Reports and presentations


Urban Fire and Life Safety Task Force White Paper: Community Risk Reduction: Doing More with More (June 2016)
Fire service leaders face a number of challenges getting the job done. However, there is a tool available to help: Community Risk Reduction. “Community Risk Reduction: Doing More with More” provides an overview of this all-hazards response, case studies, and recommendations for moving community risk reduction forward in your department.

Fire Prevention and Safety in the City of Memphis (December 2012)
NFPA partnered with the Memphis Fire Department to develop strategies to reduce the numbers of fire deaths, injuries and fires in Memphis. Research included conducting focus groups among residents and ministers in the neighborhoods with the most fire runs and fire deaths. This report explores perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors regarding fires and fire prevention, including the salience and awareness of fire danger, knowledge of common causes of residential fires, ideas and suggestions for fire safety outreach programs, and motivations for behavior change.

Fire Prevention and Safety in the City of El Paso (March 2012)
The El Paso Fire Department and NFPA conducted focus groups to investigate and explore the most effective ways for the El Paso Fire Department  to reach residents with fire prevention information or smoke alarm installation, especially in high-risk neighborhoods in El Paso. This report explores perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of the residents of El Paso, including awareness and opinions towards fires and fire prevention, fire education needs and opportunities, exploration of emotional hot buttons for the creation of communication messages, and an exploration of cultural information or consumer behavior relevant to fire prevention strategies.

Public Fire Education Planning for Urban Communities: A Five- Step Process Guide to Success (October 2011
Urban fire departments can use this guide - an adaptation of the U.S. Fire Administration’s "Public Fire Education Planning: A Five – Step Process" to identify fire and injury risks in urban communities, developing partnerships, setting priorities for programs and initiatives according to need, developing and implementing programs, and evaluating the results. Planning done in this manner ensures that the program’s strategies and initiatives really address the problems at hand.

Fire Prevention and Safety in the City of Hamilton (September 2009)
Hamilton (ON) Emergency Services and NFPA report on the results of focus groups conducted neighborhoods at highest risk for fire and fire deaths and injuries. Participants in the focus groups were a mix of college students, older adults, parents, single people, homeowners, renters and new immigrants. The report looks at people’s reaction to how fast fire spreads, the need for smoke alarms, best ways to reach people with fire safety messages, and motivation factors to change personal behaviors.

Preventing Arson Together (2009)
This PowerPoint presentation focuses on actions people in neighborhoods can to do to help prevent a variety of types of arson. 

Urban Fire Safety Project (2007)
NFPA partnered with fire departments from two major cities in North America - Louisville, KY, and Milwaukee, WI - to identify and define the causes of fire deaths and injuries among high-risk populations and the unique challenges associated with reducing/eliminating those deaths and injuries. Working with leadership within the departments, this report looks at strategies necessary to address the identified challenges.