72 search results for ""7.SP""

Which is better … original movies or their sequels?

…plots,histograms ect. While high school students might work with greater sophistication, doing some of the same work as middle school students, but extending their work to consider the spread of the data, normal curve & standard deviation. The last question in the activity gets at sample size. This is your opportunity to discuss sample size and random sampling and certainty in your data analysis. The activity: Sequel2016.pdf CCSS: 6.SP.1, 6.SP.2, 6.SP.3, 6.SP.4, 6.SP.5, 7.SP.1, 7.SP.3,… 0, 11

Clean Close Shave

…k performance? Which measure of central tendency best represents the data? What type of graph or plot can be used to display the data? The activity: Should_Quarterbacks_grow_facial_hair.pdf For members we have an editable Word docx, an Excel sheet of the data and graph, and solutions. Should_Quarterbacks_grow_facial_hair.docx Facial_Hair_Excel File.xlsx Should_Quarterbacks_grow_facial_hair__Solutions.pdf CCSS: 6.SP.1, 6.SP.3, 6.SP.4, 7.SP.1, 7.SP.2, 7.SP.3, 7.SP.4, HSS.ID.A.2, HSS.ID.C.9… 0, 11

3 winners on the Price is Right – what are the chances?

…$1.00 in their Spin-Off spin, they still get a $1,000 cash bonus and a bonus spin. http://priceisright.wikia.com/wiki/Showcase_Showdown What are the chances of this happening, of all three contestants hitting $1,000? Extension: This game has been played about 8,000 times as of fall 2016 and this reportedly the first time this is ever happened. How often should this event mathematically happen? The activity: thepriceisright.pdf CCSS: 7.SP.5, 7.SP.6, 7.SP.7, 7.SP.8, HSS.CP.B.9 For members we… 0, 9

Games with dice

…ttom of this post. You might use this dice simulator with the class to help students better understand that as sample size increases, experimental probability should get closer and closer to theoretical probability. games_with_dice.pdf CCSS: 7.SP.5, 7.SP.6, 7.SP.7, 7.SP.8, S-MD.1, S-MD.5, S-MD.6 Here are game boards for playing Skunk: SKUNK_GAME_BOARDS.pdf For members we have an editable Word doc and solutions. games_with_dice.doc games-with-dice-solutions.pdf SKUNK game directions: Each letter… 0, 9

Pixar versus DreamWorks

…r graphs. In the solution materials you can find several different box plots and bar graphs that students might create to compare DreamWorks and Pixar. Students may also come up with other ideas for comparing the two companies. Consider launching this activity with a few of these Pixar movie trailers and these Dreamworks movie trailers. The activity: + a student’s Excel file: BestAnimations2016.pdf + Pixar_vs._Dreamworks-students2016.xlsx CCSS: 3.MD.3, 6.SP.1, 6.SP.2, 6.SP.3, 6.SP.4, 6.SP.5,… 0, 9

Season 12, American Idol

…and whisker plots). Students use box plots to analyze the premiere and finale data. They can make their plots by hand or use technology at Interactivate’s Free Box Plot Application. season12-idol.pdf For members we have an editable Word doc, an Excel data and graph file, and solutions. season12-idol.doc idol12.xls season12-idol-solutions.pdf CCSS: 6.SP.2, 6.SP.3, 6.SP.4, 6.SP.5, 7.SP.3, 7.SP.4… 0, 8

How many wins is Lebron worth?

…ance of a team. Lebron’s-effect.pdf For members we have an editable Word docx, an Excel file of the data and charts, and solutions. Lebron’s-effect.docx Lebron_How_Many_Wins_is_he_worth.xlsx Lebron’s-effect-solution.pdf CCSS: 6.SP.3, 6.SP.4, 6.SP.5, 7.SP.2, 7.SP.4,P, 8.SP.4, HSS.ID.A.1 To kick off the lesson consider showing your class this montage/mix of Lebron, which was created by Mikus Zupins: (great video, but there is one “s” word about at 1:48, so stop it before then) or… Show this… 0, 8

NFL Math Activities

…l in the end zone from the two yard line. Teams have been successful at two-point conversions in the past about 50% of the time and 53% of the time after the first two weeks of the NFL season. So we ask students, which does it make more sense to do? 7.SP.6, 7.SP.7, HSS.MD.B.5, HSS.MD.B.6, HSS.MD.B.7 Watson saves – Benjamin Watson stopped a touchdown in the last instant of a game by running diagonally across the entire field. How far did he run? Teddy Braschi said that he must have run 120… 0, 45

4th down

…recent games. The activities: 4th_Down_Elementary.pdf & a more advanced version: 4th_Down.pdf For members: 4th_Down_Elementary.doc 4th_Down_Elementary_Solutions.pdf & 4th_Down.doc & 4th_Down_Solutions.pdf CCSS: 7.NS.1 , 7.NS.2 , 7.NS.3 , 7.SP.C.7 , HSS.MD.A.2 , HSS.MD.B.5 , HSS.MD.B.6 , HSS.MD.B.7 Plus here are some other NFL math activities! Watson Saves – Watch the video with your class and use our activity to motivate students to figure out who ran a greater distance by using the… 0, 7

The accuracy of Punxsutawney Phil

…tawney Phil will again, with great ceremony, come out of his burrow and look for his shadow. There’s nothing like a cute animal picture to make your students smile as they calculate the relative frequency of Phil’s upcoming prediction. CCSS: 7.SP.5, 7.SP.6, 7.SP.7 groundhog-day2016.pdf For members we have an editable Word doc and solutions. groundhog-day2016.docx groundhog-day2016-solutions.pdf This week might also be a good opportunity to use these activities: Throwing up – A parabolic motion… 0, 7

Weather extremes

…ever in much of the midwest and Northeast US. Pakistan and India have experienced extreme and deadly heat waves. Use the open number line and our lists of temperature extremes to make signed number operations and absolute value sensible. Students compare record high and low temps (integers) and use absolute value in order to always find the positive difference. Subtraction of negatives becomes obvious in this lesson. CCSS: 6.NS.5, 6.NS.6, 6.NS.7, 7.NS.1, 7.SP.3, 7.SP.5 The lesson:… 0, 6

Extra Point or 2-Point Conversion?

…king in this way or toward some other productive strategy. Finally, students consider how they could change the point value of the two-point conversion or change the line of scrimmage of either play to make the expected value of both plays nearly equal. The activity: Extra-point-or-two-point-conversion.pdf For members we have an editable Word docx and solutions. Extra-point-or-two-point-conversion.docx Extra-point-or-two-point-conversion-solution.pdf CCSS: 7.SP.6, 7.SP.7, HSS.MD.B.5, HSS.MD.B.6… 0, 6

How much does a Lego cost?

…for the price difference? Act I – Different kits, different costs Act II: You can click here for a chart that gives the number of blocks & prices for each Lego kit. Use our activity guide below with this lesson. The activity guide: How-much-does-a-Lego-cost.pdf For members we have an editable Word docx and solutions. How-much-does-a-Lego-cost.docx Lego-cost-solution.pdf Act III – solutions CCSS: 6.RP.2, 6.RP.3, 6.SP.5, 7.SP.1, 7.SP.2, 7.RP.2 Check out all current Yummymath lessons in one… 0, 6

Soda Menorah

…the number of 12 packs or cans in this display. Let kids have an opportunity to find the number of packs or cans on their own and communicate their reasoning to others. Depending on what you focus on, this task could work in 3rd through 7th grade classrooms. The activity: Soda-Menorah.pdf For members we have an editable Word doc and solutions. Soda-Menorah.docx Soda-Menorah-solution.pdf CCSS: 3.MD.5, 3.MD.6, 3.MD.7, 4.NBT.5 , 5.NBT.5 , 7.SP.5 , 7.SP.7a As an extension, here are two more soda… 0, 5

Ah, the days are getting longer

…e; play with a cool piece of comparison technology; and finally understand the variability in our year of daylight hours. The activity: Daylength2016.pdf For members we have an editable Word docx, an Excel file of the whole year’s data, and solutions. Daylength2016.docx Changes-Daylight-hours2016.xlsx Daylength2016-solution.pdf CCSS: 4.MD, 5.MD, 6.RP, 6.EE, 6.SP, 7.RP, 7.EE, 7.SP… 0, 5