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Product Description

Fincar is classified as a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that contains Finasteride as the primary ingredient. The manufacturer of the drug is Cipla. It is a FDA approved drug known for its super effective potential. By inhibiting the actions of 5-apha reductase, the conversion process of Testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) doesn’t take place in the body.

The tablets are strictly recommended only for oral administration. The active ingredient is of white crystalline powder form, which is completely insoluble in water, whereas highly soluble in certain alcohol-based solvents and chloroform. This is the mechanism through which the drug triggers positive effect in the body.


Fincar medication is primarily used for treating male pattern baldness and benign prostatic hyperlasia (BPH), which is referred to as the medical condition of enlarged prostate. Given its enzyme inhibitor properties, the drug showcases high rates of efficiency in treating hair loss. With regards to BPH medical condition, the drug is powerful in bringing down the symptoms associated with it. It reduces the size of prostate, and as a result of which urine flow is normalized thus minimizing the scope of urine retention.

One should take fincar after identifying the most appropriate dosage strength, as it varies extensively for both the medical conditions.  The antiandrogen property associated with the pill makes it ideal for use in hormone replacement therapy. Though there are many other off-label medical use, lack of sufficient clinical research hampers the use of drug in treating other medical conditions apart from those mentioned in the above paragraph.


It is extremely critical to take Fincar pill as advised in the prescription instructions. As such, there is no restriction in administering the medication with food. On other hand, it can also be taken without food.

Do not miss any single dose. Chewing the medicine might cause soreness in mouth and throat. Maintain time consistency in administering the pill. Never opt to take two doses together, despite missing one single dose.

Side effects

The probable side effects of Fincar medication are

Individuals are bound to experience some adverse effects other than those mentioned above. Monitor the severity of side effects closely for a brief period of time. If the intensity doesn’t comes down consult the doctor and opt for remediation measures.

Relative Contraindications

Fincar interacts with medications of all kind. Most particularly drugs categorized under the prescription category, herbal products, vitamins, and over-the-counter medicines are those that exhibit stronger drug interaction.

Get prescribed Fincar after getting to know the potential drug interaction of the medicine with drugs that you administer for any of your underlying medical ailment.
