
Help and Support (IT)

Please contact the Computer Office on E staircase room E1

Virus and Email Warning

Computer viruses make every PC users life a misery. If you’ve used Windows for more than a couple of years, you’ve probably had a virus on your system, and even with the world’s best security system in place they can still be a threat. A virus can have serious consequences for an individual PC user.

You may have received or will receive in the future emails from external sources etc asking for you bank details etc… Or that you have won the lottery….. Please do not reply or give your bank details etc to them.

Please delete all these types of email.

DO NOT open attachments or emails from sources you do not of, they maybe carrying a virus.

Save attachments from sources you know to your c:download folder, first before copying them to the server, this will help keep the servers clean of viruses.

Change your Windows password:

Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete after you have logged in and select change password button. Now enter you present (old) password and enter your new password twice and press ok to accept the new password.

When you choose your password, please make sure it is a mixture of up and lower case letters and also a combination of letters and numbers.

Please DO NOT use common names etc in your password.

The password should be at least 8+ in length. If the user do not change their password to the above format, l will be forced to make the changes for them.

Change your Hermes and Raven passwords.


  • Using a web browser go to
  • Type in your userid and password and click login
  • Click Manage on the top menu bar
  • Click Change Password and follow the instructions


  • Using a web browser go to
  • Click the account management page link
  • Type in your userid and password and click submit
  • Click Change Password and follow the instructions


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