This document was successfully checked as SVG 1.1 + XHTML + MathML 3.0!

Result: Passed, 2 warning(s)
: utf-8
: SVG 1.1 + XHTML + MathML 3.0
Root Element: svg
Root Namespace:

Help on the options is available.

Validation Output: 2 Warnings

Below is a list of the warning message(s) produced when checking your document.

  1. Warning Line 17, Column 39: This validator does not validate Inkscape extensions properly. Inkscape-specific errors may go unnoticed.

  2. Warning Line 40, Column 13: This validator does not validate RDF. RDF subtrees go unchecked.

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The document located at <> was successfully checked as SVG 1.1 + XHTML + MathML 3.0. This means that the resource in question identified itself as "SVG 1.1 + XHTML + MathML 3.0" and that we successfully performed a formal validation of it. The parser implementations we used for this check are based on Compound XML and libxml2 (XML).

Linking to this result

If you would like to create a link to this page (i.e., this validation result) to make it easier to revalidate this page in the future or to allow others to validate your page, the URI is <;ss=1> (or you can just add the current page to your bookmarks or hotlist).

Validating CSS Style Sheets

If you use CSS in your document, you can check it using the W3C CSS Validation Service.

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Source Listing

Below is the source input I used for this validation:

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
  2. <!-- Created with Inkscape ( -->
  3. <svg
  4. xmlns:dc=""
  5. xmlns:cc=""
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  7. xmlns:svg=""
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  11. version="1.1"
  12. width="1024"
  13. height="768"
  14. id="svg3021"
  15. inkscape:version="0.91 r13725"
  16. sodipodi:docname="Flag_of_NATO.svg">
  17. <sodipodi:namedview
  18. pagecolor="#ffffff"
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  36. inkscape:current-layer="svg3021" />
  37. <metadata
  38. id="metadata3031">
  39. <rdf:RDF>
  40. <cc:Work
  41. rdf:about="">
  42. <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format>
  43. <dc:type
  44. rdf:resource="" />
  45. <dc:title />
  46. </cc:Work>
  47. </rdf:RDF>
  48. </metadata>
  49. <defs
  50. id="defs3029" />
  51. <rect
  52. width="1024"
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  54. x="0"
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  56. id="rect3023"
  57. style="fill:#012169;fill-opacity:1" />
  58. <path
  59. d="m 730.1,387.8 0,-8.6 217.6,0 0,8.6 -217.6,0 z m -652.8,0 0,-8.6 217.6,0 0,8.6 -217.6,0 z m 430.9,213.3 8.6,0 0,89.6 -8.6,0 0,-89.6 z m 0,-524.8 8.6,0 0,89.6 -8.6,0 0,-89.6 z m 195.4,306.9 -191.3,0 34.5,-36 -30.2,-135.5 c 0,-1.5 1.4,-1.5 1.4,0 l 40.3,126.8 145.3,44.7 0,0 z M 657.5,357.3 C 647.5,296.7 600,247.7 538.1,236.2 l 4.4,11.5 c 51.8,11.5 93.5,53.3 105,106.7 l 10,2.9 0,0 z m -145.2,216.2 0,-190.3 34.5,33.2 136.6,-28.9 c 0,0 1.5,1.5 0,1.5 l -128,40.3 -43.1,144.2 0,0 z m 24.4,-44.7 c 61.9,-10.1 110.8,-59.1 120.8,-119.6 l -11.5,4.3 c -11.5,51.9 -53.2,93.7 -105,103.8 l -4.3,11.5 0,0 z m -215.8,-145.6 191.4,0 -34.6,34.6 30.2,135.5 c 0,1.5 -1.4,1.5 -1.4,0 l -40.3,-126.8 -145.3,-43.3 0,0 z m 46.1,24.5 c 10,60.6 57.5,109.6 119.4,121.1 L 482,517.3 C 430.3,505.7 388.5,463.9 377,410.6 l -10,-2.9 0,0 z m 145.3,-216.2 0,191.7 -34.6,-34.6 -136.6,28.8 c 0,0 -1.5,-1.4 0,-1.4 l 128,-40.4 43.2,-144.1 0,0 z m -24.5,44.7 C 425.9,246.3 377,295.3 367,355.8 l 11.5,-4.3 c 11.5,-51.9 53.2,-93.7 105,-103.8 l 4.3,-11.5 0,0 z"
  60. id="path3025"
  61. style="fill:#ffffff" />
  62. </svg>

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