Making an Application

There is a central admissions scheme for postgraduate entry into the University of Cambridge. Thus, it is not necessary to apply separately to Corpus Christi College. All enquiries about University courses should be addressed to the University’s Graduate Admissions department.

The University’s application form provides for the listing of colleges in the order of the candidate’s preference. If you wish to be considered for a place at Corpus Christi College you are advised to put Corpus Christi as first preference on this form. If the University decides to offer you a place then this form will then automatically be passed on to the college.

The University Graduate Studies Prospectus should be consulted for information about deadlines for individual courses. Almost all students start their course in October but graduate students studying for a Ph.D. may also be admitted in January, or occasionally in April. However there are significant advantages to arriving for the start of the academic year in October.

Tutor for Advanced Students Corpus Christi College Cambridge CB2 1RH

Tel: 01223 338038 Fax: 01223 765589

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