinkler performance is the ability of the sprinkler to provide large amounts of water, in a specific discharge pattern, to the fire source in the incipient phase of fire development. Obstruction of the sprinkler discharge pattern could greatly affect the ability of the ESFR sprinkler to achieve fire suppression.