Physical Security

Malware|Spyware|Phishing|Stinger|Physical Security

Losing your computer means losing your work, assignments, dissertation, emails and other personal data (especially if you don’t maintain backups). Laptops are the easiest target for thieves – they can be easily put in a bag or carried away. Security precautions should be taken for any type of computer, however.

There are a few easy steps you can take to help minimize the risk and effect of theft:

  • Do not leave your room accessible to anyone (open or unlocked door or window), even for a few minutes, when you are not there.
  • If you take you laptop with your in the car, lock it in the boot out of sight. Never leave it on the seat in full view.
  • If possible, carry your laptop in a non-descript bag or rucksack rather than an easily identifiable “laptop bag”.
  • Security mark your computer with either a security pen or specific security sticker.
  • When not in use, lock your computer away, out of sight.
  • Investigate the use of a physical lock for the computer – security cables and other devices are available for reasonable prices.
  • Keep a note of the serial number, make and model of your computer just in case.
  • Encrypt the data on your computer – if it is stolen, the encryption will be another barrier to protect sensitive data.
  • Keep full and up-to-date backups of all your data.
  • Use of a security program like Prey may help you recover or lock you laptop or tablet in the event of a theft.

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