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The Corpus Chapel

Corpus was originally founded in 1352 for pursuit of religious understanding, as well as for education and research. All members of the College – Fellows, graduates and undergraduates – are welcome to join in Christian Worship at the Sunday and weekday services in the beautiful Chapel, regardless of denomination or faith.  Friends, relations and other visitors are always warmly welcomed too.

There is a lively Chapel community of students and Fellows, made up of people from all over the world.  There is a full range of activities:  Daily services (morning and evening prayer), Choral services on Sundays and other days.  There are numerous opportunities to think duscuss and explore faith and new ideas.  These opportunities include informal talks, discussions, films, and the human rights letter writing group. The Dean of Chapel also organizes regular day trips, retreats, reading weeks, and longer expeditions (eg a ten day pilgrimage to Israel and Palestine in 2015 and a trip to Georgia in September 2016).

There is also a Christian Union run by students and a wide spectrum of religious societies within the University for people of all faiths and outlooks.

THE DEAN OF CHAPEL, James Buxton is readily available to all members and staff of the College at any time, with or without appointment.  Everyone is welcome to call on him socially at his rooms (D4) or to talk to him about anything in confidence whether or not it is spiritual.  He can be contacted by email, by phone or by pigeonhole, or best of all by calling at his rooms, or catching him for a chat around College.


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