Atlas of Israel

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The Wikimedia Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons.
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The introductions of the country, dependency and region entries are in the native languages and in English. The other introductions are in English.

Flag of Israel.svg


עברית [1] ישראל - מדינת ישראל

מדינת ישראל (ערבית: دولة إسرائيل, תעתיק: דאולת איסראאיל) היא דמוקרטיה פרלמנטרית הנמצאת במזרח התיכון, לחוף הים התיכון ומוגדרת כמדינה יהודית ודמוקרטית. רוב תושבי המדינה הם יהודים, אך יש בה מיעוט גדול של ערבים מוסלמים, וקבוצות מיעוט אחרות. ישראל גובלת בים התיכון ובמצרים במערב, בים סוף בדרום, בירדן במזרח, בסוריה בצפון-מזרח ובלבנון בצפון. בין ישראל למצרים, לחוף הים התיכון, נמצאת רצועת עזה, שהיא שטח בשליטת הרשות הפלסטינית. באזור ההר המרכזי שבין ישראל לירדן נמצאת הגדה המערבית, הידועה גם כיהודה ושומרון, שטח שנמצא בשליטה משולבת של ישראל והרשות הפלסטינית ומעמדו הסופי טרם הוכרע. בין ישראל לסוריה נמצאת רמת הגולן, שטח שסופח לישראל ב-1967, אך סוריה ממשיכה לתבוע ריבונות עליו.

العربية [2] إسرائيل - دولة إسرائيل

دولة إسرائيل (بالعبرية: מדינת ישראל; مدينات ايسرايل) هي ديمقراطية برلمانية في الشرق الأوسط تعتبر حسب قوانينها دولة يهودية وديمقراطية. يعتبر معظم مواطني الدولة يهودا بديانتهم أو بقوميتهم، ولكن من بينهم أقلية عربية كبيرة من المسلمين والمسيحيين وكذلك من الدروز ويطلق عليهم مسمى عرب إسرائيل. تأسست دولة إسرائيل في 14 أيار/مايو 1948م حيث تم إعلانها من قبل المجلس اليهودي الصهيوني في فلسطين في اليوم المتمم لفترة الانتداب البريطاني حسب قرار الأمم المتحدة، وفي ظل حرب بين العرب واليهود أسفرت عن النكبة الفلسطينية وإبادة الكثير من المدن والقرى الفلسطينية حيث أصبح سكانها لاجئين في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة وفي بعض البلدان العربية. وقد أعلنت دولة إسرائيل هدفا لها استقبال اليهود الذين تم ترحيلهم من شرقي أوروبا خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية وتوطينهم في الدولة اليهودية، وكذلك استقبال اليهود من جميع أنحاء العالم.

Русский[3] Израиль - Государство Израиль[4]
Израиль — еврейское государство на Ближнем Востоке, на восточном побережье Средиземного моря. На севере граничит с Ливаном, на северо-востоке — с Сирией, на востоке — с Иорданией, на юго-западе — с Египтом.
ייִדיש[5] ארץ ישראל - מדינת ישׂראל

ארץ ישראל איז דער אידישער לאנד אין מערב אזיע, אינערהאַלב די גרעניצן פֿון לאַנד, ארץ ישראל, עקזיסטירט הײַנט די שטאַט מדינת ישראל, געגרינדערט ה'תש"ח (1948) דורך די אינטערווענץ פֿון די ציוניסטישע פֿיהרער, הויפּטזעכליך טעראריסטישע באַנדעס. אנדערש ווי אלע לענדער, וואו דאָס לאַנד איז דאָס הײַמאָרט צו די אַלע וועלכע געהערן זיך אָהן צו די רעליגיע פֿון לאנד, איז אָבּער מדינת ישראל דעמאקראטיש וואס איז טיילווייז קעגנזאץ צו די אידישע רעליגיע, טראָצדעם וואָס זי טראָגט אויסערליך דעם

Ladino[6] Yisrael - Yisrael

Medinat Yisrael es un estado en Asia mediocentral. La su kapital politika es Yerushalayim. Proklamada en 1980 komo kapital "unika e indivisible" de Yisrael, la majoria de los paises mantienen sus embasadas en Tel Aviv, ama su status komo kapital del Estado no a sido rekonosida internasionalmente, salvo por los Estados Unidos.

Français Israël - État d’Israël

Israël est un pays du Proche-Orient situé sur la côte orientale de la Méditerranée. Depuis sa création en 1948, il se définit comme l’État du peuple juif, héritier de l’Israël biblique. Il est le seul pays où l’hébreu est langue officielle ; son régime politique est de type démocratie parlementaire. L’État d’Israël a connu, depuis sa création en 1948, de successifs conflits armés avec les pays arabes voisins.

English Israel - State of Israel

The State of Israel is a country in the Western Asian Levant, on the southeastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea. It borders ► Lebanon on the north, ► Syria and ► Jordan on the east, and ► Egypt on the south-west. It has a population of over seven million people. Israel declared independence in 1948 and is the world's only Jewish state, although its citizens include many other religious backgrounds, among whom Christians and Muslims make up the most notable percentage. Israel has the ► Palestine territories of the West Bank and Gaza under control.

Short name  Israel
Official  name State of Israel
Status Independent country since 1948
Location Middle East
Capital ירושלים (Jerusalem)[7]
Population 7,100,000 inhabitants
Area 20,770 km²
Major  languages Hebrew and Arabic (both official)
Major  religions Judaism and Islam
More information Israel, Geography of Israel, History of Israel and Politics of Israel
More  images Israel - Israel (Category).

General maps

Is-map.PNG Map of Israel
[[|border|251x400px]] Map of Israel
Israel topo en.jpg Topographic map of Israel
Israel and occupied territories map.png Israel and the occupied territories
Israel and the Disputed Territories map.png Israel and the disputed territories
Israel districts named.png Districts of Israel
Israel sub-districts.png Sub-districts of Israel
Natural-regions-israel.png Natural regions

History maps

This section holds a short summary of the history of the area of present-day Israel, illustrated with maps, including historical maps of former countries and empires that included present-day Israel.

Fertile Crescent map.png Fertile Crescent
AlterOrient.jpg Akkadian Empire around 2000 BCE
Hittite Empire.png The Hittite Empire (red) at the height of its power in ca. 1290 BCE, bordering on the Egyptian Empire (green)
Noahsworld map Version2.png The world as known to the Hebrews
Hitt Egypt Perseus.png Hittite Empire
Exodus Map.jpg Possible Exodus routesThe jewish exodus according to the Bible text. See also Stations list
1759 map Holy Land and 12 Tribes.jpg 1759 map of Israelite's tribal allottments.
Levant 830.png Levant around 830 BCE.
   Kingdom of Judah
   Kingdom of Israel
   Philistine city-states
   Phoenician states
   Kingdom of Ammon
   Kingdom of Edom
   Kingdom of Aram-Damascus
   Aramean tribes
   Arubu tribes
   Nabatu tribes
   Assyrian Empire
   Kingdom of Moab
Levant 01.PNG The region in the 9th century BCE.
Map of Assyria.png The Assyrian Empire in the 9th to 7th centuries BCE
Deportationofjewsbyassyrian.jpg Deportation of the Jews by the Assyrian Empire
Carte-Empire néo-assyrien.png Neo-Assyrian Empire
Edom.PNG Kingdom of Edom 600 BCE
Early-Historical-Israel-Dan-Beersheba-Judea.png Early Israel
Israel i Judà.jpg Israel and Iudeae (in Catalan)
Regne d'Israel.jpg Kingdom of Israel (in Catalan)
Davids-kingdom with captions specifiying vassal kingdoms-derivative-work.jpg Various interpretations of the Biblical account of the extent of David's Empire
Map of Assyria.png The Region in the 9th to 7th centuries BC
Levant 800.png The Levant in 800 BCE
Median Empire.jpg The Chaldean Empire around 600 BCE)
Map of the Achaemenid Empire.jpg The Achaemid Empire (Persia (648–330 BCE) at its greatest extent
Achaemenid-empire-500BCE.png The Persian Achaemenid Empire
Carte empire achéménide.png The Persian Achaemenid Empire
Persian Empire, 490 BC.gif The Persian Achaemenid Empire
Map of Armenia and Albania (1760).jpg The Expedition of Alexander the Great 334-323 BCE
Map-alexander-empire.png Map of the Empire of Alexander
MacedonEmpire.jpg Map of the Empire of Alexander 334-323 BCE
Alexander den stores rike, Nordisk familjebok.jpg Map of the Empire of Alexander (Norwegian)
Diadochen1.png Hellenistic successor states:
   Kingdom of Ptolemy
   Kingdom of Cassander
   Kingdom of Lysimachus
   Kingdom of Seleucus
Other states:
Hellenistic world 200BC blank.png Hellenistic world in 200 BCE
Herodes el Gran.jpg Kingdoms under Herod the Great, highlighted in red
Roman expansion 264 BC Shepherd.jpg Territorial development of the Roman Empire 264 BC-192, including the conquest of Palestine
Asia minor roman power.jpg Roman conquest of Minor Asia
Roman Empire in 50 BC.png Map of the Roman Empire in 50
Roman Empire.png The extent of the Roman Republic and Roman Empire;
   133 BC
   44 BC (late Republic, after conquests by republican generals)
   AD 14 (death of Augustus)
   117 (maximum extension)
Provincia Syria.png Palestine in the Roman Empire
First century Iudaea province.gif Iudaea in the first century
Roman Legions camps - AD 80.png Camps of the Roman Legions in 80
Thedecapolis.png Decapolis
Roemischeprovinzentrajan.png Roman Empire in 117
Roman empire 395.jpg Roman Empire divided 395, showing the dioceses and praetorian prefectures of Gaul, Italy, Illyricum and Oriens (east), roughly analogous to the four Tetrarch zones of influence after Diocletian's reforms.
Theodosius I's empire.png The division of the Empire after the death of Theodosius I, ca.395 AD superimposed on modern borders.
Rome406.jpeg Division of the Roman Empire in 406
628px-Western and Eastern Roman Empires 476AD(3).PNG Eastern Roman Empire and Western Roman Empire, c.476
EasternRomanEmpire.png Eastern Roman Empire
Justinien 527-565.svg Eastern Roman Empire under emperor Justinianus
Justinian Byzanz.png Eastern Roman Empire under emperor Justinianus
Byzantium550.png Byzantine Empire 550
Arabische Rijk.jpg Expansion of the Caliphate: I: Muhammad; II: Abu Bakr; III: Omar and IV: Othman
Age of Caliphs.png Age of the Caliphs
Califate 750.jpg Caliphate around 750
Seldschuken-Reich-map.png The Seljuq Empire 1037-1194
Map Crusader states ca. 1100.jpg The Crusader States
Map Crusader states 1135-en.svg A political map of the w:en:Near East in 1135 CE
Ayyubids1189.png Ayyubid dynasty in 1189
Ayyubid.png The Ayyubid Empire of Saladin around 1190
Ottoman small animation.gif Growth of the Ottoman Empire
Ottoman empire 1481-1683.jpg Growth of the Ottoman Empire
[[|border|251x400px]] Map of the Ottoman Empire 1566
Ottoman 1683.png Location of the Ottoman Empire in 1683
OttomanEmpire1801.jpg Map of the Ottoman Empire 1801
Map of Palestine in Russian, a. 1900.jpg Map of Palestine 1900 (in Russian)
BritishMandatePalestine1920.png British mandate of Palestine
PalestineAndTransjordan.png Palestine and Transjordan
Palestine frontier 1922.png Palestine 1922
Peel map pd.png Peel Commission Partition Plan A, July 1937
Jewish zones 1947.jpg Jewish zones in 1947
Map of Jewish settlements in Palestine in 1947.png Jewish settlements in 1947
1947-UN-Partition-Plan-1949-Armistice-Comparison.png United Nations Partition Plan 1947
UN Partition Plan Palestine.png United Nations Partition Plan 1947
PartitionPlan1947.PNG United Nations Partition Plan 1947 (in Hebrew)
Israel-1947-1949.jpg Israel 1947-1949 (in French)
1948 arab israeli war - May15-June10.jpg 1948 Arab-Israeli War
Israel-1er-juin-1948.jpg June 1948
Debut-octobre-1948.jpg October 1948
1948 arab israeli war - Oct.jpg October 1948
1948 arab israeli war - Dec22-Jan07.jpg Dec 22, 1948 - Jan 07, 1949
1948-arab-israeli-war-Dec22-jan07-detail.jpg Dec 22, 1948 - Jan 07, 1949 (detail)
1956 Suez war - conquest of Sinai.jpg Suez Crisis 1956: Conquest of Sinai
1967 Six Day War - Battle of Golan Heights.jpg 1967 Six-Day War: Battle of Golan Heights
1967 Six Day War - The Jordan salient.jpg Six-Day War: The Jordan salient
1967 Six Day War - conquest of Sinai 7-8 June.jpg Six-Day War: Conquest of Sinai 7-8 June
1973 Yom Kippur War - Golan heights theater.jpg 1973 Yom Kippur war 1973: Golan heights theater
1973 sinai war maps.jpg Yom Kippur war
1973 sinai war maps2.jpg Yom Kippur war
Israel and Arab states map k.png Israel and members of the Arab League (Comoros is not shown)
   Gaza and West Bank
   Arab Nations
   Have been in war with Israel
Arab-Israeli Map1.png Israel and members of the Arab League (Comoros is not shown)
Arab Israeli Conflict 6.png
   Gaza and West Bank
   Arab Nations
   Have been in war with Israel
Israelisettlementswestbank.jpg Israeli settlements in the West Bank
BarrierMay2005.png Israeli West Bank barrier route as of May 2005. (Out of date. A newer map:


2006 Israel-Lebanon crisis.svg Lebanon crisis 2006
BlueLine.jpg Blue Line
LibanonAngriffe.jpg Targets in Lebanon
2006crisis lebanon israel.png Areas targeted inside Israel and Lebanon
Lebanese Areas Targeted 7-12 to 7-27.jpg Lebanese Areas Targeted 7-12 to 7-27
Israeli conflict 2006.jpg 2006 conflict

Other maps

Satellite maps

Satellite image of Israel in January 2003.jpg Satellite map

Notes and references

General remarks:

  • The WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons. The main page is therefore the portal to maps and cartography on Wikimedia. That page contains links to entries by country, continent and by topic as well as general notes and references.
  • Every entry has an introduction section in English. If other languages are native and/or official in an entity, introductions in other languages are added in separate sections. The text of the introduction(s) is based on the content of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. For sources of the introduction see therefore the Wikipedia entries linked to. The same goes for the texts in the history sections.
  • Historical maps are included in the continent, country and dependency entries.
  • The status of various entities is disputed. See the content for the entities concerned.
  • The maps of former countries that are more or less continued by a present-day country or had a territory included in only one or two countries are included in the atlas of the present-day country. For example the Ottoman Empire can be found in the Atlas of Turkey.
  1. Romanization: Yisrae'el - Medinat Yisrae'el.
  2. Romanization: Isrā'īl - Dawlat Isrā'īl.
  3. Russian is a minority language.
  4. Romanization of Russian according to the BGN/PCGN standard: Izrail' - Gosudarstvo Izrail'. Another used romanization is the ISO 9 standard.
  5. Yiddish is a minority language.
  6. Ladino is a minority language.
  7. Romanization from Hebrew: Yerushaláyim, from Arabic Al-Quda.

Entries available in the atlas

General pages
Atlas • Historical atlas • Index of the Atlas • Names in native languages

The world and its continents and oceans
Quick reference • Historical maps of the world • Old maps
Physical and topographical • Political • Geological • People • Time and time zones • Projections of the globe
Africa • North and South America • Antarctica • Asia • Europe

(History, European Union) • Oceania • Oceans

Administrative divisions • International organizations • Languages • Religions

Historical eras
Prehistory • Antiquity • Middle Ages • Rise of Islam • Early Modern Age • Early American Societies • Early Asian Societies • Age of Renaissance • Colonialism • Stielers Handatlas 1891 • 20th Century • World War I • World War II

Entities with undisputed sovereign status
Afghanistan • Albania • Algeria • Andorra • Angola • Antigua and Barbuda • Argentina • Armenia • Australia • Austria • Azerbaijan • Bahamas • Bahrain • Bangladesh • Barbados • Belarus • Belgium • Belize • Benin • Bhutan • Bolivia • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Botswana • Brazil • Brunei • Bulgaria • Burkina Faso • Burundi • Cambodia • Cameroon • Canada • Cape Verde • Central African Republic • Chad • Chile • China • Colombia • Comoros • Congo (Democratic Republic) • Congo (Republic) • Costa Rica • Côte d’Ivoire • Croatia • Cuba • Cyprus • Czech Republic • Denmark • Djibouti • Dominica • Dominican Republic • East Timor • Ecuador • Egypt • El Salvador • Equatorial Guinea • Eritrea • Estonia • Ethiopia • Fiji • Finland • France • Gabon • Gambia • Georgia • Germany • Ghana • Greece • Grenada • Guatemala • Guinea • Guinea-Bissau • Guyana • Haiti • Honduras • Hungary • Iceland • India • Indonesia • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Jamaica • Japan • Jordan • Kazakhstan • Kenya • Kiribati • Korea (Democratic People’s Republic) • Korea (Republic) • Kuwait • Kyrgyzstan • Laos • Latvia • Lebanon • Lesotho • Liberia • Libya • Liechtenstein • Lithuania • Luxembourg • Macedonia (Republic) • Madagascar • Malawi • Malaysia • Maldives • Mali • Malta • Marshall Islands • Mauritania • Mauritius • Mexico • Micronesia (Federated States) • Moldova • Monaco • Mongolia • Montenegro • Morocco • Mozambique • Myanmar • Namibia • Nauru • Nepal • The Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Niger • Nigeria • Norway • Oman • Pakistan • Palau • Panama • Papua New Guinea • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Qatar • Romania • Russia • Rwanda • Saint Kitts and Nevis • Saint Lucia • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines • Samoa • San Marino • São Tomé and Príncipe • Saudi Arabia • Senegal • Serbia • Seychelles • Sierra Leone • Singapore • Slovakia • Slovenia • Solomon Islands • Somalia • South Africa • South Sudan • Sovereign Military Order of Malta • Spain • Sri Lanka • Sudan • Suriname • Swaziland • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Tajikistan • Tanzania • Thailand • Togo • Tonga • Trinidad and Tobago • Tunisia • Turkey • Turkmenistan • Tuvalu • Uganda • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Uzbekistan • Vanuatu • Vatican City • Venezuela • Vietnam • Yemen • Zambia • Zimbabwe

Entities with disputed sovereign status
Abkhazia • Azawad • China (Republic)/Taiwan • Islamic State • Kosovo • Nagorno-Karabakh Republic • New Russia • Northern Cyprus • Palestine • Somaliland • South Ossetia • Tamil Eelam • Transnistria • Western Sahara

Dependencies and other overseas territories
Akrotiri and Dhekelia • Åland • American Samoa • Anguilla • Aruba • Ascension Island • Ashmore and Cartier Islands • Baker Island • Bermuda • Bouvet Island • British Indian Ocean Territory • British Virgin Islands • Cayman Islands • Christmas Island • Clipperton Island • Cocos (Keeling) Islands • Cook Islands • Coral Sea Islands • Curaçao • Faroe Islands • French Guiana • French Polynesia • French Southern and Antarctic Lands • Gibraltar • Greenland • Guadeloupe • Guam • Guantanamo Bay • Guernsey • Heard Island and McDonald Islands • Hong Kong • Howland Island • Isle of Man • Jan Mayen • Jarvis Island • Jersey • Johnston Atoll • Kingman Reef • Macau • Martinique • Mayotte • Midway Atoll • Montserrat • Navassa Island • New Caledonia • Niue • Norfolk Island • Northern Mariana Islands • Palmyra Atoll • Pitcairn Islands • Puerto Rico • Réunion • Saint Helena • Saint-Barthélemy • Saint Martin (France) • Sint Maarten (Netherlands) • Saint-Pierre and Miquelon • Svalbard • Tokelau • Tristan da Cunha • Turks and Caicos Islands • United States Virgin Islands • Wake Island • Wallis and Futuna

Disputed subnational entities and territories
Crimea • Cyrenaica • Galmudug • Himan and Heeb • Jubaland • Kashmir • Khatumo • Kurdistan (Syrian) • Paracel Islands • Puntland • Spratly Islands • Falkland Islands • South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands • Bajo Nuevo Bank • Serranilla Bank • Southwestern Somalia

Subnational autonomous entities
Aceh • Adjara • Adygea • Altai • Andalusia • Aosta Valley • Aragon • Asturias • Athos • Azores • Balearic Islands • Bashkortostan • Basque Autonomous Community • Bonaire • Bosnia and Herzegovina (Federation of) • Bougainville • Brussels • Buryatia • Canary Islands • Catalonia • Chechnya • Chuvashia • Corsica • Dagestan • Easter Island • England • Extremadura • Flanders • Friuli-Venezia Giulia • Gagauzia • Galicia • Galápagos Islands • Gorno-Badakhshan • Guangxi • Ingushetia • Inner Mongolia • Kabardino-Balkaria • Kalmykia • Karachay-Cherkessia • Karakalpakstan • Karelia • Khakassia • Komi • Kurdistan (Iraqi) • Madeira • Mari El • Muslim Mindanao • Mordovia • Nakhichevan • Navarre • Nevis • Ningxia • North Ossetia-Alania • Northern Ireland • Nunatsiavut • Quebec • Saba • Sakha • Sardinia • Scotland • Sicily • Sint Eustatius • Srpska • Tatarstan • Tibet • Tłı̨chǫ • Trentino-Alto Adige • Tuva • Udmurtia • Vojvodina • Wales • Wallonia • Xinjiang • Zanzibar

Other regions
Basque Country • Burzenland • Catalan Countries • Frisia • Kurdistan • Sandžak • Sápmi • Svenskfinland • Székely Land • Transylvania

Former sovereign nations
Austria-Hungary • Byzantine Empire • Caliphate • Czechoslovakia • Republic of West Florida • Frankish Empire • Kingdom of Hawaiʻi • Inca Empire • Iroquois Confederacy • Macedonian Empire • Ottoman Empire • Prussia • Roman Empire • Soviet Union • Republic of Texas • Vermont Republic • Yugoslavia

Former dependencies and overseas territories
Netherlands Antilles