The Homo & the Negro: 
Masculinist Meditations on Politics & Popular Culture

James J. O’Meara
The Homo and the Negro:
Masculinist Meditations on Politics and Popular Culture

Edited by Greg Johnson
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2012
200 pages

Hardcover: $30


Paperback: $18


Kindle E-book: $5.99 

About The Homo and the Negro

James J. O’Meara’s The Homo and the Negro brings a “queer eye” to the overwhelmingly “homophobic” Far Right. In his title essay, O’Meara argues that the Far Right cannot effectively defend Western civilization unless it checks its premises about homosexuality and non-sexual forms of male bonding, which are undermined not just by liberals and feminists, but also by Judeo-Christian “family values” advocates. O’Meara also uses his theory to explain the stigmatization of Western high culture as “gay” and the worship of uncultured oafs as masculine ideals.

Although O’Meara grants that the “gay rights” movement is largely subversive, he argues that homosexuals have traditionally played prominent roles in creating and conserving Western civilization.

The Homo and the Negro collects 14 pieces on such topics as conservatism, homosexuality, race, fashion, Occupy Wall Street, Mad Men, The Gilmore Girls, The Untouchables, The Big Chill, They Live, popular music (Heavy Metal, Black Metal, New Age, Scott Walker), and such figures as Noël Coward, Oscar Wilde, and Humphrey Bogart.

Shaped by an eccentric, post-WWII American upbringing, O’Meara draws upon “masculinist” writers like Hans Blüher, Alisdair Clarke, and Wulf Grimsson, as well as the Traditionalism of René Guénon, Julius Evola, and Alain Daniélou.

A work of broad learning, deep insight, and stunning originality, The Homo and the Negro establishes James O’Meara as one of the most iconoclastic and courageous voices on the Alternative Right.

Advance Praise for The Homo and the Negro

“James O’Meara’s work centers on the politics of sexuality but ranges far beyond, encompassing literature, film, music, fashion, and biography. He is a virtuoso essayist who can tie together the most disparate materials in startlingly insightful and often hilariously funny ways. Tom Wolfe — and his publisher — wishes he could write like this today!”

— Greg Johnson, author of Confessions of a Reluctant Hater

“Reading James J. O’Meara is a psychedelic experience. He plucks unexpected ideas from far corners and combines them in novel arguments that will blow your mind. O’Meara makes some good points. The Right is suffocating from a stuffy, bourgeois blandness incapable of igniting the imagination. Its creepy, puritanical obsession with exiling ‘the homo’ has driven off a disproportionate number of men whose natural talents would make them best able to translate virility into transcendent high culture. If there is to be a renaissance of the Right, we’ll need wildness and boldness, and we’ll need dynamic groups of men who aren’t so worried about being called queers that they rely on female chaperones to authenticate their manhood.”

— Jack Donovan, author of The Way of Men

“James O’Meara is one of a significant and growing number of authors questioning the pervasive homophobia within the Traditionalist and New Right movements. James rightly argues that the first examples of homophobia are found within Judaism and did not exist within other Middle Eastern or Indo-European cultures. O’Meara argues against the association of homosexuality with effeminacy and weakness and for a masculinist view of same-sex affection as found in such early 20th-century researchers as Adolf Brand and Hans Blüher, who fought against the Jewish medical view of homosexuality as promoted by Magnus Hirschfeld. O’Meara shows that homosexuality need not be subversive of culture, tradition, and the family. O’ Meara’s work is challenging and thought-provoking. I hope it will lead to fundamental re-appraisals of how homosexuals view the Right and how the Right views homosexuality.”

 — Wulf Grimsson, author of Male Mysteries & the Secret of the Männerbund


1. The Homo & the Negro: A Masculinist View of the Futility of the “Right”

2. Homosexuality, “Traditionalism,” & Really-Existing Tradition

3. A Band Apart: Wulf Grimsson’s Loki’s Way

4. Sir Noël Coward, 1899–1973

5. Wild Boys vs. “Hard Men”

6. Fashion Tips for the Far-from-Fabulous Right

7. Mad Männerbund?

8. The Gilmore Girls Occupy Wall Street

9. “God, I’m with a heathen”: The Rebirth of the Männerbund in Brian De Palma’s The Untouchables

10. Of Costner, Corpses, & Conception: Mother’s Day Meditations on The Untouchables & The Big Chill

11. Humphrey Bogart: Man Among the Cockroaches

12. He Writes! You Read! They Live

13. I’ll Have a White Rock, Please: Implicit Whiteness, Aryan Futurism, & the Godlike Genius of Scott Walker

14. The Counter-Currents Interview

About the Author

James J. O’Meara was born in Detroit, educated in Canada, and now lives in an abandoned glove factory in America’s Rust Belt. From atop of this crumbling remnant of America’s industrial might, he broods with morose delectation over the inevitable reappearance of the hordes of White youth known to history as the Männerbünde, or Wild Boys. His periodic bulletins on their activities appear on his blog, Where the Wild Boys Are ( He has also written for Counter-Currents/North American New Right, Alexandria, FringeWare Review, and Judaic Book News.

Ordering Information

Hardcover: $30



Paperback: $18



Kindle E-book: $5.99 

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