What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.
Financial information for the current and previous two financial years is available as described below.  Information for earlier years is available free of charge on application to the Freedom of Information Officer at foi@corpus.cam.ac.uk.  The funding of the College derives from College fees and charges to senior and junior members, the College’s investment portfolio held in its Amalgamated Fund and other property, donations and Gift Aid receipts.  The income and expenditure of the College is described in further detail in the College Accounts which are available from the College website.  The College’s investment policy is here.Budgetary and account information
The College Accounts will be available from the College website.College Accounts from previous years are available.Accounts 03-04

Accounts 04-05

Accounts 05-06

Accounts 06-07

Accounts 07-08

Accounts 08-09

Accounts 09-10

Accounts 10-11

Accounts 11-12

Accounts 12 – 13

Accounts 13 -14

Accounts 14 -15

Financial audit reports

Copies of the independent auditors’ annual reports to the Governing Body of the College may be found in the College Accounts.

Financial regulations and procedures

The College’s financial regulations and procedures can be found in the College Accounts.

Staff pay and grading structures

Details of the College’s pay and grading structure and of its job evaluation scheme are available free, on request from the Freedom of Information Officer at foi@corpus.cam.ac.uk


Register of Suppliers

The College does not have an approved list of suppliers, but in order to obtain best value for money engages in various consortium purchasing arrangements.  The details of those arrangements are not included in this publication scheme for reasons of commercial confidentiality.

Procurement and tender procedures and reports

The College is not a public authority for the purpose of European Law relating to tendering requirements.  Its normal practice in relation to capital works is to procure them through a tendering process.


The College does not publish details of its commercial contracts.

Research funding

The College funds its own scheme of Research Fellowships; advertisements are placed annually. The College is able to assist Fellows through a grant scheme to which application has to be made. There are also funding schemes to assist students in their studies.


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