
Category archives for timball

Tim Ball, Creationist?

Via Big City Lib, I find this, from Tim Ball and Tom Harris: Like all philosophies that come to dominate society, climate hysteria is part of an evolution of ideas and needs an historical context. The current western view of the World essentially evolved from the Darwinian view. Even though it is still just a…

Tim Ball and Archimedes principle

Richard Littlemore has the latest on Tim Ball’s antics. Check out this bit from Ball: The point I made was with regard to the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. I posed the question about what happens to the water level when an ice cube is placed in a glass which is then filled to the…

John Stossel is his usual misleading self with a piece denying anthropogenic warming. Video here and summarized here. Tamino details the way Stossel deceives his viewers: Probably the most irritating aspect of Stossel’s “report” is a brief clip from An Inconvenient Truth of Al Gore saying, “… sea levels will rise 20 feet.” What’s irritating…

David Appell tells of his correspondence with Tim Ball The other day I challenged Tim Ball’s assertion that “the world is cooling.” I showed temperatures plots for the last several years, and of course it depends on how you want to define “climate” — do you consider it the last one year of temperatures, the…

I wonder if they’d bet on it?

Tim Ball and Tom Harris tell us: The world is cooling. Global temperatures have declined since 1998 and a growing number of climate experts expect this trend to continue until at least 2030. Do you think that Ball or Harris or any of these “growing number” of climate experts would be willing to bet on…

Ball abandons lawsuit

At DeSmogBlog, Richard Littlemore reports: The self-styled Canadian climate change expert, Dr. Tim Ball, has abandoned his libel suit against University of Lethbridge Professor of Environmental Science Dan Johnson. Ball dropped the suit without conditions, but also without acknowledging that Johnson’s original comments were accurate and were reported in good faith. “This is great news,”…

Ball makes edit

Tim Ball has written another silly article, declaring: Believe it or not, Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). This in fact is the greatest deception in the history of science. He provides no evidence at all in support of his claim, so apparently we are supposed to rely on…

Tim Ball update

Richard Littlemore has the Calgary Herald‘s Statement of Defence against Tim Ball’s lawsuit.

Fifth Estate on the Denial Machine

The CBC’s Fifth Estate has produced a documentary on the global warming denial industry: The documentary shows how fossil fuel corporations have kept the global warming debate alive long after most scientists believed that global warming was real and had potentially catastrophic consequences. It shows that companies such as Exxon Mobil are working with top…

DeSmogBlog has Dan Johnson’s statement of Defence against Tim Ball’s lawsuit. Johnson has uncovered more examples of Ball embellishing his academic record. For example, Ball claimed he was an Emeritus Professor when he wasn’t. Part of his defence is that Ball had no reputation to be damaged: Prior to the publication of the words complained…