Cold Anger


There’s a level of anger far deeper and more consequential than expressed rage or visible behavior, it’s called Cold Anger.

Cold Anger does not need to go to violence. For those who carry it, no conversation is needed when we meet. You cannot poll or measure it specifically because most who carry it avoid discussion. And that decision has nothing whatsoever to do with any form of correctness.

We watched the passage of Obamacare at 1:38 am on the day before Christmas Eve in 2009. We watched the Senate, then the House attempt passing Amnesty in 2014. We know exactly how it passed, and we know exactly why it passed. We don’t need to stand around talking about it…. We’re beyond talking.

We watch the 2009 $900+ billion Stimulus Bill being spent each year, every year, for seven consecutive years. Omnibus, Porkulous, QE1, QE2, Bailouts, Crony-Capitalism. We know exactly how this works, and we know exactly why this ruse is maintained. We don’t need to stand around talking about it…. We’re beyond talking.

Cold Anger absorbs betrayal silently, often prudently.

We’ve waited each year, every year, for eight years, to see a federal budget, only to be given another $2 trillion Omnibus spending bill by Speaker Ryan.

We’ve watched the ridiculing of cops, the riots, and the lack of support for laws, or their enforcement. We’ve been absorbing all that. We’ve been exposed to violence upon us by paid operatives of the organized DNC machine. We already knew that, the media trying to hide it doesn’t change our level of information.

Cold Anger is not hatred, it is far more purposeful.

Cold Anger takes notice of the liars, even from a great distance – seemingly invisible to the mob. Cold Anger will still hold open the door for the riot goer. Mannerly.

We’ve watched our borders being intentionally unsecured. We’ve watched Islamic Terrorists slaughter Americans as our politicians proclaim their uncertainty of motive. We know exactly who they are and why they are doing it. We do not need to stand around discussing it…. we’re clear eyed.

Cold Anger evidenced is more severe because it is more strategic, and more purposeful. Eric Cantor’s defeat, Matt Bevin’s victory, Brexit and/or Donald Trump’s highest vote tally in the history of presidential primaries might aide your understanding.

Cold Anger does not gloat; it absorbs consistent vilification and ridicule as fuel. This sensibility does not want to exist, it is forced to exist in otherwise unwilling hosts – we also refuse to be destabilized by it.

Transgender bathrooms appear more important than border security. Trade deals, employment and the standard of living in Vietnam and Southeast Asia are more important to Wall Street and DC lobbyists, than the financial security of Youngstown Ohio. We get it. We didn’t create that reality, we are simply responding to it.

Deliberate intent and prudence ensures we avoid failure. The course, is thoughtful vigilance; it’s a strategy devoid of emotion. The media can call us anything they want, it really doesn’t matter…. we’re far beyond that.

Foolishness and betrayal of our nation have served to reveal dangers within our present condition. Misplaced corrective action, regardless of intent, is neither safe nor wise.

We know exactly who Donald Trump is, and we also know what he’s not. He is exactly what we need at this moment. He is a necessary glorious bastard.

Cold Anger is not driven to act in spite of itself; it drives a reckoning.

When the well attired lady leaves the checkout line carrying steaks and shrimp using an EBT card, the door is still held open for her; yet notations necessarily embed.

When the U.S. flags lay gleefully undefended, they do not lay unnoticed. When the stars and stripes are controversial, yet the Mexican flag is honored – we are paying attention. When a millionaire football player kneels down rather than honor our fallen soldiers and stand proud of our country, we see that. Check the NFL TV ratings – take note.

When a school community cannot openly pray, it does not mean the prayerful were absent.

When a liar seems to win, it is not without observation. Many – more than the minority would like to admit – know the difference between science, clocks and political agendas.

Cold Anger perceives deception the way a long-term battered spouse absorbs the blow in the hours prior to the preplanned exit; with purpose.

A shield, or cry of micro-aggression will provide no benefit, nor quarter. Delicate sensibilities are dispatched like a feather in a hurricane. Pushed far enough, decisions are reached.

On the drive to and from the East Coast, I paid attention to the billboards and bumper-stickers. Folks, the people in “Fly over” country are PISSED, from the guy that guides hunters, to the mayors of towns and cities, to state senators congressmen and Governors who are voting to arrest and imprison federal law enforcement officials for enforcing federal gun laws that don’t agree with state law … The political pendulum has never, in the history of humanity, stayed on one side of a swing. The back lash from over reach has always been proportionate to how far off center it went before coming back … right now we’re staring at a whole hell of a lot of the country (about 80-90% of the land mass, as well as about 60+% of the population) that is FED UP. You really don’t want those guys to decide that the only way to fix it is to burn it down and start over…

Don’t worry about tone folks, heck don’t worry about any absurd outrage intended to weaken our resolve.  Everything from here to November 8th should be considered irrelevant. We do not have time for tone conversation; and we most certainly are in a position where failure is not an option.

It’s too late…they’ve left us no option.

(thanks to for the above)

Crime & Punishment

medieval-torture-rackI watched a two-hour program the other night on the abduction, rape and enslavement of an eleven-year-old girl. She was held not for a day or a week, but for eighteen years. 

The individual that held her had been let out on parole and seemingly received a mere once-over-lightly by probation people.  Hence, he was almost free as a blow fly to go about his business and this child grew to womanhood while acting as his virtual sex slave (which included having 2 babies by the creature).

Recently, on the same beach where I take my daily dunk, a 37-year-old registered pedo was caught by an alert deputy sheriff just sauntering along with his latest “toy,” a 15-year-old boy.  He was, of course, arrested and jailed.  Today, however, this kiddie-fiddlin’ fellow is out and free to continue what he does best—fiddlin’ kiddies.  His bond: A whopping $1,000.  Really, what kind of civilization has “laws” like that?  And what kind of civilization just turns these predators loose hours after they are caught?  The answer is, of course, no strong, decent, healthy “civilization” does this.

These crimes are so ruinous, so despicable, so pervasive, and seemingly so incurable that, rather than thousand-dollar bonds, I propose we involve some serious risk element to the game: Three strikes and you are REALLY out. . . .

First Strike—For the initial conviction on Aggravated Rape . . . castration and ten, minimum.

Second Strike—For a repeat conviction . . . bye-bye, blow fly, you die.

Third Strike—(see Second Strike).

Or maybe, since nothing else is working and since judges let them go the minute they are caught and since they seem to outnumber the rest of us anyway, maybe we should just surrender and say, “Okay, you win.  We give up.  You are free to do your worst.  The rest of us are moving to Greenland where you can’t get our kids.  Should you follow us there we will kill every one of you the very instant you step off the boat!”

There was also a program recently about a horrific murder case that occurred 25 years ago on Tampa Bay.  The perp in that unimaginable crime was finally put to death here in Florida a year or so ago.

Back in 1989, one Oba Chandler befriended three female tourists down here from their dairy farm in Ohio—a mother and her two teen daughters—then invited them out on his motor boat to view a Gulf sunset before their return trip home.  A smooth-talking con with a history of violence, Chandler raped the helpless women that night, bound their hands and feet, taped their mouths, tied a concrete block around the neck of each, then dumped them overboard into the black water . . . still alive.  Understandably, the people of Florida are elated that the murderer is now dead and rotting and no longer stealing the valuable oxygen needed for the rest of us.  While even Chandler’s own daughter waited outside the prison and was happy to hear of his death, many are nevertheless upset that this monster’s demise came nowhere near fitting the crime.  Think I am tough in the punishment department?  Check out a sampling of some as-they-appeared “letters to the ed”:

This piece of s–t should be taken out in a boat, tied up, raped by a cattle prod, and thrown overboard alive with a cinder block tied around his f–king neck.  Go to hell, scumbag, where you can be tortured by demons for eternity.  Should have happened about 20 years ago.               —BRAMBLES

why on earth should this poor excuses for a human being be allowed to not feel the horrific pain of death, when his victims endured more than he ever will. FRY HIM WOULD OF BEEN THE BEST AFTER YOU THREW ACID ON HIM!   —SHEILA

The most humane death for this dirt bag would have been to slice him up for awhile, tie some concrete blocks around him and drop him in a pool of gators.        —HONDO


I spoke to God last night. I was asking him if he could give the  Tampa Bay Bucs a push this week in Green Bay and we ended up talking about this guy, lmao.  Anyways, he said Oba’s in hell and the devil has him burning coal.  So let this be the last article on this guy. He’s in hell, it’s confirmed.       —THE KING IS BACK

Your comments “King,” despite what you may think, aren’t humorous at all . . . in fact, I was wondering, while you and God were chatting, what arrangements have YOU made to escape God’s judgement when you breathe your last?      


I thought the King’s comments were funny. . . . Hey Serving, it’s sure bet that God has a far greater sense of humor than you do.      —DEATHMETAL

Serving Him: Last time I spoke to God, he told me that he doesn’t really exist and admitted He is the biggest fraud the world has ever seen. He said he was created to control the masses and that when I die, my corpse will rot away and get eaten by maggots in my eternal dirtnap . . . just like everyone else’s does.       —MARTY MCFLY

Mcfly you piece of filth.  You are worst than oba.  I hope you rost in HELL!!!!!      —ANON

Chandler, the rapist and murderer, was 65-years-old when the state finally escorted his murderous carcass right off this planet.  Soon after, Robert Waterhouse, another senior citizen, was put to death.

Seems strange, doesn’t it, that we are executing those old enough to be great-grandparents?  Strange tho it might seem, you gotta problem with that? I sure as hell don‘t.  Although it sounds bad in theory—murdering some murderer that old—in practice, these aging killers are just belatedly getting what’s coming to ‘em.  Although myself and many more, I’m sure, wish our punishments more conformed to the crime, the only big problem I have with the death system is the outrageously looooooong appeals process.  Outrageous!—REPEAT—Outrageous!

In many cases, most people have only the vaguest notion why any certain-certain murderer is being executed since the original slaughter occurred two, even three, decades earlier.  The super-heated atmosphere surrounding the crime and trial has cooled cold as a chilled cucumber by the time a murderer makes his last walk.  Oba Chandler was a young and strapping rapist and murderer back when he raped and murdered those poor tourists from Ohio in 1989; but two and a half decades later, when he took his last, unsteady creep down that long hall to the execution chamber, he looked like a fat, harmless and rotting old hulk.  Some of the victims’ relatives in this case, as well as other cases—in other words, those who needed a little closure in their lives and a lot of good old fashioned vengeance—died long before they saw justice applied or before they got their silent revenge on the bastards that took their loved ones.  And that’s unfair.

When most killers murder they are at the peak of their game, so to speak, in the prime of their crimes, in their thirties or forties or fifties; yet by the time these criminals navigate through the criminally long appeals process and we finally kill these killers, they have become overweight senior citizens fattened for twenty years at the public trough.  Now, should this appeals nonsense get any longer, expect many of these murderers to be in their 80s or 90s when they are finally executed and in such poor health that the state might actually be doing them a favor by killing them.  In other words, they who showed their victims zero mercy will be receiving just that, mercy.  It stinks.

Excuse my rant.  Odd of me, I know.  Not so very long ago, I was rather neutral on the subject.  Back then, didn’t seem right.  Committing murder to punish murder seemed the height of hypocrisy.  After studying many capital one cases since that time, however, and after writing my own true crime book, Toledo Blade, I now favor not only the DP and punishments to fit the crime, as a deterrent, but super swift punishments to fit the crime, as in ONE YEAR OR LESS after the gavel hits the block.  Yes, true, some innocent people will die as a result—perhaps someday even myself—but that’s the price we pay for living in a savage society.

Fat Man Dying, Boss!

Let’s file the following under the “Hard to Make this Crap Up” category.  Way back before most of you or your parents were born, Ron Post murdered a hotel clerk in Ohio and was sentenced to death.  Now, nigh on three decades later, as the rusty gears finally start creaking to murder this murderer, Ron insists that his execution is not right; not fair; not cricket; is the height of “cruel and unusual.”  Seems Post has laid on a little lard while laying around on death row and his feeding at the taxpayers’ trough has allowed him to add 300 or more pounds.  As a consequence, the condemned man’s attorney insists that the lethal injection process is a beastly thing to put poor Post through; that it was never intended to shuttle a man of Post’s impressive proportions off this earth. Not only would it be nearly impossible to find a willing vein down in all that fat encompassing his arm, but a 500 pound man would probably crush like a beer can the gurney used to wheel the killer around.

“Indeed,” whined Post’s paper-pushing pleader to the court, “given his unique physical and medical condition there is a substantial risk that any attempt to execute him will result in serious physical and psychological pain to him, as well as an execution involving a torturous and lingering death.”


Who allowed this human shit factory to eat his way out of a death sentence?

Who in hell is the so-called warden there running this fucking fat farm?

Serious physical and psychological pain?  

Hey!  Hello!  Yoo Hoo!  Is Ohio is, or is Ohio ain’t, trying to transfer Post from present tense to past-tense, for crying out loud, and not tuck this obese killer into bed with a goodnight kiss on the forehead?  If the job is done right—or even if it is done wrong—Ron will have absolutely no memory of serious physical and psychological pain, or memory of anything else, trust me.

Torturous and lingering death? 

Sorry, but missing a vein or two and fifteen minutes of probing and mild discomfort (I went through that “cruel and unusual” once for a minor operation—five for one arm, two for the other) is not a “torturous and lingering death.”  In Amsterdam, I once visited a museum devoted to medieval torture.  Now back then, having spikes slowly driven into your head or experiencing a red hot poker poked up your rectum was some SERIOUS torture and pain.  Besides, if they cannot put this fellow down with lethal injection, what else?

Since a rope or the gallows themselves would break, hanging is out.  Electric chair?  Forget it!  Electric sofa would be more like it.  Wonder if a high-powered rifle slug would reach the condemned man’s brain?  Wonder if a sharp guillotine could cut through a two-foot neck?  Or how about punishments to fit the person?  How about some good old time African famine for this quarter-tonner?  Screams for food?  Agonizing wails for bread and mercy?  Sorry, I hear the cries of mercy from the victim, not this gluttonous wretch.

Better Never Than Late

Add this as an exclamation mark to the sex sting story I reported on here earlier:

Forty-nine-year-old Henry Cavalier of Clearwater, Florida, was arrested for the twentieth or thirtieth time the other day (who’s counting?) for yet another sex crime.  This, the most recent, committed by this sorely misnamed perv, was for molesting a 7-year-old girl.  Henry, of course, was running loose, free as a pitbull, while awaiting trial for a previous molestation charge.  If convicted, reports the reporter, this poor Chester could . . . (cough, clear throat, cough again). . . could face life in prison.  Right.

Bets, anyone?

Soft Time on Life Row

Let’s call it what it is—Life Row.  So broken, so shameless, so uncivilized has the American legal system become that when someone is sentenced to what was once called “Death Row” it now amounts to a life sentence on Life Row.  Case in point. . .

More than thirty years ago, ten-year-old Elisa Nelson of the Tampa area was riding her bike to school.  Convicted sex devil, Larry Mann, was flapping about that day, free as a fruit bat, and his penis was looking for something to do.  When the pervert saw the child alone he had to have her.  Gaining control was an easy matter and when he finished with his sickness, Mann took the child to an orange grove and cut her throat.  Spotting a chunk of concrete attached to a metal pole, the murdering monster then used it to beat the girl’s head to mush.

“She was what every parent would want in a little girl,” remembered a grieving aunt. “Smart, very giving.”

Had she been allowed to live no one can say what Elisa would be today—a mom, a doctor, a teacher, an artist, maybe a smiling Salvation Army bell-ringer at Christmas time—but Elisa’s life was cut short in this, her only spin on this planet, by a piece of garbage that should have been strangled with piano wire the day the gavel fell and he was found guilty.  Had the crime been committed in a civilized country, Mann would have been put to death long ago.  But alas. . . . there is nothing civilized about this Third World septic tank.

Because of appeals, appeals, appeals, justice (that mostly forgotten, muchly overlooked element in post-modern Amerika) has been—ho-hum—put off for these past three decades.  Thirty-two years, in fact!  Before Mann’s long-overdue execution, his attorney tried to keep this worthy and valuable asset to society alive for at least another decade or two by insisting that the governor’s signature on the death warrant was “arbitrary and capricious” and that putting poor Larry to death “violated evolving standards of decency.”  Truly, America is “evolving” alright . . . evolving backwards.

Fun with Punishment

Since the judges prefer to play golf and chase skirts, and since the justice system is clearly not just sick, but comatose, how about we victims and we victims-in-waiting take charge and devise punishments to fit the crimes?

After sitting on Florida’s Life Row these past one score and three, Elmer Carroll was put down painlessly recently via lethal injection.  Somewhere way back in the misty past, back in the last century, Carroll raped and smothered a 10-year-old child.

Meanwhile, another lovely fellow, Tom Coe, is doing a life spin on Life Row for killing his  two-year-old stepson, also way back before the dawn of time, back in the last century.  How did Coe kill that child?  By repeatedly dunking his head in and out of a toilet stool, that’s how.

As far as Elmer, might not it have been appropriate to do away with him in the same manner that he did away with the little girl—a large ax handle should do the job nicely, about an hour’s worth of anal rape—w/o lube—culminating not in Carroll’s climax, but in his execution by slow smotheration.    And as for Tom Coe. . . .

Bring in a crane, tie ropes around each ankle, then, with either a septic tank, cesspool or open sewer below, dunk this devil until nearly dead, then raise him up and dunk him some more.

Savage?  You bet!

Do I care?  No.

What’s the point?  Revenge.

Why?  Because it feels good.

How come?  Because whatever we are doing now just ain’t a workin’—repeat—JUST AIN’T A WORKIN’!

Make the punishment so severe and sadistic that even the most homicidal of maniacs and even the most mentally challenged of murderers will stop and think twice before they tie someone up and toss them over the side of a boat, or bury a child alive in trash bags, or drown a two-year-old in a toilet stool, or skin a helpless animal alive and set it on fire.  After watching the above executions on pay-per-view, think anyone else would have a hankerin’ to murder that way?  I don’t.

Food Fight

foodfightThe buffet line mobs on cruise ships start me thinking (and laughing) about the struggle for survival at sea.  Some sundry food for thought. . . .

Actually, orderly chaos best describes the tussle which occurs three times a day at the food buffet on cruise ships.  It is clear by their nervous eyes as they flit from food group to food group, as well as the machine motion of their trembling hands as they reach for soup spoons, pats of butter, slabs of meat, shrimp cocktail, some pasta, and as they try to balance all including a tray of cheese and breads in one hand and a large bowl of chowder in the other, that one best not get between some of these gorgers and the object of their quest if they value life. These food uber alles gluttons will elbow, hog and knock you down at every line, save the salad bar, but let them catch sight of a hunk of triple-layer dark chocolate fudge cake topped with a cherry on the dessert trays and they will trample and grind you underfoot like a clod of dirt.

“Oh, it ALL smells sooooo good!” groaned one 500 pound land whale above the din, as though she might actually faint from hunger before she could begin consuming vast quantities of carbs, sodium and animal fat.  I noted that the poor little scooter she rode on was also groaning under its massive load.  When this individual hit the buffet line she scattered all we normies in her path like we were sparrows.  The image was more that of an all-devouring tank than that of a human on an electric lard mover.

Now, if some people are so greedy and oblivious to manners at these “all-you-can-gorge” cruise ship buffets where the food is nonstop and free, imagine what they would be like if food were scarce and their life depended on it?  Clearly, they’d kill, roast and eat you in a New Guinea minute.

My first three trips across the Atlantic were on board ships where only sit-down regulars were served with actual waiters.  No 24/7 buffets as per the giant ships of today.  Nope. This was just old timey come-and-get-it.  And come-and-get-it we did, breakfast, lunch and dinner.  When that gong went off and the marching music came over the intercoms, like Pavlovian dogs the entire ship, salivating and starving with each step, marched off on cue to the dining hall.

There is also an episode of “Cops” where an officer is called to settle a dispute at a local restaurant.  Seems it was one of those “all-you-can-eat” nights and the owner had had it from a long-haired guy and his wife whose habit every week was taking home a plate of steak and potatoes that were “left-overs.”  Ho, ho, ho—wouldn’t we all like those rules? One could take home enough from one buffet to last the rest of the week, or month, with those rules.  Anyway, the dead-beats’ (thieves’) specious line of reason ran:

“Hey, they are going to throw this out now no matter what, so what is the harm of taking these t-bones and fries home and getting some use out of ‘em.”

Now, these customers, shifty and unsavory though they were, were not retards and they knew perfectly well that if the restaurant allowed them such an option they would need to extend that same option to everyone.  Do that and in a week or less the business would also have a “For Sale” sign outside.

The cop warned the dead-beats that if they took the food from the premises that would be considered theft and they would be arrested.  After way more debate than necessary, the thieves finally left, acting as all dead-beats act, indignant, mortified, incensed, like they had been grievously wronged by being denied what was rightfully theirs.

On another occasion, my first wife and I were sitting in a Chinese restaurant up in some remote town in northern British Columbia.  I remember what I was eating at the time: Sweet and Sour tomatoes.  Suddenly, there was a big ruckus near our table. From the back, out came three or four Chinese folks, some with knives.  The object of the angry words and deadly threats was some shabby-looking fellow.  By his hang-dog manner and sheepish smile, I gathered that he was a dead-beat diner.  He was “escorted” to the door and shoved into the street.  This was startling in itself but what was really amazing was how quickly the switch flipped in the Chinese.  One moment all was Asian smiles and courtesy and that Oriental mood music to dine by . . . the next moment it was a proverbial Chinese fire drill with yelling and animated Asians running everywhere.

Moral: American Express . . . When Headed For Wong’s Wok and Roll Don’t Dare Leave Home Without It!

Badwill—Thieves broke into an enclosure and made off with $5K in tools from our local Goodwill store.  That is pretty damned low, about as low as pilfering from a church collection plate or swiping a Salvation Army coin kettle.  I realize that drugs don’t make addicts, addicts make addicts, but once these weak-willed people get hooked nothing—not age, not sex, not religion, not even a guilty conscience—gets between them and their addiction, nothing.

There was a bit more ill will here in Florida this week.  A dozen Florida inmates were shipped back up river when it was discovered that they had been “violating rules” at their St. Pete work-release facility.  What those violations were—Booze?  Drugs? Grand theft auto?  Murder for hire?—was not mentioned.  The well-intentioned facility was run by Goodwill.  A ton of badwill for Goodwill this week, a ton.  Too bad.  I occasionally donate to this generous group.

Good Gun Control—Some Jesse James wannabe entered a Tallahassee convenience store bent on committing a shocking robbery.  His weapon of choice?  A cattle prod.  It was only after Jesse zzzzzorked the poor clerk not once, but zzzzzorked him twice, that the victim went over on the offensive.  Whipping out a po-po-in-the-pocket, the clerk made ready to lay poor Jesse in his grave. Young JJ, however, managed to dash out the door, ducking and dodging death every step of the way.  Cops caught the puffing prod perp a short time later and packed his butt off to stupid prison.

Bad Blade Control—Some certifiably crazed chap went even crazier the other night over on the wrong side of the state when he and his ma got into a bit of a tiff over a TV program.  Must have been a show that the 23-year-old REALLY wanted to see for he grabbed a kitchen knife and pretty much completely cut the woman’s head clean off.

“I am the devil,” stated the murderer when cops cuffed him.  Who could argue with that statement?

Don’t look for these small items to make national or even state wide news.  Had the latter been a gun instead of a kitchen knife, or had the clerk in the item before that been killed by a gun, they might have been right up there at the top of today’s list of yet-more-reasons-why-American’s-must-be-disarmed-and-made-helpless.

Gun control is not about guns . . . It’s about  control . . . Jewish control!



Naked News, or “He’s a Floggin’. . . and I’m a Bloggin!”

2783599799_1fd7b538fbOver Punta Gorda way, Don Hughes was sitting around naked the other afternoon, on the front porch, on the back porch, on the left porch, on the right porch, on the roof porch, on any porch that offered the world a great view of his wonderful manly parts. 

Neighbors, of course, were concerned.  One lady testified that though it took some work she saw Hughes sauntering around in his back yard, nude as a noodle.  As she struggled to peer through a crack in the wooden fence, the woman discovered that if she stood just right and used her tippy toes, she could see Don’s ding-dong waggin’ in the wind, as well as a butterfly tattoo down there.  She was incensed.  She looked twenty more times just to make sure she saw what she thought she saw.  Another witness, some unlucky rudder on his bike, saw the proud penis from the street.  No mention if the pole was at full-staff, half-staff or at ease.

When the Perv Patrol finally arrived on their chariots drawn by only the swiftest of snails, Don hurriedly threw on some duds, then insisted that it weren’t so; that he had been fully clothed all day.  Everyone was lying, he said, all hundred of ’em.  Why so many gawkers would make up such a disgusting story, much less several female witnesses who were able to identify minutely the butterfly tattoo down to the last detail, Don could not explain.

Since Hughes is already on probation as a child molester and rapist, perhaps a judge will see the merit of sending this nature-loving Lester back to prison for a few days, maybe even a week this time. Or perhaps not.  Not sure what kind of a sick society lets these demented pervs out in the first place to commit, recommit and multi-commit but it’s getting vastly worse, not better.


Chicken Chokin’ Chuck–Down Ft. Myers way, 21-year-old Greg Bruni (left) sometime back went quite nutz when he got into some really amazing dope. Shedding his clothes, this carnival worker and Tarzan wanna-be ran crazy through one of the ever-so-staid-and-near-dead retirement communities that are so numerous around these parts.  Scaling a drain pipe up to the top of one house (below), Greg began to run r-gregory-matthew-bruni-naked-pooping-masturbate-large570around wildly on the hot tin roof screaming like a man who had both claws of a stone crab locked on his not-so-private privates.

Down below, under the roof in question, the startled home owner and his wife who had been at work cleaning their carpet ran out to see who or what was being butchered over head.  Imagine their reaction when they looked up and saw a stark naked man leaping off the roof right at them. Landing hard on the home-owner, Bruni dashed straight into the home itself, followed closely by the arm-waving husband and his screaming wife.  Once inside, our naked Ape Man ripped the enormous big screen TV (6’ tall) off the wall and broke it to bits.  Spotting the carpet cleaner, the maniac emptied it all over the place then commenced eating the filth.

By this time, the terrified wife had returned from the bedroom with a pistol and began blazing away at the intruder.  Far from being worried, Greg must have become, in fact, aroused by all the shooting and attention he was receiving.  Grabbing his boner, Greg began furiously flogging his log until he had spread a million potential little Gregs all over the once-clean rug.  Finished, this flipped-out fiend then ran into another room and rubbed his face into articles of clothing.  Bruni then raced about the home defecating on the floor. 

By this time, the homeowner—no doubt thinking that the world as he knew it was coming to an end—finally located his shotgun.  With his wife, Annie Oakley, running around waving the six-shooter, the husband could not get a clear shot at the naked masturbator.  

“I don’t know who the hell he is—he’s naked and he’s running in my damn house!” screamed the frantic wife to a 911 operator.

“Lay down, mother fucker, lay down!” shouted the swearing, sweating husband as he tried to get Greg in his sights.

Before the gentleman could unload on the wretch—who continued to do some unloading himself on the rugs, in the hallways, on the furniture—the cops came and quickly gave Greg’s naked butt some angry volts of vengeance.

Greg Bruni was charged with two counts of criminal mischief, battery, burglary, trespassing, resisting arrest, indecent exposure, failure to handle his dope in a mature manner, speaking in tongues, jerkin’ his gherkin in public, and shittin’ without a license.

Honestly, I think Greg looks a bit like Wally Cleaver of Leave It To Beaver fame.  I suppose when this mad dog miscreant isn’t druggin’, runnin’, jumpin’, screamin’, yellin’, nudin’,  jackin’, and shittin’ on the rug, he’s probably a pretty decent guy.  Of course, I could say the same thing about a lot of people I know.

Whatever, just another sunny day in the sunny Sunshine State.  [yawn……zzzzzzzzz……snore]



The Big Tuna


I occasionally monitor Jewish online news outlets like Yahoo. For the past 50 years Jewish organizations—the ADL, JDL, AIPAC, SPLC, et al—have watched us closely so I think turnabout is fair play.

The good news? Jews will need to be hiring many more monitors since in sheer weight of numbers and websites White Nationalism is exploding off the charts. The better news? Our Jewish friends will need to spend much more of their time and resources to monitor us since the explosion is not just quantitative, but qualitative; many of our best and brightest are now stepping from the dark to our side as if from one mind, one impulse, one goal, as tho the hoary old scales have fallen from their eyes in one great avalanche. Unlike earlier White Nationalists, these more recent arrivals are a very sophisticated bunch; these newcomers are simply too savvy, too intelligent and too determined to fall for the same old lies, tricks, scams, and cons as before.

But I digress. It is not only instructive to follow what Jews are doing but it is entertaining as well. If one watches closely enough one can learn how the Jewish mind works, what it is thinking, what it is planning, its joys, its sorrows, its happiness, its fears, its laughter, its tears. Right now, the Jewish mind is suffering through a mass psychosis; it is terrified of Don Trump. Yes, yes, yes, I know all about all the Jews surrounding Trump, both in his family and out. But to understand why Jews hate and fear Trump so deeply one must understand what Don Trump is.

Like Vlad Putin, Trump—like most men—is a man who loves power. On a whim—after a good night’s rest, or after a hard day on the rock—Trump, like the proverbial loose cannon on the deck, is capable of turning on a dime and crushing those who imagined they had control of him.. After all, we must remember: Putin and Trump are powerful men with powerful egos and both are engaged in power politics, not book-editing, egg-grading or school-teaching. They are also both white men who lead huge countries.  Both genuinely care about their place in history and how they will be viewed a hundred years hence.  Both men also understand the role that the Jewish power grid plays in modern politics and both realize that they must maintain good relationships with this sinister power bloc if they hope to avoid the fate of Saddam Hussein, Moammar Khadafy, and every other popular leader who challenged their control, including–and especially–Adolf Hitler  

But this relationship cuts both ways. An angry Trump, a vengeful Trump, a seething Trump might wake up some bright morning and decide that he wants to be known for more than being just another American puppet president; that he now aspires to be known throughout all time to come as the new George Washington who led Americans to a national resurrection, to a new burst of individual liberty and freedom—this unpredictability, this quirkiness, this lack of absolute Jewish control is the specter that keeps Hebes awake at night.

But I digress some more.  Before Trump’s nomination back last summer, the message board on Yahoo was filled with thousands of Trump supporters. Back then, some posters merely acknowledging that they were voting for Trump would get ten to twenty times as many “thumbs ups” as “thumbs down.” Now, since the nomination? Clearly, the Jewish wire-pullers at Yahoo and other message boards have decreed that freedom of the message board will never do. Now, one would be lucky to even have a pro-Trump message posted, much less receive any thumbs up. Just try it.  After the egregious, shameless nonstop anti-Trump blitz in the Jewish media these past months, one might imagine that Trump supporters have just given up and gone home.  Clearly, our Jewish friends have pulled the plug on “freedom.” It’s a Jewish “all in” during this final stretch to convince we whites that Trump has no support and is unelectable—that a few scattered whites living in single-wides out in the Ozarks are the only people who favor Trump; that it’s useless to vote; that one might just as well just stay home and surf Jewish porn or watch Jewish sports on voting day. Of course, cooking up and serving slabs of “reality” is what the Jew has done since Gutenberg invented the printing press. As God’s Chosen Mind Manipulators know from past experience, the perception of reality is as important to most people as reality itself.  If some feel it is pointless to vote for Trump since he is hopelessly outnumbered, them some won’t vote.

But still I digress.  A normal white person might ask themselves, “How could anyone in their right mind vote for Hillary Clinton? How could anyone take this wild-eyed nut ball seriously? What has this creature ever done for anyone that was not coldly calculated to first feather her own nest. Forget that lecherous wretch she is married to; There is no honor or virtue in staying with such a leg-humping sex-dog as Bill who to this very day cannot seemingly keep his pants zipped if a vagina passes any where near. No, the Hilldabeast in her ass-stretching pants suit keeps Monika’s b-friend around because he is a useful political tool.

Hillary Clinton makes even the saggy, baggy German-hating sow, Angela “The Marxist” Merkel, look normal and sane by comparison. We tell ourselves that,

Yes, we know a nation gets the leadership it deserve but surely we have not slipped so far as to deserve a mad, man-hating cow like Hillary. There is just no way any nation,” we try to convince ourselves, “even a terminally sick nation such as ours, just no way she could get enough boons, beaners, trannies, dykes, gender-less land whale “feminists”, and mentally malfunctionating self-hating whites to elect her to the presidency . . . and yet. . . . “

Our fear, of course, trends from the last two elections. Any nation that could opt for a do-nothing, done-nothing negroidal non-entity like Obama not once, but twice, we tell ourselves, based solely on a tissue of smiling promises and teleprompter cues, could just as easily go for a crazed loon like Hillary. And that scares the shit out of us.

I have nothing against a woman president. I feel a woman could lead us to ruin just as quickly as a man. But pleeze, if a traitorous white woman must run against we whites, at least give us a foe-woman worthy of our steel. Recall that preceding Obama, one of the most ignorant and incompetent characters to ever fist-pump and high-five his way into the oval office was George W. Bust. This cross-eyed clown and his murderous ignorance set the bar so low for the presidency that even a stupid do-nothing community organizer like Barack could waltz to the WH. So desperate were “We, the people” for “Hope & Change” and deliverance from the neo-con moron, George Bust, that we would have gladly voted for a dog, a goat or a canary for the Presidency.

Pretty damn much, all we racist, anti-semitic, hate-filled bigots agree that The Hill is the last stop on the road to ruin.  Most of us feel pretty safe in saying that if this big-mouthed, wild-eyed water buffalo does not ignite a war with Russia in which this nation will thereupon be blown to atoms, then she will mismanage the bloating economic carcass of this beached US whale and the gaseous explosion will finish us off.

My problem with many of my fellow racist, anti-semitic, hate-filled bigot comrades is this: You know Hill is the end of the line, I know Hill is the end of the line, all God’s chillun know she is the end of the line, so what is this bashing of Don Trump?  I know the answer, but I just need to use the word “rhetorical” once per blog to make these scribblings seem a might more toney than they really are.

big-tuna-high-resSome comrades refuse to Pump the Trump; they imagine that he is a mere phantasm; a mirage, a distraction, an attempt to sap our strength, a gambit to cool our engines; that once he is elected there will be a deep sigh among our people signifying that “all is now well again” and we will then return to the same snoring, lazy complacency that our dads and granddads did after WWII. To these understandably concerned folks, let me say: Forget it!  Ain’t a gonna happen. No matter who wins, we will never—say again–NEVER return to the bad old days of allowing our worst enemy to take control of our lives.  We are not out of the nuclear reactor and its meltdown yet, but in my opinion, we have escaped critical mass; few noticed it but the corner was passed last year; we will continue to exist; whites will not only survive but we will flourish and soon set sail to explore our galaxy and beyond. So close, however, have our enemies come to destroying us these past decades that WE WILL NEVER FORGIVE, WE WILL NEVER FORGET AND WE WILL NEVER GO BACK. 

A Trump election victory will be a “Victory of Time.” Time. Time to grow and plan and prepare for our ultimate return to control of our own lives. Time to sort out who among us will stay and who must go; time to cast out the bad genes from our genetic swimming pool.  Some whites are so diseased and beyond hope that they pose a much greater threat to our future than even our sworn enemies. In fact, they are vastly more dangerous in the long term.

And, as for some of our web warriors who hate on The Don and caution the rest of us about trusting him, I ask,

“What have YOU done lately?  What have you done except hide behind the computer screen and talk tough?  At what point have you educated yourself about the true nature of the world?  At some point, when will you cut loose from theory and advance to practical application?  Or are you, like the professional college student who can never quite find his way off campus after 10 or 20 years of playing professional student, do you also fear that great big deadly world out there where talk ends and action begins? While you are bitching out Trump and finding all manner of fault with he and his followers, Trump is actually DOING SOMETHING you are not; he is being ACTIVE.  He is actually risking his hide for things he believes in. And BTW—Anyone who does not think that Trump is risking his life hourly is either an idiot or does not know how many mental meatballs there are out there who imagine, and no doubt correctly, that they would be honored as a hero by knocking off Trump.

No, The Don is not perfect. No, he certainly falls short among WN’s, myself included. And no, in all likelihood he will not accomplish much . . . during his first term.

But Brothers & Sisters, look out for the second term!  That’s the Big Tuna.  Let us all live and work for the Big Tuna!

Fun With Names


. . . and a side order of roaches, please!

Our local stuff-a-gut restaurant, appropriately called “Stuff-A-Belly Diner,” was closed recently for health reasons.  Altho none of the infractions were as horrid as that Chinese restaurant in Kentucky caught serving maggot-infested road kill, it was still pretty disgusting.  Hundreds of dead roaches, hundreds of live roaches, rancid grease, workers failing to wash after trips to the can, filthy restrooms, filthy kitchens, filthy employees. . . .

The “chef” at this grease ‘n grub joint, one Todd Gassman (not making that up), promises the hungry public that the roaches will be swept away and that the employees will be introduced to the novel idea of washing their paws after wiping their cans.

Despite bad press past (the place has been closed before), bad press present and, no doubt, bad press future, some folks just don’t give a rat’s about roaches, food poisoning, epidemics, and other such minor matters.  Just so long as they get their guts stuffed as cheaply as possible, they will come back again and again.  Hmmm?  Is that the Third World I see up ahead?  Is that Mexico?

Well do I remember my first swing through Juarez, Mexico as a 17-year-old hitch-hiker.  That sizzling smell in the air of something frying was no beef, pork or chicken I had ever smelled before.  Cats, rats, dogs, and burro meat, most likely.


News Speak

Our local fish wrap reporter reporting on the report of a “severely impaired person” laying like a dead skunk in the road over at North Port the other night mentioned that when the blue lights reached the scene they did indeed find the severely impaired person (drunken idiot), 49-year-old Carl Davis, sprawled out and unable to even remember his name, age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or even able to remember if he was human, frog, worm, or a mollusk bi-valve.

“Officers attempted to place Davis into protective custody (tried to arrest him),” the reporter continues, “and transport him to the North Port Correctional Facility (local hoosegow), but Davis suddenly began fighting with officers.  Davis thereupon seized one of the officers by his genitals (squashed his nuts).  At this time, another officer deployed his taser (whipped out his Buck Rogers ray gun and zapped Davis flush on his can) at which time Davis began cooperating (at which time Carl provided free entertainment by doing a lively blue chicken dance on the street).”


Names of People I Have Known That Should Be Abolished 

  • Sharon Belcher
  • Clydene Petersillie
  • Steve Pigg
  • Debbie Grubb
  • Sandra Grimes

Why does not one generation simply put their foot down and say “Me and my ancestors have had just about enough, enough sez I, and we ain’t a gonna take it no more.  I’m changing this here name from Bob Hogg to Robert J. Rockerfeller, III.

Other ancestors long ago had the good sense to pitch these names

  • Jedidiah Dogmeat
  • Ebenezer Molester
  • Seymour Scrotum
  • Sir Victor Vomit III


Names That Stuck . . . and Still Suck, #472

Just up the bay down Punta Gorda way, Bob Coward, 82, died a while back.  Now, there are some really horrible surnames, but what self-respecting straight guy would want to tote that millstone all his days?

“Yep, old Bob is truly the ‘Coward of the County’! Ha, ha, ha, ha!”   or,  “I’m a real chip off the old block, I am.  I come from a long line of Cowards.  There’s big Cowards, little Cowards, Cowards that squat to pee, all sorts of Cowards in our family.”

Since Bob was in the—not makin’ this up—in the flower biz all his life . . . growing ‘em . . . picking ‘em . . . selling ‘em . . . smelling ‘em . . . dancing “tip-toe through the tulips” with ‘em . . . he must have led an “interesting” life, to put it mildly, full of foot races as he was chased home from school each day, bully beat-downs when they caught him, and frustrated girl friends always trying, but failing, to provoke Bob into bar fights because some guy was looking at her lasciviously.  Bob at least had the good sense to name one of his sons, Butch.  The other three sons, however—Lilly, Iris and Rose—were on their own.  Perhaps, since he had nothing more than flowers to give as a legacy, perhaps it was just Bob’s way of passing on “tough love” to his kids, sorta like the old drunk who named his boy “Sue.”


After courtship and marriage, how about settling down and raising a fam in one of these enticing places in the Good Old USofA?

Slick Lizzard, Alabama

Deadman Reach, Alaska

Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

Fire and Brimstone, Mississippi

Sodom and Gomorrah, Nevada

Assawoman Bay, Deleware

Santa Claus, Indiana

Frogmore, Louisiana

Hot Coffee, Mississippi

Lower Pig Pen, North Carolina

Hell, Michigan

Satan’s Kingdom, Rhode Island

Lick Skillet, Tennessee

Crazy Cow Creek, Washington

Climax Springs, Missouri

Incest, Mississippi

Hey, I’m just the messenger. 

On Killers and Killing

befunky_bloodybill-jpgMy fascination with Bill Anderson (left) began during my freshman year at Washburn University.

I had just received a discharge from the military and one fine day I found myself in a college classroom. Forget those images of serious students studying under the GI Bill; of square jaws and mature haircuts taking copious notes and posing profound questions to professors from the front row; forget all that—I didn’t have a clue. Of course, after a near perfect run of “F’s” I set some sort of speed record for flunking out. But before that day, I often found myself in the college library where I would seek some quiet nook to sleep off the effects of the night before. Before conking off I would pull down a book or two and drowsily look at the pretty pictures.

One day I found myself in the history section. The book I chose concerned the civil war along the Missouri-Kansas border. I was intrigued. Battles, raids, massacres, so I learned, occurred at places I knew, and knew well. I was stunned that such history had happened right beneath my feet. I went back to this section the next day to sleep and the next; instead of snoozing though, I spent more and more time awake, poring over not only the original book but others dealing with the Missouri-Kansas troubles.

Simply put, I was astonished by the incredible cast of characters back then—thieves, rogues, scoundrels, villains all, with nary a hero among ‘em. But one man in particular nailed my attention. Like myself, he considered himself a Kansan. Like myself, he had spent much of his life in Missouri. Like myself, he was young. Unlike myself, his hobby was lifting scalps and chopping off heads.

Even those writers who claimed impartiality had nothing kind to say about Bill Anderson. Fiendish, demonic, sadistic, satanic—just a few of the milder terms used to describe him. In a word, I thought this man must have really been one scary devil to stand hooves and horns above an already hellish crew.

I never forgot Bill Anderson. Like any extreme, he stuck. And so, after a year of digging ditches, pumping gas and flinging pizza dough, I discovered to my utter amazement that I really was college material after all. After getting my grades up at another school, then finagling my way back into Washburn, I soon began majoring in American History; and there was never a doubt what the subject of my senior research paper would be. Thus, with pen and pad, I set off on the first research mission of my life—to this day, it remains my most enjoyable. And, as the body of facts on Anderson grew, so did my disbelief.

william_andersonBriefly, what I learned was this: Missouri and Kansas back in 1861-1865 was virtually a Syria in our own backyard; and Bill Anderson was our own version of the head-chopping Jihadi. Bill Anderson and his band of 80 men, which included a teenager named Jesse James, turned Missouri inside out for the better part of two years, ambushing Yankee patrols, capturing towns, destroying railroad trains, halting river traffic, and raising pure hell until the war was over. Anderson led by example. When he was finally killed (right), he had personally slain 54 men and was responsible for the slaughter of hundreds more. It’s a safe bet that few of Anderson’s victims died quickly.

After considerable travel and no mean amount of midnight oil, I turned in my longish term paper (74 pages). A week or so later, my adviser at Washburn, Dr. Donald Danker, met me in the foyer of the history department and personally showed me his verdict. It was an A+. He was so impressed by the effort, in fact, that he offered to help me find a publisher. I was stunned and embarrassed by his words. But I was also flattered. It was the greatest compliment I had ever received.

And so, a dolt’s choice of a place to skip class, a morbid fascination with a mass murderer, and a professor’s encouragement, pretty much determined the course my life would take, for better or for worse. It is no mystery why Anderson figures prominently in my first two books and why I also penned a biography of the man. His image haunts me still.

Moral: The most dangerous animal on earth is an angry white man with nothing left to lose.  He is cunning, clever, intelligent, resourceful, he never sleeps, and he is almost impossible to kill. And, as Bill Anderson proves, some are merciless.



“Killin’ a man ain’t easy.”

How many times I’ve heard that phrase in sixty-something-TV- Western-watching-years.

“Killin’ a man ain’t easy.”

Now, sometimes—as in the case of Wyatt Earp lecturing younger brother, Morgan, in the movie, Tombstone—this is spoken with a person’s soul in mind, i.e., “don’t skin that smoke-wagon lightly boy, for once you dust a man your soul will dog you the rest of your days.”  But I think a good many times the phrase in question may/should be spoken in the literal sense: Killing a man is NOT easy . . . or, it takes a lot of killin’ to kill a man.

The body is a tough organism. Life avoids death.  Life fears death.  Life hates death. Despite those rosy obituaries, and I don’t care how old someone was, no one ever died “peacefully in their sleep.” From an earthworm to an Earp, every living thing takes a lot of dying before it is dead. After receiving an assassin’s bullet to the back of his head, Abe Lincoln should have died within ten minutes; instead, he lived for nearly ten hours. The first U. S. Senator from Kansas, James Henry Lane, placed a pistol in his mouth one despondent day and promptly blew a hole through the top of his skull. Not ten hours did Lane live, but ten DAYS; some thought he might even recover from the ghastly wound.

More recently, readers might refer back a few posts to John Thornton and the Lawrence, Kansas Massacre of 1863 (“The Human Shooting Gallery”). When one hears the stats on that massacre—150 killed in cold blood—most, I’m sure, imagine (if they imagine at all) that these 150 men were killed with neatness and dispatch. Terrible and messy as the affair may have been overall, at least the individuals died quickly, or so one hopes. Well, take it from me: NO ONE died quickly that morn.

Here are two snatches from my book on the Lawrence Massacre, Bloody Dawn:

Old Joseph Savage wasn’t in that great of a rush to leave town–at least not until he had hitched his buggy and safely loaded everything of value into the back, including his brand-new silver baritone, which he was eager to show off at the next band concert. But finally, he and his wife and a German friend did pull away for their home just south of Lawrence and drove up Cemetery Road.

“Mine pipe, mine pipe,” cried the German, who wanted to go back and get it. But Savage wasn’t turning around just for a pipe, and the German and his smoke would simply have to wait.

After a short ride they came to the home of Otis Longley; here they stopped. To their surprise they saw Otis suddenly bolt out his back door and run to the front, “making a frightened noise, unlike any other sound I ever heard,” thought Savage. Close behind came two men cursing him to halt. He kept running, however, and just as he was about to reach the fence along the road, a shot rang out. Otis went down. As the stunned people watched on, the moaning man struggled to climb the fence. But another explosion sounded behind him and another bullet blew open his jaw, knocking him back to the ground. When the two Rebels walked up—one greedily chomping slices of cantaloupe—Otis was on his hands and knees, coughing streams of blood. Again he tried to rise. A loud blast at close range dropped him for good. The men then crossed the fence.

Joseph Savage, “some times crawling, and some times running and rolling,” had already made his break for cover. But trembling and pale, the German sat beside Mrs. Savage stiff with fear. The woman’s pleading and the sight of the horrified German was just too much, however, and the wagon was allowed to pass.

The two guerrillas strolled back to the house, the one still eating melon and the other merrily tooting his new silver horn. . . .

At the end of the business district, a large gang of drunks spotted Dan Palmer and a friend standing in the door of Palmer’s gun shop. Before they could duck back in both were shot and wounded. While some of the bushwhackers set the building on fire, others stood the two men up and bound them together with rope. Then, when the flames caught and began to roar, the startled captives were pitched inside. Wild with fright, Palmer and his friend regained their footing and struggled out the door, pleading with the Rebels for mercy. But amid hellish laughter and waving pistols the men were again hurled into the furnace. At last the rope broke, but there was nowhere to run. By this time only Palmer was able to rise. Standing in the flames, arms reaching for heaven, he screamed above the roar, “O God save us!” This brought a new round of applause and laughter. Soon, the cries inside ceased and the drunken gang moved on.

Neatness and dispatch? In the real world, death is seldom clean and quick.

Agora em Português!

BookCoverPreview(5)portugueseMilhões mortos, milhões estuprados, milhões torturados, milhões de homens, mulheres e crianças espalhados pela a sua terra. Não importa o que você já leu sobre a Segunda Guerra Mundial, não importa o que foi dito a você sobre a guerra, independente do que você acredita que aconteceu durante a “Boa Guerra”, esqueça completamente! Agora, pela primeira vez em 70 anos, descubra o que a guerra e a “paz” pareciam para aqueles cujo foram derrotados. Descubra o que foi feito para a Alemanha e o seu povo. Nas suas próprias palavras, em detalhes gráficos, esta é a história deles…Tempestade Infernal – A Morte da Alemanha Nazista, 1944-1947


Todos nós, sem exceção, sofremos o mesmo, e para deixar as coisas piores, estas atrocidades não foram cometidas secretamente ou em lugares escondidos mas em público, em igrejas, nas ruas e nas praças. Mães eram estupradas na presença dos seus filhos, garotas eram estupradas perante os seus irmãos e como regra, não apenas uma vez mas inúmeras vezes.

—– Uma mulher Alemã

Matem todos eles, homens, idosos, crianças e mulheres, após vocês tiverem se divertidos com eles! Mate. Nada na Alemanha é inocente, nem o vivo nem o ainda não nascido. Destrua o orgulho racial da mulher Alemã. Se aposse dela como a sua legítima recompensa de guerra. Matem, bravos soldados do vitorioso Exército Soviético.

—– Propagandista Judeu, Ilya Ehrenburg

(Compre no, ou com o autor

Let Me Off!

eyetomTwo hapless, hopeless, homeless humanoidals got in a bit of a tiff a while back down at Key South . . . or Key East . . . or Key Largo . . . or Key Smallo . . . or Key Whocares-o. Seems these two gentlemen living in a camp among the watery mangroves were fighting over a sack of something.  

No mention what was in the sack but I think it’s a safe bet that it was not diamonds, rubies or pearls.  Anywho, whatever was actually in that sack, be it porn, pills or poop—it’s all the same—was apparently pretty important to both individuals concerned.  Grabbing a filet knife the 59-year-old stabbed the 53-year-old straight square through the heart.  The latter, with an unearthly scream, flopped face down into the water.  But Lo!  The cool salt must have revived the victim for no sooner did he fall flat than he leaped to his feet and promptly pedaled away on his bicycle.  He did not get far. Swamp Cops found him lying across the bike a short distance from the camp, dead as a mackerel in the moonlight.

Living in a homeless swamp camp among the mangroves?  In a purely survival sort of sense, I’m not sure how anyone could “live” in a mangrove swamp ANYWHERE in Florida.  American crocodiles, twelve-foot alligators, Burmese Pythons, poisonous water moccasins, rats as big as coons, coons as big as wild hogs, wild hogs as big as . . . well, you get the point.  And imagine the fire ants, and imagine some more the swarms of starving mosquitoes, and imagine even more the plentiferous Florida sand burrs that are so needle-like that they will penetrate shoe leather, flatten bike tires and would certainly play holy hector with sleep a hundred times a night.  

Then, suppose, then just suppose that you take a bath twice a year whether you need it not?  How about washing, and watching, and washing, and watching at the same time for a hundred varieties of man-eating sharks, barracudas aplenty, invisible stinging jelly-fish, and a dozen species of rays that will stick a poison spear in your calf as quick as the invasive Lion Fish will stick his poison quills two inches deep into your butt and your dangling joy bag.  Add to all this the morning, noons and nights spent among delirious drug addicts, cracked and crazed mental patients and criminal cutthroats, then throw in the furious heat and tropical rain, and the picture is pretty much complete.  Like surfing computer porn? Forget it!  Enjoy mindless sports on TV?  Forget it!  Can’t sleep without an a/c?  Forget it! Need a little peace, quiet and sanity to hold it together? FORGEEEEEET IT!

Truly, it is the grossest of understatements to say that the dead man above has gone to a far, far better world than this morass of misery on Key Hell.  Perhaps his great escape was simply “suicide by argument.”

Naked One-Legged Man Dies After Tossing Bricks”—Oh, yeah, that’s the startling headline sometime back.  As if it ain’t bad enough that someone was running loose like Ernest T. Bass throwing bricks through windows up at Pensacola, and as if it ain’t bad enough that he’s naked and stark raving ballz-to-the-wallz nutz, but for god’s sake it’s a man hopping around on ONE FUGGEN LEG!  Somehow, him managing to die on someone’s lawn during the entire crazed episode seems just plain anticlimactic.

Neighbors saw 55-year-old Norbert Chabannes crawling across a yard,” ran the report.  “They told deputies he cut his arm while unsuccessfully trying to break into his next door neighbor’s house. That’s when he crawled across the street and threw a cinder block at a home. . . . [A] deputy found him delirious in the front yard.  The deputy says Chabannes collapsed while he was trying to reason with him.”

Reason with him?”  “Delirious?”  “Crawled across the street?” Unbelievable.  Who could make this crap up?  And do tell how a one-legged man could balance and hop long enough to toss anything, much less a concrete block?  Lord!

Times is Tuff—Apparently, even thieves are down and out in these hard economic times.  In addition to burglarizing churches and distracting kids selling girl scout cookies while a cohort pilfers the till, addicts have recently taken to stealing our local newspaper racks.  Not only is there a few bucks in quarters in these cumbersome things but they can scrap the machine itself for metal.  Also—and this is a first to my knowledge—some idiot broke into our local library a while back and stole the tackle box that contained about ten bucks from the sale of old and used books (not surprisingly, no books were taken).  Next stop for these cretins, I suppose, is grave robbing and fishing out the coins tossed into fountains devoted to crippled kids.

Tough economic times? Times is always tough for the over-addicted and under-funded dregs of society.  “A man’s gotta eat” has been replaced by “A man’s gotta slam.”

Darwin Award—A young lady in Michigan decided to buy a monkey from some nice gentleman who said he was calling from the West African armpit sinkhole nation of Cameroon.  The price was $50. Since fifty smackos for an honest-to-goodness simian seemed like a pretty sweet deal to the 25-year-old rocket scientist, she eagerly sent the cash then settled in to await her monkey in the mail. 

When the seller contacted the American again and said that, so sorry, but before he could send the ape he needed a bit more cash—say, about $300 more–for shots, taxes, food, etc.   The young woman agreed.  But alas, still no monk in the mail box. 

When the seller called again and demanded even more dough before he sent the primate, the really dim light bulb finally began to flicker feebly. Sensing that just maybe she was being hosed, the woman decided to report her concern to the local police.

I suppose that anyone who believes they can buy a $50 monkey through the mail from Africa might also imagine that the cops in Mud City, Michigan have nothing better to do with their time and budget than spend weeks and weeks and thousands upon thousands of dollars trying to retrieve the lost $350 of an absolutely perfect moron. 

Items like this back up my belief that before one can be an “old fool” one must first be a card-carrying young fool.

Flasher-Pervert Outbreak.  Like aids, herpes, clap, and crabs, seems that right now on the Gulf there is an outbreak of that most pernicious and disgusting sex disease of all, viz., sexual perversion.  I think I mentioned somewhere in a past post that one William Waldman was run down and cornered like a cockroach after he exposed himself to kids at a local beach.  Well, believe it or not, seems there are now copy-cat flashers at large. 

Several of these steaming dog piles are running around in this area, exposing their naked ugliness to women and kids.  Truly, these are some very broken animal crackers.  Just yesterday, Lust Control nabbed Albert Hickerson.  This old degenerate, age 76—say again—old degenerate, age 76, was seen sitting on a picnic table squeezin’ his squid.  And yet, as quick as these moral meatballs are taken away to predator prison for one day or less and treated to a few free hots and a cot, like sown dragon’s teeth, it seems two more arise to take their filthy place.

A thought while biking today. . . .

Pretty much every week I run through the local online mug shots just to see who’s on there and make sure I’m not one of them.  If a body wants to know what we are dealing with in this country with regards to crime and drugs then I suggest they too take a weekly spin through these rogue galleries.

Such faces!” I tell myself.  “The cold, dead eyes of this one are certainly those of a murderer,” I muse.  “The disheveled hair and strung-out filth of that one clearly belongs to a drug addict,” I surmise.   “That iron grimace frozen on that loser’s face and his blitzed eyes, looking neither quite awake, nor quite asleep, are definitely those of a stone drunk alcoholic,” I wager. “This creepy looking old reptile is no doubt a pedophile,” I vouchsafe. “All these others look like career criminals steeped in crime . . . all, All, ALL look like they truly belong where they are at,” I smugly tell myself.

And then, when I read a few of the arrest records, I am startled.  Some of these people seem pretty normal.  One old duster my age—who I had wrongly guessed as one of our local sex steamers–had been arrested simply because of driving with a revoked license; another was a store manager jugged on a minor warrant; yet another was a preacher’s wife who had failed to pay a traffic ticket.  

WTSP-mugshots_lawSo much, then, for mug shots.  I mean, have you ever seen a good one? I certainly have not.  The Pope would look like a kiddie fiddler if he were in a mug shot.  Jesus would look a drug dealer in a mug shot.  Your wife would look like a homeless crack whore in a mug shot.

Check out these two mug shots.  If you had to pick one, which would you most likely let baby-sit your kids?  If you picked the one below, sorry . . . that’s Albert Hickerson, the log flogger and kiddie flasher mentioned above.  Wanna try again?201300010441

Sarasota Skank Sex and the Senile Senior Soft-Shoe Shuffle

imagesA double dip in the drink today.  All sweaty and crappy from a long bike ride, once back on this sandbar I sprang from my bike and dove head first into the briny brine, sharks, ‘cudas, rays, and stinging jellyfish be darned.  

Crazy Old Cuss—After his wife kicked the bucket, some 80-year-old loon befriended several skanky Sarasota street-walker sorts and these lovelies decided to simply open up branch offices in the man’s home.  Now, this sleazy addition to his household may have added some spice to the old fool’s dead dull life, but it was just hell on neighborly relations.  Pretty damn quick the homeowners on the block realized that something highly irregular was occurring over at Ebenezer’s place, a house that had formerly been a model of modern mature stability and boredom.  The hoarse, hysterical laughter at midnight . . . the screams and shrieks at early dark thirty . . . the empty syringes and the full pecker ponchos at dawn. . . . Hmmmmmm.

“He said they were turning tricks in the ‘Monkey Room,’” one neighbor told a reporter.

Coming and going, day, night, dawn, dusk, 24/7 the slutty scab-pickers and their equally loathsome “clients” carried on the carnal carnival with about as much indifference and disregard as log-floggers at the nearby log-flogging beaches exhibit while jerkin’ their gherkins.

“How’s the prostitution business?” yelled an exasperated neighbor one morning to the lusty geezer.

“Great!” spit back the crazy old coon who seemed protective of his prostitutional property.

Sarasota seems a bit unsure how to handle this issue.  For my money, let the crazed old creep be.  In a week or less he will wind up frozen in the freezer after bitching out and badgering his drug-crazed guests for the umpteenth time. Then the cops can move in and hose the place out.

Problem solved.

Harvest Time–When it comes to hunting, we increasingly hear the term “harvested.”   Such a nice, neat, sweet, and typically bloodless human way of putting a bright blue blow on something “slaughtered,” something “killed,” something “destroyed.”  More and more, hunters, game wardens and others with masculinity issues are using the Orwellian term “harvested” when it comes to slaughtering deer, elk, pheasants, and any other animal they hunt and kill.  Makes it sound much more like they are performing some rather important and needed duty, I suppose.  I guess “harvested” sounds like a crop some autumnal yeoman is bringing in, like bringing in the sheaves rather than some very unsportsmanlike “sportsman” shooting something dead at a hundred yards with a high powered scope, something that was just trying to get along and raise its kids and survive in a cruel environment that the weak and flabby hunter could have never survived in for one week. 

Also, “harvesting” smells a lot like the military jargon we hear more and more often, created by the dissembling media and the Pentagon war-mongers to euphemistically hide the truth, i.e., “collateral damage” in lieu or headless kids and “enhanced interrogation” rather than smashed testicles. 

Hey, where ya headed, Fred?

Oh, hi there, Bill.  Just thought I’d take Old Betsy out and harvest a few deer.

Well, good luck . . . and hey, Fred, thanks for all you and our brave military men are doing to keep this country free!

No problem, Bill.  Whether it’s harvesting humans or deer, it’s what we heroes do.

Easy Street–Mickey Lee Hauri, 51, was wobbling along the other night over at Port Charlotte, drunk as a skunk in a trunk full of junk.  As anyone familiar with Florida knows, Mick and his ilk are not only part of the problem; they are also part of the solution.  Part of the solution in that since so many booze bags have had their driver’s licenses jerked our roads are now a bit safer; part of the problem in that these sots are now crowding the streets on bicycles.  Not a week passes unless some local biking drunk is involved in some vehicular mishap.  After all, although the automobile has been plucked from their murderous grip, the bad judgment of such idiots remain.

As for Mickey, he was out on aptly named Easy Street on the night in question doin’ whatever dumb drunks do or don’t do after dark . . . and he weren’t feelin’ no pain doin’ whatever he was doin’ or not doin’, neither.   Why Hauri pulled right out in front of a van driven by some ancient old rudder who knows, who cares, don’t matter, don’t dare.  The impact blasted the drunken dope across the highway and over into another zip code, of course, but the blast was not nearly hard enough to terminate the sot’s existence.  Naturally, had Mick been a normal, sober, upright, and uptight cob-up-his-ass humanoid we would now be discussing Mickey in the past tense, but . . . . I have yet to hear of a drunk cyclist anywhere being killed by anything.

“Hauri was charged with DUI-Bicycle, failure to yield, and no light at night on the bicycle,” reported the reporter.  And, although she didn’t need waste any more of her ink or anymore of our time on the matter, the reporter did anyway when she stated the obvious and noted that old Mick was not wearing a helmet.

Stupid reporter. Dim dame.  Of course Mick wasn’t wearing a helmet.  Mick didn’t need a helmet . . . he was drunk!.  Mickey could have been hit and run over by not one but two fully full cement trucks and still staggered away from the scene looking for another saloon and another drink.

Ahora en español!

Hellstorm--SpanishMillones asesinados. . . Millones violadas. . . Millones torturados. . . Millones esclavizados. . . . No importa lo que haya usted leído sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial; no importa lo que le hayan dicho al respecto, no importa lo que usted cree que ocurrió en la llamada “buena guerra”. . . ¡Olvídelo! Ahora, por primera vez en más de 70 años, entérese de lo que la guerra y la “paz” fueron para los perdedores. Entérese de lo que le hicieron a Alemania y a su pueblo en nombre de la libertad, la democracia, la liberación y otros términos altisonantes. En sus propias palabras, en detalle gráfico, esta es su historia. . . .


Millions murdered . . . Millions raped . . . Millions tortured . . . Millions enslaved. . . . No matter what you have read about the Second World War, no matter what you have been told about it, no matter what you believe happened during the so-called “Good War” . . . forget it!   Now, for the first time in over 70 years, learn what the war and “peace” looked like to those who lost. Discover what was done to Germany and her people. In their own words, in graphic detail, this is their story…
(order on or



Long before the guns at Ft. Sumter ignited the American Civil War in 1861, another war was waged on the distant border of Kansas and Missouri. There, in 1854, the fight between pro-slavery Missourians and antislavery Kansans began. The anger and hatred of the two parties soon escalated from a war of words to a war of violence in which Americans finally got down to the bloody business of killing one another over this question: “Will slavery continue in the United States or will it not?” By the time the entire nation, North and South, finally joined in the fratricidal blood-letting in 1861, Kansans and Missourians had already been engaged in the hate and slaughter for seven years.

Soon, and little noticed by the nation at large due to the bloody contest at its own doorstep, the war in the west quickly descended into one of savagery; of arson, theft, torture, mutilation, murder, and massacre as “Jayhawkers” from Kansas raided Missouri and “Bushwhackers” from Missouri raided Kansas.

By the summer of 1863, the hatred along the Kansas-Missouri border had reached a flash point. Convinced that the federal occupation authorities had declared war on their women when five were killed in a prison collapse in Kansas City, the Missouri guerrillas lead by William Quantrill decided the time had come for a bloody revenge.

Since the onset of the troubles in 1854, Lawrence, Kansas, had been the epicenter of anti-slavery agitation and violence on the western frontier. It was here, along the banks of the Kansas, or Kaw, River, that many Jayhawking forays into Missouri had originated and it was here where much of the stolen loot had returned with the Unionist guerrillas known as Red Legs. Unlike the devastated Missouri border, the area around Lawrence, beyond the reach of rebel raiders, had hardly been touched by war. Thus, although it seemed suicidal, the 450 Missouri irregulars who rode west with Quantrill were determined to strike a blow at what they viewed as the heart of the problem.

At dawn of August 21, 1863, after a grueling all-night ride of fifty miles in which he had “dodged and baffled” his Yankee pursuers, Quantrill finally halted his force on a ridge just east of Lawrence.

(To recognize the 153rd anniversary of this event, the following is from my first book, Bloody Dawn—The Story of the Lawrence Massacre)  


The day came clear and calm on Friday, August 21, 1863. Not a cloud in the pale morning sky, nor was there a trace of wind. Looking down from Mount Oread a few threads of white smoke were visible, curling straight up as early risers began preparing their breakfasts. Reaching to the heights came the faraway low of milk cows and the tiny, strained efforts of dueling roosters. Black, impassive, the Kaw turned the bend and silently slid east.

Although the land was yet dark, from the summit several figures could nevertheless be seen stirring in the twilight. There were the local hounds trotting their morning circuit, scouting leftovers from the evening past. But there was also Sallie Young, the Eldridge House seamstress, taking her customary ride from town. Two beaux were with her, and at the moment the showoffs were racing their horses south down the Fort Scott Road. Directly below, on Massachusetts Street, the boy recruits were just beginning to rise and dress. Charles Pease was close by, coming down the street from his slaughterhouse with a carcass of beef in the back of the wagon. His dog tripped along beside. Arthur Spicer had begun sweeping out the first of the day’s dust from his beer hall, and in the streets George Sargent was making the rounds, tinkling his bell, delivering milk door to door.

At the Eldridge all was silent save for the kitchen sounds of colored help beginning breakfast. Across the misty river, parked in the cottonwood grove, two teams loaded with salt for R & B’s waited on the ferry to start service for the day.  And winding his way up the face of Mount Oread was Charles Robinson. Leaving his wife at home by the riverside, the troubled former governor was taking advantage of the splendid new day.  Above the slumbering town he approached the stone barn where his first house had stood. Here he would hitch a carriage and take a jaunt over the countryside while the air was yet cool and fresh and where one could remain undisturbed and lost in thought. By his watch, it was five o’clock.

Songbirds began their morning ritual, and gradually, as it grew lighter, several more people emerged to stretch upon porches or visit a back building. In all, it was a tranquil scene—the dawn of a typical summer day in Lawrence.

The more he watched, however, the more George Bell realized there would be nothing typical about this day. He was the first to see them. From his home on Mount Oread the county clerk’s attention had for some time been focused toward the Wakarusa where he spied a huge column of riders slowly materializing from the murky valley.

Bell had naturally assumed they were Union troops. But then there had been the alarms and the “great scare” of three weeks past, and the longer he watched and the more he thought, the greater his suspicion grew. As the horsemen neared, there were mysterious starts and stops and then, when they halted on the rise and two men rode into town and back and two more split off to Sam Snyder’s farm, Bell became certain that this was not the federal cavalry. They didn’t even have a flag.

Grabbing his musket and cartridge box, the clerk ran for the door. His wife and children tried to stop him; if it were true, they begged, there was little one person could do, for the town was asleep. The man brushed their pleading aside. “If they take Lawrence,” he announced, “they must do it over my dead body.” Rushing down the slope, George Bell headed for the armory.

Sallie Young was next. Someone with her said that the column to the east was a Kansas outfit. But no one had mentioned anything about their arrival yesterday. They watched for a bit, but their curiosity was up and soon the friends rode back toward town. As it grew lighter, a few people in the south also saw them and turned to watch.


Finally, Quantrill paused for the last time. The young guide was passed to the rear. A number of men quickly jumped down and loose saddle girths were hurriedly cinched. Blue jackets were stripped off, red sleeves rolled up. Revolvers were drawn, percussion caps checked. Some of the best stuck leather reins in their mouth and bit down hard, leaving both hands free. One final time Quantrill turned and reminded the Missourians why they had come. They knew. Then, at five past five, Quantrill’s horse broke away at a gallop. Behind, a wild, explosive shout went up and the entire command lunged forward at a run. A few shots rang out but most held their fire.

As the roar came nearer—an unearthly scream some thought, unlike anything ever heard in Lawrence—people in the south of town jumped startled from their beds and ran to windows, then to one another.

Those men . . . they have no flag!

There’s a regiment of them!

The rebels have come!

The bushwhackers are here!

Quantrill’s band as sure as you live!

Quantrill is here!


At his barn Governor Robinson turned sharply to the east. He saw a number of tiny flashes followed by as many puffs of gray smoke and these in turn followed by the faint rattle of small arms fire. Unfamiliar as he was with actual warfare, Robinson nevertheless under stood. As he inched his way back into the barn the governor saw below a long, dark mass moving rapidly through the south of town striking for the center.

In East Lawrence, blacks were already pouring from their huts and dashing for the river. “The secesh have come,” they screamed. “The secesh have come.”

Across the ravine in West Lawrence, those who were awakened by the gunfire thought first of Independence Day and firecrackers . . . then the marshal’s dog killers . . . then the recruits acting up. But the Fourth of July was long past and most of the stray dogs had been killed. As for the recruits, they had no weapons. US Senator, James Lane, rose on an elbow and cocked an ear to the south window.

In the quiet surrounding his farm one mile west of Lawrence, Levi Gates also heard the strange sound. Without a second thought he reached for his long-range hunting rifle, and like George Bell and a good many others, Gates rushed straight for town.

At the south edge of Lawrence, Sallie and her friends stopped by the yard of the Reverend Snyder. The group could just make out the distant rumble in town, and here was Mrs. Snyder leaning over her husband Sam, sobbing uncontrollably. A milk pail was turned over, the cow was gone, and the front of the reverend’s shirt was covered with blood. But the woman wouldn’t say what had happened. The noise drew the riders further into town.


Charging across open lots, the raiders soon began to separate. With waves and nods, scores of men, mostly farmers and young recruits, split off to picket Mount Oread and the roads leading from town. A little further on, the main body itself broke into three columns, with Quantrill leading the larger to Massachusetts Street while two smaller groups turned down New Hampshire and Vermont. The shooting became more regular.

Ahead, as the roar approached, the boys in the recruit camp came falling from tents, struggling to get into their clothes. Across the street the black camp was already deserted.

When the main column spotted the tents and blue uniforms a moment later, it never slowed, but with shouts–Osceola! Kansas City! Remember the girls!–it rode right on through. As it did, there came a deafening explosion as hundreds of shots were fired up and down the ranks. In a few seconds, when they had passed, all that remained was settling dust, blood-spattered canvas, and a pile of twisted bodies, hands still clutching jackets and trousers. Seeing this, Charles Pease leaped from his meat wagon and flattened himself on the ground. Hard beside him, his dog shivered from paw to haunch.

Eldridge4516Hotel_t460With the cry “On to the hotel,” the main column stormed into the business district. Thundering down broad Massachusetts Street five and six abreast, shots were fired randomly at storefronts while on the adjoining streets others fired into the back doors. At last, in a huge cloud of dust, the three columns converged and washed against the Eldridge House (left). Here they pulled up. A few shots rang out, but soon all became still, and as the shouts and swearing died away only the horses, rearing and plunging, were heard. With hundreds of guns moving from window to window the guerrillas watched and waited. A cannon was parked across the street at the courthouse, but no one was there to use it.

Inside the hotel, there was no panic. Most guests were still in bed, for it had been too sudden. After looking out, some men thought fast enough to slip their money to women. An employee quickly tossed his life savings of $100 in gold through a trap door onto the roof, and someone shouted that “half-wit” Jo, the hotel owner’s brother, had been shot while scaling the courtyard fence. But most were simply too groggy to be frightened. Eastern guests were outraged at being roused at such an hour.

One look and Alexander Banks knew it was hopeless. From his third-floor window the state provost marshal gazed down on a sea of upturned faces, fantastic faces—unshaven, deeply tanned, distorted faces, streaked with sweat, dust, and powder, burning with red-rimmed eyes, and framed in long, greasy hair. There were probably no more than a dozen weapons, including his own, in the entire hotel, so Banks made a quick decision. Yanking a sheet from his bed, he hung it out the window.

Below, there was a thunderous cheer at the symbol, and when all had quieted the provost marshal asked for the leader to come forward. As soon as Quantrill appeared, Banks wisely began bargaining for the safety of the occupants; the hotel would be surrendered without a fight, but first, he insisted, the well-being of the guests must be guaranteed. Quantrill was about to answer when a loud clanging echoed throughout the hotel. Startled, the mass of riders whirled and sprang back, ready to open fire. Quickly Banks yelled out, begging the rebels not to shoot; it was a mistake—only the excited night clerk raising the guests with the dinner gong. For a moment, everything was “breathlessly still.” Shortly, Quantrill again spoke with Banks and soon agreed to the terms, much relieved that the hotel had not become a fortress as feared.

With wild shouts and cheers for Quantrill, many guerrillas then left for the stables and other parts of town while another group dismounted and, with brass spurs jingling, tramped into the plush hotel. Upstairs, fine ladies and gentlemen, scantily clad, had their rooms burst into by dirty, cursing men who with a splash of tobacco juice and wave of a pistol ordered them out and down to the lobby. Trunks and carpet sacks were ripped open, and jewelry, currency, and ladies’ apparel were crammed into pockets. The looting went from room to room as the stupefied boarders—a travelling bishop and priests included—fled down the staircase. Banks and his assurance of safety did little to calm nerves as the celebration above grew in fury. Downstairs, the trembling night clerk was forced to open the safe while other rebels passed quietly about the crowded lobby, tapping men on the shoulder and asking, “your money, if you please!” much as a railroad conductor might pause for tickets, thought one man. With some remaining humor another captive asked if he might keep just fifty cents for a drink or two. The bushwhacker stared at him for a deadly moment or two, gave a slow smile, and then handed back eighty.

Down Massachusetts Street, store doors were kicked in and food and liquor were located. Miniature US flags were also discovered, then with a laugh fastened to the rumps of horses. The offices of the Republican and State Journal were quickly put to the torch. Near the river, the rope on the liberty pole was cut and, amid loud cheers, the huge red, white, and blue banner came fluttering down.

Among the twelve soldiers across the Kaw there was no longer any doubt. First came the mad flight of blacks furiously paddling boats and logs or simply swimming the swollen river. Then the flag fell. Then the cheers. Taking aim, the troops opened fire. On the opposite shore, several raiders trying to cut the ferry cable went spinning up the bank again. When a horseman was spotted, more slugs whizzed up Massachusetts Street and between homes near the river.


Sallie Young and her two companions came into Lawrence quite some distance before they realized their mistake.  Warning her friends to stay calm, the three quietly turned and rode slowly from town. When the outskirts were reached and a rebel picket sighted them, the two boys set spurs and were off south. Sallie rode back into town.


Soon, Quantrill entered the hotel. Stepping into the packed lobby he met a number of old faces, whereupon he shook hands and spoke briefly. He assured them of their safety. The guerrilla chief then climbed a flight of stairs and strode to the landing where he looked over the crowd and watched while his men went about their work. Everyone below seemed stunned. Terrified, most expected the leader to be the essence of his men; wild, vulgar, and snarling. On this score, however, they were gratefully surprised. Although he gripped a big pistol, with another in his belt, there was a pleasant, calm, even benign look spread over his boyish face and clear blue eyes. His gray hunting shirt was open at the chest and he wore a low-crowned Spanish hat with gold neck cord and little tassels dangling around the brim.

“A fine-looking man,” mused a captive.

Some in the crowd attempted to humor and flatter, grinning sheepishly, reminding him of old times in the territory and congratulating him on his brilliant success in capturing Lawrence. Unmoved, Quantrill received the tribute with “marked complacency,” simply adding that yes, it was by far his greatest exploit. Another ventured to ask why he hadn’t come during the full moon as he had threatened.

“You were expecting me then,” he smiled.

Then, after once more vouching for their safety, Quantrill asked if Governor Carney was in town. He was not, someone answered.

Again, he queried if anyone knew where Senator Lane lived? Arthur Spicer “volunteered.” After ordering the captives across the street and assigning several men to guard them, Quantrill detailed a squad to follow Spicer to Lane’s house: if he misled them, the saloonkeeper was to be shot on the spot; otherwise Spicer was to be returned alive as there was an old score yet to settle.

9764039820aee137b79a732761bcb370As they were being herded across the street, a number of bushwhackers cast crude remarks and curses at the captives. Already some raiders were glutted with liquor. One angry guerrilla, clamoring to murder the hostages, rode up, called a man a Red Leg, then aimed and fired. Although the shot missed, a guard threatened to kill the drunk should he fire again. This was seconded by Quantrill (right), who came out after hearing the disturbance. Quickly, he ordered the prisoners to the City Hotel near the river where they would remain safe. At this, the terror-stricken men and women sprang headlong for the refuge, Quantrill escorting a short distance behind.

Reaching the hotel, the rebel warmly greeted Nathan Stone and his beautiful daughter, Lydia, and shouted to the raiders nearby that the Stones were his friends and that neither they, the hostages, nor the building was to be touched. He then turned to leave. Before he left, however, Quantrill once more reminded the captives that Stone’s hotel was their haven: “Stay in it. . . . Don’t attempt to go into the streets.”


Although no Red Legs were there this morning, the rebels didn’t know it, and thus the three-story Johnson House was quickly surrounded by a large band. Unlike the Eldridge, however, the score of people inside refused to come out. Consequently, the bushwhackers began sniping at the windows, mixing the gunfire with calls to surrender.  “All we want is for the men to give themselves up,” they yelled, “and we will spare them and burn the house.”

Two doors down, in a home of screaming children, Getta Dix was doing everything in her power to get her husband to move. Earlier, while Ralph was still in bed, Getta had looked up the street and watched in disbelief while “half-wit” Jo was shot off the Eldridge fence; now with more shooting at the Johnson House the street was full of men. Again she pleaded—the raiders were too busy at the hotel—there was still a chance. But Ralph, his brother Steve, and several employees seemed frozen, uncertain, feebly reassuring one another that it was only a matter of time before help arrived.

Again the woman begged. But nothing. Putting her children in the arms of the men, she then ran down the flight of stairs to the side of the house and struggled a heavy ladder up to a window. As she was coming back, however, Getta looked over toward the Johnson House, and there to her horror she saw several men leaping from windows only to be shot upon landing. Running back into the home, the woman barred the doors and told her husband what she had seen, warning the rest to stay inside. This and the fear of fire jolted the men. Together, despite his wife’s pleas, Dix and the others decided that their only hope now rested behind the stone walls of the Johnson House. Thus after climbing out a window and crawling over the roof of the adjoining barber shop, every man did eventually reach the hotel.

After seeing Ralph safely on the other side, and after taking her children to a coal shed out back, Getta desperately searched for her black nurse. The woman was finally discovered locked in a closet, refusing to come out. Grabbing a meat cleaver from the kitchen, the frantic mother hacked open the door and ordered the frightened nurse toward the shed to mind the children while she herself went to the Johnson House.

No sooner had Getta left than she saw her brother-in-law tumble down the steps at the rear of the hotel. Running to his side, she settled his head into her lap and sought to comfort him. But Steve was dead, and when Getta tried to move, his brain fell into her hands.

Then, as the blood-smeared woman staggered to the front, she could see that the hotel had surrendered. And there, standing among the rest, Getta saw through a rush of pain and tears her husband.

“Oh my God, Ralph,” she screamed. “Why did you do it? I know they will kill you.”

Another prisoner nearby had just handed a pistol to his captor. As soon as the weapon was given up a gun exploded behind the man, blowing out his stomach. Horrified, Dix and the other seven captives screamed for mercy.

“I have killed seven Red Legs,” laughed the head of the gang, “and I’ll kill eight more.”

Wildly pleading that it was a mistake, that they weren’t Red Legs, the white-eyed, sobbing men knelt and crawled on the ground, reaching up to the guerrillas for life. Although she too was pleading for his life, Dix begged his wife to try even harder. At length, the prisoners were kicked and punched to their feet and driven by three guards across the street toward the Methodist Church. With Getta clinging to Ralph’s arm, she begged the men at every step not to harm him. Two of the rebels bent, then broke, making her a promise. But the leader was firm.

“No, I won’t let you take your husband away,” he said. “I’m going to kill every damn one of them.”

Hanging desperately to Ralph, striking at the raider’s horse as it tried to nudge her away, the woman walked sideways, never taking her eyes from the leader. Up from the church, in the alley, Getta stumbled over a pile of rocks, breaking her hold, and before she could rise again the guns went off. Somewhere in the swirling blue smoke she saw Ralph go down. As in a dream, she stood while all around her the others fell away.  Racing down the alley, another group of riders spotted the pile of bodies; without slowing they trampled and mashed them into the ground.

Getta wandered along Massachusetts Street for some time—to a store where looting guerrillas chased her away, to a figure that was still breathing. But nothing, it seemed, could hold her attention. She continued to drift aimlessly until at last she found herself again in the alley. Noticing a straw hat laying nearby, Getta picked it up, quietly placed it over her husband’s face, then calmly walked back to her burning home.


bloodybillAlthough a number of raiders roamed Massachusetts Street, exploring one store after the other, most broke into squads and covered the town. Many, like the guerrilla leaders, George Todd and Bill Anderson (left), rode over the bridges spanning the ravine and paid a visit to affluent West Lawrence. From out of shirt pockets came the lists with the long row of names, and the firing that opened the morning so terrifically now settled into short, methodical bursts from every corner of town. The Missourians had finally gotten among those they hated most, and no power on earth could stop them now.


Panic gripped Mayor George Collamore. Springing from window to window, he, his wife Julia, and their Irish servant saw on all sides only nightmarish guerrillas, angry and shouting. There was no way out. Suddenly the desperate man thought of his well and quickly ran for the rear. There, in a wing of the house the tiny mayor dove down the dark hole followed closely by his servant.

At the front door the gang entered, met by Julia and her frightened children. Cursing and yelling, they demanded her husband. Receiving no reply from the terror-stricken wife, the men crashed through the home, up and down, from one room to the next, madly hunting their prey. Failing in this, it was decided simply to smoke the victim out. Setting the house on fire, the raiders fell back into the street to watch and wait for the mayor’s appearance.

Refusing to leave, Julia slipped to the well, and as the flames spread throughout the home, she spoke down to her husband.


By the time George Bell reached the center of town, Lawrence was surrounded. There had been no resistance. Nowhere could Bell hear the distinct crack of a militia rifle, and as far as he could see he was the only citizen shouldering a weapon. His courage dissolved. Bell looked for a way to escape, returning to home and family his sole desire. At last he ducked into the ravine. There, to his surprise, he met many others, just as confused and frightened as he.

“Where shall we meet?” he whispered. Aghast at such a notion, those nearby warned that it was pointless to think about a stand any longer; fighting would only get them all killed. A friend urged Bell to throw down his musket and perhaps draw less malice should he be taken. The sounds of gunfire and pounding hooves were more than enough to convince Bell of the wisdom in this. Dropping the rifle and cartridge box, the county clerk inched his way up the ravine toward home.


When Levi Gates reached West Lawrence from his farm he realized that it was too late. Across the ravine he could plainly see rebels in the center of town and more to the south, and it was obvious there was little he could do. All of Gates’ friends and neighbors who had come on the run had turned back home in dismay. He was about to do the same. But Levi Gates took pride in the fact that he was an excellent shot, and the once-in-a-lifetime chance to try his hand on a human target and bag a rebel proved irresistible.

Dismounting, the farmer steadied his hunting rifle on a fence, sighted his mark, then squeezed the trigger. Although it was a long shot, a guerrilla in the distance jumped in his saddle. Tempted further, Gates once more loaded and fired, then raced for the wooded ravine. He failed to notice the rider closing on his right, however, and after he was brought down and the rebel had finished with him, Levi Gates lay sprawled in the dust, his head flat and mashed “to a jelly.”


The first Jim Lane knew of anything was when a “flying Negro” passed his home and yelled that the bushwhackers were in town. Instantly the mansion became a bedlam, and while the wife and children flashed about in their night clothes trying to locate two guns stored somewhere, the senator peered out the window watching for the approach of the raiders. The guns could not be found. Grabbing a ceremonial sword as his only recourse, Lane quickly dropped it as the horsemen led by Arthur Spicer drew up at the front gate. Bolting through the house, the Jayhawker flew out the back window and ran for a small gully, bobbing and weaving, pausing just long enough to look for Rebel pickets. In a few moments Lane emerged from the gully and went streaking west through his cornfield, nightshirt flapping in the breeze.

Meeting them at the door, Mary Lane politely informed the guerrillas that the senator was not at home. Foiled at not coming face to face with the most famous Jayhawker in Kansas, the rebels settled for next best and proceeded to dismantle his home. Pianos, furniture, china—much of it ironically, stolen in Missouri—were broken up and strewn about, as were the senator’s private papers. The rings worn by Mary and her daughter were snatched from their fingers. Having finally located one of the shotguns, James, Ir., was warned to give it up. He refused. When a blast smashed into the wall nearby he at last did as he was told. The home was then set ablaze. But the mother and children hurried and put it out. Again a fire was lit in a different spot and again the family rushed and extinguished it. Finally the flames caught and spread in a third area and the frantic attempts to save the finest home in Lawrence at last ceased.

At that, the gang mounted and rode away. With them not only did they take Lane’s “magnificent banner” presented to his Indiana regiment for duty in the Mexican War, but the senator’s shining sword as well.

By now Lane himself was almost a mile away, crossing over the California Road, still running.


One block east of Lane’s, another group surrounded the stately home of Jerome Griswold. The swoop completely stunned the four families inside. With loud, ugly shouts the men were ordered to come out. Looking down from the second-floor bedrooms at the terrifying array below, Dr. Griswold, Jo Trask, Harlow Baker, Simeon Thorp, along with their wives turned and spoke excitedly about what they should do. Again the men were demanded; again there was no response. A moment or two passed and then, anxiously, someone in the house called out and asked why the men were wanted.

“The damned sons of bitches must come out of there,” yelled an impatient guerrilla. He was echoed by his companions. No one in the home moved at this awful demand.

Soon, another raider, wiser than the first, urged the Kansans to come out, that he would guarantee their safety once they did. No one would be harmed, he insisted, adding that they came only to rob Lawrence, and “if the citizens quietly surrender . . . it might save the town.” This last approach softened the four men in the home. And besides, there was nothing else they could do.

“If it will help to save the town,” Trask advised, “let us go.”

The men—balding State Senator Thorp, handsome newspaper­man Trask, and dark-bearded, husky Griswold—filed down the staircase and reluctantly walked out the door. While Baker was getting into his clothes, the bushwhackers quickly encircled the others. The captives were asked their names and occupations, then robbed, and when Baker at last came down, the raiders formed the four men into a line. As the wives watched, the husbands were ordered to march toward town, and with Baker in the lead and a guerrilla riding at the side of each, they walked off.

Just as they cleared the yard one of the rebels cursed the men for going too slowly. This caused the prisoners to quickly pick up the pace. Something exploded behind him, ripping through his neck, and before Baker hit the ground another shot shattered his wrist. The rest of the guns went off. Thorp fell down near Baker while Trask managed to run only a short distance before he too went down. Wounded several times, big Jerome Griswold stayed on his feet. He made it all the way back to the yard and was on the verge of escape, but just as he was scrambling over some cordwood a well-aimed ball tore the life from him once and for all.

As the women stood shrieking in horror the Missourians paused to scan their work. One man was dead outright, whereas the other three were still breathing. Screaming hysterically, the wives raced down the stairs and through the door toward the dying men. Before they could reach them, however, the raiders, cussing and shouting, drove them back again. Jo Trask, rolling and kicking in terrible pain, pleaded with a rebel to let his wife come to him. The guerrilla listened for a moment, thought the matter over, then agreed. Cocking his pistol, he aimed down and sent a chunk of lead whizzing through Trask’s heart.

“He’s dead,” shouted the killer to the wife. “You can come now.”

It was decided to leave the two yet alive to lay and suffer as they were, and while the gang moved down the street a mounted guard was stationed a little beyond. After the others had left, the women again tried to reach their husbands but were once more frightened back when the rebel rode down on them at a charge. There was nothing they could do. The mayor’s house was burning and others were starting to smoke, and there were the men lying all alone.

In great agony from a stomach wound, Senator Thorp writhed in the blood and dust. His friend Baker lay a few paces off, bleeding from the neck and hand. Harlow Baker had come close to drowning once in a swirling black river of his native Maine, so he understood death a little better than most. Although they were painful, the grocer knew that his wounds were not mortal. He remained still nonetheless. Beyond, no sound or movement came from Griswold or Trask.


Around the burning home of George Collamore all the guerrillas had gone. They left fully satisfied that Collamore had either escaped earlier or burned to death in the fire. But to them the most certain thing in the world was that the mayor of Lawrence could not be in the house and still alive. Even Julia, who had remained by the well talking down to her husband until the very last, was forced out by the murderous heat.

Standing back, she watched. The fire engulfed the house and spread to the wing, and then the orange flames crackled and licked over the mouth of the well.


Old Joseph Savage wasn’t in that great of a rush to leave town–at least not until he had hitched his buggy and safely loaded everything of value into the back, including his brand-new silver baritone, which he was eager to show off at the next band concert. But finally, he and his wife and a German friend did pull away from their home just south of Lawrence and drove up Cemetery Road. “Mine pipe, mine pipe,” cried the German, who wanted to go back and get it. But Savage wasn’t turning around just for a pipe, and the German and his smoke would simply have to wait.

After a short ride the group came to the home of Otis Longley; here they stopped. To their surprise they saw Otis suddenly bolt out his back door and run to the front, “making a frightened noise, unlike any other sound I ever heard,” thought Savage. Close behind came two men cursing him to halt. Otis kept going, however, and just as he was about to reach the fence along the road, a shot rang out. Otis went down. As the stunned people watched on, the moaning man struggled to climb the fence. But another explosion sounded behind him and another bullet blew open his jaw, knocking him back to the ground. When the two rebels walked up—one greedily chomping slices of cantaloupe—Otis was on his hands and knees, coughing streams of blood. Again he tried to rise. A loud blast at close range dropped him for good. The men then crossed the fence.

Joseph Savage, “some times crawling, and some times running and rolling,” had already made a break for cover. But trembling and pale, the German sat beside Mrs. Savage stiff with fear. The woman’s pleading and the sight of the horrified German was just too much, however, and the wagon was allowed to pass.

The two guerrillas strolled back to the house, the one still eating melon and the other merrily tooting his new silver horn.


“Now is your time to make your escape,” whispered one of the raiders behind Lemuel Fillmore. Earlier, Fillmore had taken his valuable horse to the ravine for safekeeping. Instead of staying there, however, he returned to his house for a pistol. That’s when they caught and disarmed him, and that’s why he was now being marched toward Massachusetts Street.

“Now is your time to run,” the captor whispered as they neared the ravine. At this, Fillmore decided to make his move. He got only a few paces, however, before he was shot in the back and killed.

In West Lawrence an old man stood by a fence, idly spectating. A rebel rode up. Water was demanded. The old man ambled off and soon returned. Taking the cup with his left hand, the bushwhacker shot the man dead with his right.

Like these victims, most common people were at first impervious to the peril around them. Many were still under the impression that as with Olathe, Shawnee, and the others, this raid was for plunder alone, where only “marked” men would suffer. Otis Longley had seen rebels on Mount Oread earlier, but he went right on with his chores. When finished, Otis drew buckets of water and sat patiently waiting, just in case his home was set on fire. The attorney, Sam Riggs, despite the warnings of his wife, Kate, continued to help neighbors along his street by removing furniture and dousing flames. Many others reacted similarly.

Looking down from his stone barn, however, Charles Robinson harbored no such illusions about this raid. Below, he watched the drama unfold. He saw the home of Mayor Collamore ablaze, as well as that of Ralph Dix. He saw Lane’s house burning. As the sun rose, Robinson also saw through the smoke the machine movements of the guerrillas, their door-to-door calls, the citizens breaking from their homes at a run, the pursuit by men on horseback. The governor also heard the muted pistol fire, the shrieks of wives, the shouts and laughter of killers.

Charles Robinson had founded Lawrence barely nine years before, and a kind fate had allowed him to be absent during the first sack in 1856. Now, to his utter misery and grief, he had a front-row seat to the second, but this, unlike the other, was a much more thorough, much more tragic affair.


Larkin Skaggs was accustomed to having things just his way. He had already laid claim to one of the finest horses taken in the Lawrence stables, a magnificent white, and few were the men to contest it. Skaggs was big and burly and strong, and his long hair and beard were grizzled because he was quite a bit older than the rest. But Larkin Skaggs was also exceedingly cruel. When drunk, the bushwhacker was even crueler than usual, and thus when Lydia Stone’s sparkling diamond ring caught his eye, it was wrenched from her finger in the same brutal way Skaggs took whatever else he wanted in life.

When Quantrill entered the hotel the attractive young woman made a tearful appeal. Still in the building, Skaggs was located terrorizing the Eldridge captives; after a few words from the leader, he was “obliged” to return the ring. On his way out, Skaggs paused just long enough to glare down at Lydia Stone.

“Miss,” he growled, “I’ll make you rue this.”


sallie2BeFunky_68_2_young_quantrill.jpgNot long after she arrived back in town, Sallie Young (left) was taken prisoner and robbed of her pony. But shortly afterward she was put back in the saddle and ordered to go with a squad of rebels to identify men and point out which homes were which. But Sallie wasn’t very helpful. Every other house it seemed was that of a brother, a cousin, or an uncle, and with tears rolling down her pretty cheeks she begged the raiders to spare the home and occupants. They did and they did and they did, but after this the girl was allowed to leave whenever she chose. Although she might have left at any time, Sallie tagged along instead and followed the squad wherever it went. Some of the people who caught a glimpse of her were confused: how odd she looked in her natty riding habit, they thought, alongside the rough and ugly men.

Arthur Spicer was also with a group of rebels. Unlike Sallie, however, the saloonkeeper was religiously pointing out men, homes, and businesses. And unlike the girl, Spicer couldn’t just pick up and leave anytime he wanted; and to have had so many relatives would have been his end. It was coming soon enough, he thought, when he was handed back to Quantrill.


The man with the salty little grin wasn’t grinning today; he was praying. As he lay on his back in the dark cellar, squeezed up between a dirt ledge and the kitchen floor, he knew it was only a matter of time before they came.

Like his old boss Jim Lane, Hugh Fisher entertained no rosy notions about tomorrow should he fall into rebel hands today. That morning at Sibley had proven how important he was to George Todd and the Missouri bushwhackers. Nor was he as ill as previously thought. At the initial shout, the Jayhawker jumped from his sickbed and “bounded” out the door. First, he turned his horses loose from the barn, and then with his two young sons, Willie and Charlie, he ran for Mount Oread. The illness had sapped the preacher, however, and the sight of rebel pickets on the crest made him think twice. Sending the boys on alone, Fisher fled back to his South Park home. Elizabeth, with a baby in her arms and a tot by her side, thought her husband was insane to return and said as much, but as he slipped into the tiny cellar the woman made up her mind to do everything she could to save her man.

His wait was not long and Fisher soon heard the sounds—horses to the gate, spurs on the porch, knocks at the door, boots on the kitchen floor.

“Is your husband about the house?”

He was not, lied Elizabeth.

“I know a damned sight better,” snapped the guerrilla. “He’s in the cellar; where is it?”

Startled, yet composed, taking the four men to the door, the woman pointed with a straight face: “The cellar is open; if you think he is there, go look for yourselves.”

Staring down into the black, a light was demanded. While the mother went upstairs to fetch a lamp, still keeping a grip on herself, the baby was placed in a bushwhacker’s arms. Waiting, the man made faces and cooed to keep the infant from crying.

Below, Fisher could hear everything. When he heard his wife returning with the lamp and the cocking of revolvers, his left foot began to tremble uncontrollably. He placed his right foot over it to keep it still. Then as the light entered the cellar and boots came slowly down the steps, Hugh Fisher’s heart and lungs slowed, then stopped, and his whole life flashed across his mind in an instant.

And Elizabeth, holding her baby tight to one ear and pressing her hand hard to the other, went quickly into the front room.

As the rebels reached the bottom, they were forced to stoop under the low ceiling. The man holding the lamp came to where the reverend was laying and stopped. In the glow of the lamp Fisher squinted upon the guerrilla’s face, less than two feet from his own. Because of the low ceiling the lamp too was held low; thus the preacher’s face remained in the shadow cast by the ledge he lay on. The men looked a bit longer but soon walked back up the stairs.

“The woman told the truth. The rascal has escaped.”

There was no time to listen to the echo in her ears. Elizabeth Fisher reached deep down, drew up every ounce of self-control she possessed, then let the words roll.

“You will believe me now, I hope. I told you my husband had gone.”

The rebels lingered awhile, robbed the house, torched it, then left one of their men behind to see that the fire spread. But it wasn’t in him to stop the woman as she raced from the well to the blaze and back again, and so the reluctant guard just left. When the last of the flames were doused, Elizabeth came to the cellar door and spoke softly to her husband.

“Pa,” she said, “Pray and trust in the Lord, and I’ll do all I can.”


After leaving their father, the two Fisher boys became separated somewhere in the hazel and sumac up the hill, and twelve-year-old Willie fell in with Robert Martin, a lad a little older and bigger than himself. Young Martin wore a blue shirt made from his father’s old uniform, and he also carried a musket with a cartridge box slung from his shoulder. So when a picket spotted them, he gave chase.

The two boys raced over the hill, side by side, as in a game where home base and blue sky are always just ahead and everything somehow ends as it should. But a blast sounded behind them, and as Robert tripped, Willie felt something wet and warm spray his face. Robert didn’t get up to finish the race because half his head was gone. And when Willie wiped his face he found his hand dripping blood, bone, and bits of brain.

Little Charlie Fisher also joined with another boy and together they hid in the cemetery. But a child’s superstition forced them to a nearby cotton patch instead.


As he crept along the ravine toward home, George Bell soon came to realize the futility of it all. He was cut off. Peering between the weeds and limbs, he could see no hope of reaching his family on the hill. In the streets, in the alleys, around burning homes and barns, only guerrillas were about. To climb the barren slopes of Mount Oread would be suicide. But his nerves cracked. Bell panicked.

Convinced it was just a matter of time before the raiders swarmed in and murdered them all, the county clerk and another man ran into the street. Once in the open and alone, the two abruptly returned to reality. But then, as fortune would have it, they spied a familiar sight—a partially completed brick home. The men dashed in, climbed to the second story, then crawled up among the joists. They could only keep quiet, count the seconds, and pray they hadn’t been seen.

But they had.


When a gang came to the home on South New Hampshire Street looking for Louis Carpenter, they didn’t have far to look. He was right there.

Absorbed with the more important things in life, the good judge had never given much thought to fear; and so, being unfamiliar with it, he could not fully express it. Thus when hate and the big black guns stood around him he didn’t react as most men might. He certainly didn’t run because running never entered his head. His hands didn’t tremble. His bodily functions didn’t betray him. His voice didn’t waver, and when lethal questions were posed the New Yorker replied straightly and honestly in a clear upstate accent. There was also a strange, kindly quality about him. Some rebels could not resist the temptation and stole a few items from the house, but no one was in a mood any longer to burn it. And certainly no one could bring himself to harm the judge. When the guerrillas left the yard, Carpenter was still standing there while behind him, his bride, Mary, and her sister, Abigail, began to breathe once more.

It was no act—the judge was always like that. A little later, another mob came and, seeing the pretty home, decided to burn it. But once again and as calm as ever, Carpenter met the raiders and sent them away disarmed. The pressure on the women, however, was almost unbearable.


It was a miracle! The bushwhacker had just started shooting at the men clinging to the beams when George Bell yelled out. The firing stopped, and everything became still.

It was true. The rebel was actually Bell’s old friend. In happier times the two had often broken bread together at the Kansan’s table, and each had greatly enjoyed one another’s company. Bell and his companion were told to come down, for from that moment on both men were home free. The old friend would talk to the Missourians and straighten things out. The county clerk jumped down followed by the other man, and together the three walked outside. That’s where the miracle ended. The crowd of guerrillas standing around them, wild and bitter, didn’t care a dime about old acquaintances.

“Shoot him! Shoot him!” was their cry, and not a word was uttered by the old friend. A religious man, Bell asked for a moment to pray. Granted. Finished, the clerk said amen, and in a burst of fire his companion fell down and George Bell dropped dead.

From there the gang scaled Mount Oread to complete the job. At home, Mrs. Bell met the raiders and recognized the former guest.

“We have killed your husband,” he blandly informed her, “and we have come to burn his house.”


When a group of bushwhackers broke into the home of Edward Fitch and shouted for him to come from hiding, he did. While Sarah and the three terrified children watched, the Massachusetts native walked down the stairs and into the circle of waiting men. As soon as Fitch hit the foot of the stairs he was dead. But just to make certain, the rebel who shot him grabbed another revolver and continued to pump slugs into the corpse until that gun too was emptied. The guerrillas then moved on to rob and torch the home.

As the smoke began to drift about, Sarah pleaded and tried three separate times to remove her husband’s body. But three separate times the murderer forbade it. She then ran to retrieve a small painting of Edward, but once more was denied. Finally the woman ceased all efforts and just wandered from room to room watching as her home was destroyed. At last, when the place was engulfed in flames, and with sparks and debris showering about her, a guerrilla forced her to leave.

Sarah walked with her screaming children across the road, sat on the grass, and watched while the home and everything she owned crackled and roared over the body of her husband. Above, on an adjoining shed, a small Union flag hung limp. The children, playing soldier a day or two before, had planted it high so that everyone in town could see they were loyal and proud to be Yankees.


Escape was the thing, escape by any means. Politicians, doctors, and merchants bellied toward safety side by side with local lay-abouts and town drunks, crawling in underclothes through flowerbeds and cabbage rows, along weedy lots and ditches until they finally reached what to them seemed a God-sent sanctuary—a cottonwood chicken coop or a tiny, stinking outhouse. Others simply hurled headlong into wells or shimmied beneath wooden walkways. An outdoor cellar in the center of town with a hidden entrance was a haven where many fled. But more found refuge in the ravine, along the tangled banks of the river, or in Jim Lane’s vast cornfield. Often chasing a victim right to the edge of these places, guerrillas always slammed to a halt and galloped away as if expecting a volley of shots to ring out. In the cornfield, scores of thirsty citizens were hidden. Several times the raiders rode along the perimeter, some were for going in. Uncertainty, however, always held them back. A woman living on the hem of the field who had carried water to the fugitives was asked by a group of rebels, who themselves had stopped for water, what was in the corn.

“Go in and see,” she replied, in a tone that left no doubts.

Had they gone in they wouldn’t have found Jim Lane; nor would they have found him anywhere near the field. Instead he was among the bluffs far to the southwest of Lawrence, “on his belly under some bushes.”

Escape was the thing; there were other ways. After somehow avoiding the slaughter, the lieutenant of the recruits eluded his pursuers and ran naked into an abandoned shanty. There he found clothes and quickly dressed. In a moment or two he left the hut and walked into the street unnoticed . . . wearing a dress and bonnet.

Another man burst into a home occupied by three women and begged for help. Soon a noisy gang stomped through the door. Searching the rooms without success, the guerrillas loudly entered the parlor. At this the indignant ladies scolded the rebels to please be quiet and more considerate, since “poor Aunt Betsie” was neither well nor accustomed to such excitement. Sitting in an invalid’s chair, “Aunt Betsie” was eyed suspiciously–an old woman’s cap, a shawl across her lap, medicine bottles and cups nearby, a “niece” fanning her. Finally, the raiders left and the grateful “Aunt Betsie” and three resourceful women breathed easily once again.

Some men without recourse simply put on the dirtiest, most ragged set of clothes they had and mixed with the Missourians. One dentist went even further. Besides finding money for the guerrillas and guiding them to the best stock of liquor in town, he also joined in and set several homes on fire.

When raiders knocked on their doors, women too employed almost any device in an attempt to save their homes—and very often the men hiding just above or just below.

Where in hell is Fred Read?

Gone east for goods.

Peter Ridenour?

Gone east to buy goods.

What are your politics?

Sound on the goose.

Has your old man ever stolen any niggers in Missouri?

Never been in Missouri.

But as often as not, no amount of pleading or lying would suffice, and a home was put to the torch anyhow. And as soon as the bushwhackers had done their work and moved on, behind them women and children rushed with quilts and slopping buckets of water in an attempt to smother the flames. But as was commonly the case, after gamely battling and subduing a blaze, the soot-smeared ladies looked up only to find another squad approaching with the same intent.

“Put that out if you can!” said an exasperated guerrilla to a woman who had just stopped one fire. When he had gone, she did just that.


Those at the home of John Thornton were more persistent. When the straw bed they ignited was put out, the rebels returned and started it again, but this time Nancy Thornton was forced to leave. In a short while, when the husband too appeared and raced out the back, the guerrillas were ready and waiting. A chunk of hot lead burned into Thornton’s hip. He didn’t go down, however, but turned and fled back into the house. Again the heat became unbearable, and when he reappeared another shot was fired, this time blowing his knee apart. Once more, and followed by his horrified wife, Thornton limped back into his blazing home.

Blinded by smoke, the wounded man soon came out again, leaning on Nancy for support. One of the raiders rode up, took aim, but just before he could jerk the trigger the Kansan lunged for his leg. Thornton was unable to reach the weapon, however, and a slug at point-blank smashed into his eye and exploded out the cheek. Another gun went off and a ball entered his back, ripped down the spine, and tore into a buttock. But still Thornton clung to his attacker. Frustrated and out of ammunition, the bushwhacker tried again.

“I can kill you,” he growled as he used the heavy revolver like a hammer to bash the head of the struggling man. At last John Thornton lost his grip and released the leg. But he wasn’t dead.

“Stand back and let me try,” yelled an impatient guerrilla nearby. “He is the hardest man to kill I ever saw.” With that, the enraged attacker let fly every ball in his weapon, striking the target one, two, three times. Thornton stumbled a few steps, then collapsed in a heap. Still doubtful, one of the rebels reared his horse back to stomp the body, then leveled his pistol to fire again.

“For God’s sake,” shrieked the hysterical wife as she grabbed the horse’s bridle, “let him alone, he’s killed now.”   Satisfied, though amazed at the time and energy needed to do it, the bushwhackers finally moved on.

To preserve it for burial, Nancy managed to drag the body away from the fire to an open space across the street. There, she saw that her dead husband had a wound for almost any given place and was literally soaked in blood from head to toe. Looking closer, however, the woman saw something else—John Thornton was still alive!


“Fred, one of them damned nigger-thieving abolitionists ain’t dead yet . . . go and kill him.” Neither Harlow Baker nor Simeon Thorp could be sure which of them had moved, but it was certain that one would soon find out.

Since being shot, the two had lain in the street feigning death as the guerrillas rode nearby. When it was clear, they had whispered back and forth to one another describing where they were hit. Baker still had the strength to get up, but dared not. Senator Thorp, hurt much the worse, could not.

The horse stopped beside them and they heard the rebel dismount. When he was kicked over onto his face, Baker knew he was the one. He heard the explosion, felt a sharp sting, and in a rush all the air left his right lung. He grew dizzy and almost fainted, but through the pain Baker was still around to hear “Fred” congratulate himself as he rode back to his pal.


GeorgeToddThis time George Todd (right) came in person. Only a twist of fate had kept him from meeting the preacher that morning near Sibley, and Todd today wanted no stone left unturned.

Despite this, Elizabeth Fisher, as unflappable as ever, insisted that her husband was not at home; that he had gone over the hill long ago and was by now probably well on his way to Topeka. And again the woman boldly invited the doubting rebels to search the house. To his great relief though, Hugh Fisher did not hear the cellar door open, nor did he hear the thud of boots down the steps. He did hear, however, the breaking of chairs and shutters for kindling and a guerrilla swearing to kill his wife if she tried to extinguish the fire.

Ignoring the threat, Elizabeth slammed the door in the raider’s face and raced to the well to fill buckets, pans, and tubs. This took time, however, and meanwhile more fires were being set. By the time she returned with the water, her two-story home was hopelessly ablaze. Running back to the front of the house, the desperate woman turned her energies toward saving the one-story kitchen and trying to keep her husband from being broiled alive. Climbing on the cook stove she doused the ceiling first. Then lugging two tables outside—setting one atop the other—Elizabeth scrambled up to the roof and threw more water on. But just as these flames were quenched much of the burning roof on the house crashed across the kitchen.

Dipping up more water the woman drenched her clothing, then once again waded into the flames. But it was hopeless. At length, as the rebels stood around the home watching her futile efforts, Elizabeth ran for more water and began flooding the kitchen floor under which her husband lay. A neighbor woman, as mystified as the bushwhackers, asked her why she was trying to save a piece of floor when her entire world was burning.

“A memento,” she yelled back above the roar.

But as the fire and debris fell into the kitchen even Elizabeth saw that it was only a matter of time. Slipping into the smoke-filled cellar, the frantic woman spoke to where her husband lay.

“You must come out of there or burn alive; I can’t keep the fire back any longer.”

“Almost roasted,” the preacher decided it was his last chance. As he crept out the cellar door Elizabeth quickly threw a dress over him. Then as she lifted a heavy carpet the husband ducked under and, crawling as low and as close to the woman as possible, the two went out of the burning home. While the guerrillas watched on, the carpet was slowly lugged across the yard until the weary wife at last dropped it down beside a small weeping willow. Running back to the house she grabbed chairs, bedding, and other items and stacked them over the rug. And finally, like candles on a cake, the mother sat her two children on top of the heap. After this, she could only wait and watch and pray the rebels didn’t suspect.

With guns in their grip, the bushwhackers glanced from the house to the pile and back again. They always looked from a distance, however, and much to the woman’s relief, none of them approached.

Sitting quietly by the baby, Elizabeth’s little boy was startled when he heard from far below a hoarse voice whisper for water.

“Pa is here somewhere; I heard him speak,” he said, looking up to his exhausted mother.

The child was quickly hushed and the father ordered from here on out to keep still.


Battle_of_LawrenceNot every raider had the stomach for it. Caught up in the pathetic efforts of a crying woman struggling to remove a divan, desk, or piano from her burning home, some could not hold back and soon found themselves wrestling over a piece of furniture just as frantically as the woman. And after setting a fire, not a few who imagined their hearts stone beyond hope caved in to tearful appeals and joined to save what they had intended to destroy.

After fleeing her home one woman returned to find it ablaze, yet curiously, neatly laid under a tree was a box containing her family photographs. Other Missourians stared like children at the beautiful parlors they entered, and many simply could not bring themselves to destroy the pretty cups, saucers, and heirlooms. Had it been left to them, some would have spared even “marked” homes. But harder sorts were always just around the corner.

“No, God damn the abolitionists,” shouted an angry guerrilla. “Why should this house be saved?”

And most were not cold killers. Rummaging through homes, searching for plunder, many obvious hiding places were avoided, and often a raider either winked or turned his back while a man escaped. But others were quick to remind that these same Kansans were the ones who had been in Missouri “killing our people.” Most were not cold killers—but enough were.

You have killed my husband; let me keep his ring. . . .

 No matter!

The Germans fared the worst. Their antislavery views were well known and, unlike other men, they couldn’t escape by lying; their tongues were judge and jury.

“Nicht versteh,” said one when the rebels popped him a question.

“God damn you, we will make you versteh!” they shouted as they shot him dead.

For some time the town’s German blacksmith had remained hidden with his little child amid a patch of corn in the Central Park. Later the baby grew restless in the heat and began to cry, prompting several passing guerrillas to venture in. When they left, the father was dead with the child still crying in his once-powerful arms.

At a German home, the people were ordered out while the Missourians sacked the contents and torched the place. Among the occupants, a man on his sickbed had to be carried from the house and placed upon a mattress in the yard. When the gang finished indoors they walked over to the invalid and pulled out their pistols. With guns staring down, the German strained on weakened arms to rise but was instantly blasted back upon his cot.


Again a squad came to the home of Judge Carpenter bent on burning and killing. But just as the others did before, the men left quieter than they came.


When they had finished with him, Arthur Spicer was brought back to Quantrill at the City Hotel. Despite his earlier threat, however, the guerrilla leader now seemed totally unconcerned at Spicer’s return, and after entering the building the saloonkeeper passed discreetly to the rear.


Activity picked up on Massachusetts Street as many of the raiders drifted back. Stores gone over lightly before were now cleaned out. Some merchants and clerks were compelled to wait on bushwhackers as if they were regular customers while liquor and food was served and boots, shirts, and hats were tried on. In the apartments above terrified families were forced out, but not until they had filed past the rebels and been robbed.

I’ll take that watch!

Give me those earrings!

Fork over them greenbacks!

Shell out, God damn it . . . and be quick about it!

As fewer rebels moved through the lesser streets some people came out and made their escape. With his wife, little daughter, and a friend, the Reverend Richard Cordley left his home and splendid library and quietly threaded his way through the streets. After some “exciting moments” the four entered the brush and walked to the riverbank. There, in a marvelous stroke of luck, an alert friend on the opposite shore recognized the Cordleys and, risking his own life, rowed a boat across and ferried the group to safety. One man and his wife stuffed a change of clothes into a pillow slip, sat their children in a play wagon, and simply walked away.

If one could muster the courage, getting through the streets and beyond the first line of pickets was to escape, for those patrolling further out—farmers and boys mostly—showed little inclination to stop or harm the refugees. Most citizens, though, remained fast in the same places they had throughout the morning–whether indoors or out.

One man holding an umbrella sat in the open undisturbed, shading his wife and child. Another, after being chased and shot at, fell and was immediately covered by his wife. Long after the assailants had left the woman continued to wail and shriek. Afraid she would draw even more attention his way, the husband at last whispered, “For God’s sake, wife, don’t take on so. I don’t know if I’m even hit.”

After helping the bushwhackers load pack horses, the two young clerks at R & B’s, still barefoot and half-clad, eased off to the bushes and raced to the river. The frightened New Yorker saw no point in stopping there, however, and after swimming the Kaw he sprinted up the Leavenworth Road.

At last, the Eldridge House, thus far spared though picked clean from “cellar to garret,” was put to the torch. As some raiders were busy spreading the fire on the ground floor, a woman ran up screaming that a black baby, left by its mother and forgotten in the excitement, still remained inside. After listening for a moment, the men went on with their work.

“Burn the God damn little brat,” was the grim reply.

The fires caught, then climbed rapidly to the fourth floor. In a very short time “the finest building in Kansas”—plush carpets, chandeliers, music, dancing, laughter, all—was enveloped in flames.

On the adjacent corner the courthouse went up. Across the street from that, Danver’s Ice Cream Saloon burned, and so on down the street until both sides were completely ablaze. And while the fires were set the rebels celebrated; walking or riding through the street in fancy new clothes and shiny black boots, wearing rings on their fingers and gold chains and crosses from their necks; gulping down canned lobster, oysters, and figs; smoking black cigars; guzzling beer, brandy, and French champagne; waving hats in the air as the huge liberty flag was dragged past them in the dust. From time to time there were small explosions as stocks of powder and sealed canisters heated, and the acrid smell of tar and oil mingled with the sweet scent of burning tea and molasses.


At the end of the business district, a large gang of drunks spotted Dan Palmer and a friend standing in the door of Palmer’s gun shop. Before they could duck back in both were shot and wounded.

While some of the bushwhackers set the building on fire, others stood the two men up and bound them together with rope. Then, when the flames caught and began to roar, the startled captives were pitched inside. Wild with fright, Palmer and his friend regained their footing and struggled out the door, pleading with the rebels for mercy. But amid hellish laughter and waving pistols the men were again hurled into the furnace. At last the rope broke, but there was nowhere to run. By this time only Palmer was able to rise. Standing in the flames, arms reaching for heaven, he screamed above the roar, “O God, save us!” This brought a new round of applause and laughter. Soon, the cries inside ceased and the drunken gang moved on.


Except for a number of pickets, by 9 AM most of the raiders had drifted back to the South Park and much of the residential area was left deserted. That’s when Mary, Abigail, and Louis Carpenter “began to breathe again.” But then there was another violent pound on the door. As they had done all morning, the family kept its composure, and while Mary went to the door the judge came down the stairs to deal with these rebels as he had the rest.

The door was opened. Stepping partway in, a stone-faced guerrilla stared at the judge, then asked him where he was from.

“New York,” came the even reply.

“It is you New York fellows that are doing the mischief in Missouri,” was the cold comment. The rebel raised his pistol and fired.

Breaking from the door, the wounded man bounded up the stairs and into a bedroom. Pushing Mary aside, the guerrilla gave chase. As his pursuer was searching the rooms above Carpenter slipped by and ran to the basement. But a rebel below saw this, and when his friend came down, the two found windows leading into the basement and opened fire. The judge was hit immediately. And because the room was unfinished there was nowhere to hide. Helplessly, Carpenter could only flatten himself against the walls and try to dodge the bullets. As the raiders paused to reload, the blood gathered in pools at the victim’s feet. Finally, with no other hope, Carpenter broke for the stairs leading outside. Once in the yard, however, he stumbled and fell and was unable to rise.

As the guerrillas approached, Mary ran screaming to her husband’s side and covered his head with her arms. Walking around them several paces, a bushwhacker at last bent down, jerked up one of Mary’s arms, jammed in his pistol, then fired. Within inches of her own, the judge’s head shuddered for an instant, then splashed apart.


A lone rebel walked to where Harlow Baker was lying and stopped. Partially turned on its side, he looked down at the dusty body for a moment, at the blood, black and caked on the hand, neck, and back.

“Poor devil,” he muttered.

Pulling out a sharp knife the bushwhacker knelt down and ripped open a pocket. Finding nothing he rolled the body over and slashed the other. Again nothing. Spotting Baker’s hat, the man mumbled that at least here was something, and a good one at that. Taking his prize, the man walked back into town.


At last the pickets rode in and the entire force of guerrillas converged on the South Park and began forming. Pack horses high with plunder were brought up, as was an ambulance. A large, fat ox was selected, killed, skinned, quartered, then quickly stored for travel. Amid the movement and general excitement, Quantrill found the young guide, and handing him a new suit of clothes and the reins to a fresh pony, the boy was pointed toward home. The rebel leader then said goodbye to his friend Nathan Stone, his wife and son and daughter Lydia, and hoped that someday, some place they might meet during happier times.

“The ladies of Lawrence were brave and plucky,” he confided to someone before he left, “but the men . . . were a pack of cowards.”

Quantrill then joined his command. And, at a little past nine, with the smoke from Massachusetts Street rolling up like the walls of some towering black canyon, the raiders moved south and the long, uncertain retreat to Missouri began.

Several minutes passed. Only the sounds of the inferno were heard in the deserted streets. Across the river, the squad of soldiers watched intently. Finally, with a few citizens they boarded the ferry and inched toward the town.

But one man was not quite finished. Although he had bragged about the streets that eleven Kansans had been sent to hell by his gun, for Larkin Skaggs this was still not enough. Skulking around until Quantrill left, Skaggs galloped back and pulled up beside the City Hotel.

“All you God damned sons of bitches come in front!” he shouted. “Come right out here!”

Foolishly, many did step out the door. But others, including Lydia Stone, either remained inside or, like her brother, dove out the back. As they filed down the steps, men and women were ordered into separate lines, and while waiting for the rest to appear, Skaggs, terribly drunk and teetering in his saddle, asked one of the captives where he was from.

“Central Ohio,” answered the man. He was instantly shot.

“That is worse than Kansas,” growled the bushwhacker.

Another round was fired into the hotel itself which brought an immediate plea from the owner, Nathan Stone. Without a word Skaggs turned and fired again, striking the innkeeper flush in the abdomen. While the screaming people fled the front of the hotel, more jumped out the back. Spying a boat, two men quickly pushed off from shore. In their haste, however, they failed to attach one oar properly and the two furiously paddled around and around in circles as the current carried them down the river.

Hearing the gunfire and seeing the renewed exodus, the men crossing on the ferry quickly returned to the north shore.

Growing impatient, Skaggs finally wheeled and rode back through town. After killing a man along the way and chasing another, the burly bushwhacker trotted leisurely from Lawrence down the California Road, confident that Quantrill had left the way he had come. He soon realized the mistake, however, when he saw farmers coming in his direction. Spurring cross-country toward Eudora, the drunken man weaved and wobbled in the saddle as the big white horse raced through fields leaping fences and ditches. But more men were riding from that way, and cornered, Skaggs was finally captured and taken toward Lawrence.

When the party reached the outskirts and learned what had taken place, the prisoner without further ado was slain on the spot.


Slowly, slowly the people began to come out—peering cautiously from the brushy ravine, parting carefully the stalks in the cornfield. The ferry started inching over again. Governor Robinson stepped out of his stone barn. The county sheriff crept up from under his floor. A man who had feigned death even though he lay near a building on fire rose with the clothes burned from his back. And Harlow Baker, too, on painfully weak legs pulled himself up and staggered to the house. Others emerged from the hidden cellar in the center of town, popped up from tomato patches, or, dripping wet, gazed over the mouth of a well. What they saw when they came out was overwhelming.

Everywhere one turned, the enormity of the raid attacked the senses. Those cut off, those who thought their experience an isolated case, were numbed to learn that similar acts had been going on all around the city. Like a twister it had come so swiftly, so tremendously, so utterly—yet like a twister it too had gone so quietly and completely that many were confused and still had no conception of time. And the bodies . . . no one had expected this.

“One saw the dead everywhere,” said the Reverend Cordley as he moved through the town, “on the sidewalks, in the streets, among the weeds in the gardens.”

And the day was actually darker than it had begun. Burning homes and barns sent spires of smoke upward until they converged to form a huge pall over the city, blotting out the sun and sky. Massachusetts Street was a raging wall of flame and churning black clouds. Crunching timber and toppling bricks fed the roar, and the heat was so intense that none dared enter the street. Even the sidewalks were burning. And everywhere was the suffocating dark fog. Women, some carrying babies in their arms, ran through the streets shielding their faces from the fire, crying and screaming for husbands and sons. Some, like Charles and Sara Robinson, found one another.

Then, down a side street, flaying the hide of a plow horse and shouting at the top of his lungs came Jim Lane trailed by several farmers. “Follow them boys,” cried the senator as he passed, “let us follow them.” Some did respond, and together they galloped south. But even had more felt the inclination, there simply were no horses left in town.


5BMBF00ZBy  noon a goodly number of citizens had straggled back to town as had curiosity-seekers from the countryside. And by this time even Hugh Fisher, sweltering all morning under the rug and furniture, felt safe enough to crawl from his torrid hiding place to get a drink of water.

Later, as the fires subsided, several men began the grisly task of trying to retrieve the dead and wounded. One of those thus engaged was George Deitzler. At first glance the victims nearest the fires were thought to be blacks. Coming closer, however, the old general was shocked to discover that the corpses were not Negroes, but white men “completely roasted. The bodies . . . crisped and nearly black.” Reluctantly, Deitzler bent down to pull a man up, but to his horror as he yanked he merely came away with two chunks of steaming dark flesh. Reeling backward, the general retched and had to leave. Most others, try as they may, could fare no better and turned away “crying like children.”

One corpse lay on a sidewalk near a fire. The body was normal in every respect except that the skin of the head had been burned away, leaving only a grinning skull. Another man was half body, half skeleton. Others had rendered down into a “shapeless mass.” And without a trace of wind the stench of cooked flesh weighed like a blanket in the hot fog. Relegated to stronger sorts, recovery did go on.

After the pews were moved out, many of the dead and wounded were taken to the Methodist Church. While two physicians probed an ugly hole in a man’s face, searching for a lodged ball, another, lacking both medicine and instruments, performed delicate surgery using only a sharp penknife. Lying in a corner, “half-wit” Jo Eldridge, also shot in the face, raved deliriously. Crying women, themselves on the verge of collapse, tried to help those waiting by bringing water, cleaning wounds, and fighting off the swarms of blowflies. The mangled bodies of Ralph and Steve Dix were brought in and laid out; Ben Johnson, some Germans, and others not recognizable were also carried up the steps. In his rush to get the wounded indoors, one minister keeled over from exhaustion. Elsewhere it was much the same as people waited for the few available doctors.

A young woman, just as confused and frightened as she had been all morning long, ran into the Griswold home for comfort. In the back parlor she first saw Mrs. Baker fanning her husband who lay on the bed, his clothes bathed in blood. Fleeing into the dining room, the girl suddenly froze at the sight of Doctor Griswold and Josiah Trask stiff, white, and stretched side by side on the dinner table. In the front parlor she glanced in to see Senator Thorp, twisted and rolling in terrible agony, his clothes black with blood and dust. He was struggling to speak to his wife but couldn’t. Bearing no more, the sickened young woman fled the house entirely.

Just up the street, surrounded by the smoldering ruins of her home, Julia Collamore could get no response from either her husband or the servant as she shouted into the well. When a close friend arrived, he volunteered to go down. Tying a cord around himself, and with the aid of two men to lower him, the friend entered the hole. About halfway down those above felt a sharp yank and frantically began to pull the man up. The strain was too great, however, and the cord snapped. But to the surprise of everyone above, there was no cry for help from below.

Despite everything, some paused a moment to behold the phenomenon. Flocks of killdeer, attracted for some reason, flew about carefree from yard to yard, calling their sprightly refrain.


Throughout the afternoon and into the evening the people continued to trickle back. Some returned wearing the same nightshirt they had awakened in, while not a few husbands came back in the dresses that had enabled their escape. Strong men, finding a dear friend whom they had presumed dead, fell into one another’s arms and wept. The devout knelt in circles and prayed.

Those who had fled Shantytown that morning also began appearing, coming across the river or out of the woods. One black, atop a white horse, rode bareback down Massachusetts Street singing with all his might “John Brown’s Body.”  Behind, with a rope around its neck, he dragged the naked corpse of Larkin Skaggs. With other former slaves, the rider hauled the body to the Central Park and tried to burn it.

As the fires cooled and gardens and weedy lots were combed, more dead were discovered. The floor of the Methodist Church filled until there was no room. Forty identification tags had already been provided, but for others only a number distinguished each from the next disfigured form. Robert Martin, killed by the side of young Willie Fisher, was found and carried down from Mount Oread in the arms of his crying father. Charlie and Willie Fisher also returned, and the grateful parents sped to heaven their thanks and bowed to pray. But both Elizabeth and Hugh couldn’t help noticing that there was something different about Willie; he was not the same Willie who had left that morning.

It wasn’t so easy for editor John Speer. Of his three sons, the youngest was alive and with his mother. Another son, Junior, was dead. Someone said he was murdered while running along a street, shot by a mounted rebel dragging the Union flag. But the other son, seventeen-year-old Robbie, was still missing. Speer refused to believe that Robbie too was gone. And so, covered with soot and ash, the father kept up his search, calling out as the night descended.

I want you to help me find my boy. They have killed one, and the other I cannot find.


“The fires were still glowing in the cellars,” noted the Reverend Cordley as he moved through the darkened streets. “The brick and stone walls were . . . standing bare and blackened. The cellars between looked like great caverns with furnaces glowing in the depths. . . . Here and there among the embers could be seen the bones of those who had perished.”

John Speer and others seeking a son, a brother, a husband were praying that the bones they saw down among the cinder and fire were not those of the loved ones they sought.

That night the dogs howled without ceasing, and for miles around a vast angry glow was seen throbbing in the skies over Lawrence.


Saturday, August 22, 1863. Hardly had glint of dawn reached Lawrence when the weary people, straining to gain a few minutes of sleep, were jolted by a long, piercing scream heard throughout the town. Followed to its source, a woman was discovered in a gutted building sitting among the rubble. Her husband, she feared, had been shot and burned there the day before, and after searching the wife had found his remains at last—a blackened skull that she hugged to her breast.

This chilling scene “added much to the . . . sadness and horror which filled every heart,” said a viewer, and stamped an accent on what was already becoming known as “Black Friday.”

There was no awakening from the nightmare. Massachusetts Street, normally a hive of activity on Saturday, was black and idle now, only a jagged gash through piles of ash and debris. Red coals still glowed in the basements. At the south end of the street, two stores remained standing, to the north, by the river, several more stood, including the armory with weapons intact. In between, all else was ruin. Vermont and New Hampshire streets were much the same—a barn, the ice house, the City Hotel, a home in which George Todd had taken breakfast and left his voucher of safety.

In the residential area the condition was somewhat better. Although close to one hundred homes were destroyed, many of these the beautiful structures of West Lawrence, anyone could see how much worse it might have been. Dozens of houses were torched and torched again only to be saved by the women. And for those not doused, the absence of wind prevented the flames from leaping to a neighboring home. Most brick and stone dwellings stood untouched, and because of the soldiers, all the houses along the river, including the Robinson mansion, went unscathed. Except for a Negro church, every other still stood. The county land records were somehow preserved. But all this in itself, as the citizens viewed things, was small cause for thanksgiving. The bushwhackers had been meticulous. The town was devastated.

“Lawrence,” wrote one, “is as much destroyed as though an earth quake had buried it in ruins.”

And even had there been anything left to buy, there simply was nothing left to buy it with, for very little money remained. Of the three banks in town, two were robbed of every cent and the third spared only because a stubborn vault could not be blown. Practically all the cash and merchandise in the stores and offices was stolen or burned, and among the citizenry as a whole, the gold, silver, jewels, notes, and watches that were not stolen outright were generally lost or destroyed in the confusion. Much of the furniture, clothing, shoes, and linen were also gone. Most people, young and old, wore the same grimy apparel in which they had come away twenty-four hours before. In addition, there was virtually no food in the town.

Although the suffering and privation were extreme, the material loss paled beside that of the human. At first glance even the most sanguinary estimate placed the toll of dead at no more than sixty, a staggering number considering that nearly all were unarmed civilians. But even this grim figure was soon surpassed as more victims were discovered hourly.

When workers finally entered the Collamore well they brought up three dripping bodies–the mayor, his servant, and the would-be rescuer, all dead. After filling the Griswold home with hideous screams and groans, Simeon Thorp, in terrible agony, at last succumbed. As for the photographer, William Laurie, his flight was ended. Kansas City . . . Shawnee . . . the war had overtaken him once and for all in faraway Lawrence. The charred bones of other victims were raked in from the embers or found sprawled among the weeds and gardens. The dead seemed to crowd the living as the toll grew to one hundred and  climbed.

The human loss was as unfathomable as the material loss was seemingly irreparable. There was little talk of rebuilding. Fear of a similar occurrence ran so high that it seemed foolish to do so, and some raiders had even warned that Lawrence must be entirely abandoned or they would return. The herculean task of trying to reconstruct their world also caused many to despair. But perhaps most disappointing and unbearable of all was the lack of anything tangible to strike at; the inability to reach out and smash the authors of so much misery and woe. For some, at least, this simple, savage act could not but help ease the pain and frustration.

Throughout the morning, travelers, emigrants, teamsters, and curiosity-seekers, jammed on the main roads for twenty-four hours, began to stream into town. One unsuspecting arrival quickly found himself surrounded by an angry mob. Identified as a proslavery man and active during the territorial struggle, he was led away to the barn by the river. There, despite pleas to the contrary, he was accused of being a spy for Quantrill, and being thus charged he was promptly convicted. A noose was thrown around his neck, and in a few moments the stunned man was drawn up and left kicking in the air. There was no hard evidence, as most admitted, but the victim was a Missourian, and that was close enough.

The body was then cut down and given to a black on horseback, who galloped through the streets followed by a snarling crowd. As the corpse was dragged along, the clothes tore away and the mob pelted it with rocks, sticks, and anything else available, each person dealing their share on the lonely trophy. Four other men blundered into town and were collared under the same pretext. Fortunately for them—and for consciences later on—they were only held, not hanged.

Sallie Young was next. Hooted and jeered viciously wherever she went, the young woman was arrested, accused of collaborating with the raiders, then confined to await transfer to Fort Leavenworth. The fury temporarily vented, Lawrence turned to more pressing matters.

As the morning wore on and the temperature rose, the stench from the corpses became insufferable. Already, many bodies had swollen so great that the clothing had burst, revealing grotesque wounds “full of flies & worms.” Frantically, the work began to identify the victims and get them under ground as rapidly as possible. There was little wood left and certainly no coffins. Many of the carpenters were either dead or wounded and nearly all the tools of the trade destroyed. Nevertheless, the citizens began. Oak and walnut logs were sawn and fashioned into rough boards. Most nails had melted in the kegs, but enough good ones were found and the planks were soon joined to form crude boxes. The dead were quickly deposited and the covers hammered down. For many, “it sounded rather harsh . . . to have the lid nailed over the bodies of their loved ones.” But there simply was no time for anything more elaborate, especially since the threat of epidemic increased with every hour.

When the Methodist Church was full, bodies were taken to other churches. Not all victims remained in town. After identification, three corpses, including that of the Irishman, Jim O’Neill, were loaded onto a wagon and returned to Lecompton for burial. Coming from the opposite direction, farmers brought fruit and vegetables and gave freely. And from Leavenworth the first real relief came when several wagons loaded with food, clothing, medical supplies, and caskets arrived.

Throughout the day and into the night the tempo increased and the sounds of the terrible work continued. At the cemetery atop Mount Oread, a ghostlike gathering moved in an arc of lamp­light, and some of the boxes were at last lowered down. Slowly the recovery began.


50235698_133263993699When he wasn’t helping out around town, Peter Ridenour (left) was at the bedside of his friend. “Well, Mr. Ridenour, I am gone up,” Harlow Baker had whispered when his partner rushed into the room on Friday. But though he wasn’t given much hope by others and could barely breathe, Baker surprised everyone, including himself, by continuing to hang on.

And so the old friend stayed by his side, waiting for the end­-fetching ice, tending the wounds, chatting.  Jokingly, Ridenour admitted that the only reason he was sitting around this moment was because of a few potato plants and a garden bed he’d hugged so dearly that a leaf might have covered him. His home was gone, he added, even though he had naively taken the precaution of locking the door. But the two young clerks had made it. After running so long and hard that his feet bled, the athletic New Yorker hadn’t stopped until he had reached Leavenworth. There, he went straight to a family friend, Governor Tom Carney, and borrowed money enough for clothes and a one-way ticket east. But after some rest and reflection he had hesitated. The boy had come back today on the Leavenworth stage. Although admittedly he had never been so scared in his life, not even at Gettysburg, the youth discovered that indeed he had survived the battlefield and now, although his feet were very tired and sore, he had survived Black Friday as well.

Ridenour didn’t mention to his partner that the business was wiped out. Five years of savings had vanished in a blink when the banks were looted. The store’s huge inventory was also gone and although their insurance covered most everything, including fire, a clause excluded “invading enemies.” There were also many out­standing debts and no way to meet them. Although he didn’t burden his friend with business matters, Peter Ridenour had already taken the first faint look down the long road back. He was yet young and strong and energetic and his name was respected by all. And if he lived long enough, every creditor would get his due. The store’s safe with the books and a modest sum of cash had somehow weathered the storm, and if one put stock in such things, there was a benign omen of sorts—the salt wagons from Leavenworth had arrived and were now parked outside the gutted store.

But while he sat and waited and watched his old friend suffer, the thought uppermost on Mr. Ridenour’s mind was not salt or creditors or even the store, but whether the partnership, the friendship would continue as always or if the “B” would yet be stricken from R & B.


Early Sunday morning at the usual time, work was set aside while a few citizens gathered to worship. They were women and children mostly at the Reverend Cordley’s church, dirty and disheveled and dressed in men’s work clothes. No one said much. For some, the press of the past two days had been a sore test of faith, and a moment’s respite to collect their thoughts and drift in meditation was a welcome balm. There were whispers and silent prayers and then a passage from Psalms, verse 79:

O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance. They have laid Jerusalem in heaps. The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of the heaven and the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of earth. Their blood have shed they like water round about Jerusalem, and there was none to bury them.

After a moment more of silence, work was resumed.

Again, as the heat of the day approached, workers were made aware of their dilemma. The coffin building was not keeping pace with the decay of the bodies. The caskets that came from Leavenworth helped, but there simply weren’t enough coffins there, nor in all Kansas to meet the needs. And more victims were being found. At last, in desperation, it was decided to dispense with formalities altogether and inter the more advanced cases with as much haste as possible. Into a long, deep trench gouged from the cemetery ground, forty-seven black and bloating bodies were finally lowered down. Similar burials, like that of Judge Carpenter and Edward Fitch, took place in backyards. With this, some of the terrible trauma and urgency began mercifully to wear off.

More help came from the countryside and another large wagon train of food, clothing, and supplies arrived from Leavenworth. Visitors continued to enter the city, some to aid and some simply to gawk and assess the destruction. Early estimates placed the damage in the millions of dollars, with over $250,000 stolen in currency alone. Almost every businessman and merchant was totally cleaned out. Still, there were increasing murmurs of rebuilding and renewed investments.  Flagging spirits began to revive somewhat as a few took heart.

Included among the strangers in town were a number of correspondents and illustrators from large Eastern newspapers who began sketching scenes and taking down eyewitness accounts. A few unabashed individuals came forward with their stories. One black related that when the raiders had entered Lawrence on Friday morning, he had dashed over the meadows south of town and hid in a tree above the Wakarusa, out-legging his imagined pursuers and establishing some kind of record for the three-mile course. When asked about the feat, his simple reply: “The prairie just came to me.” Another man, a dentist, described his escape and return to Lawrence and his utter amazement to find that, though everything else was gone, the rebels had entirely overlooked his inventory of  gold and silver plate.

Others had similar tales to tell, though not always so jocose. They told of a morning replete with hairbreadth escapes and terror, of miracles, irony, and death. But as the journalists scribbled away, always from each new tale there surfaced the same consistent theme—the steely defiance and grit of the women. Almost all their acts, although carried out under fantastic duress, were marked by an uncanny degree of calmness and courage. Instances of their heroism, their “sand,” ran on. There was Lydia Stone: When the Eldridge prisoners became frightened of retaliation, the young woman, risking her own life, raced down the riverbank in the teeth of the soldiers’ bullets waving a hanky for them to stop. There was Kate Riggs: By grabbing the horse’s bridle and hanging on until she had been dragged around the house and over a woodpile, the tenacious woman succeeded in saving her husband Sam from the monster Skaggs. There were Elizabeth Fisher, Eliza Turner, and a score of other equally doughty heroines.

And never had female ingenuity been better displayed, from the “nieces” of “Aunt Betsie” to the woman who saved not only a feather bed to sleep on but a neighbor man as well whom she rolled up inside and carried to safety. Another woman fooled the rebels by burning oily rags in kettles, thereby making it appear that her home was engulfed in flames.

And even after their bravery and resourcefulness saved many a man and home, the women’s work had but begun. When the initial shock had passed, many, like the “ministering angel” Lydia Stone, carried on, moving with quiet grace among the crowds of victims, “attending to their wants and speaking words of comfort and cheer.”

As Sunday wore on, the women, arms scorched, hair singed, continued their labors with an air of increasing confidence. Some optimistically saw in their great trial a hidden treasure. Although they left little else in Lawrence, the guerrillas overlooked something very precious nonetheless, something that could not be burned with a torch or strapped on a pack horse: Courage . . . the only thing in life that really mattered. When all else was taken, this at least remained and gleamed more brilliantly than ever before. Then others took note and drew inspiration from a familiar sight at the river’s edge. Amid the ruin and devastation the old liberty pole stood straight and tall, defiantly holding its ground. Even the tortuous hot spell was at an end. Late in the day a refreshing north wind kicked up, clearing and cooling the air. If the truth be known, for many of these women, as well as the surviving men, there was within them the dawning of that warm and golden glow that shines only in the hearts of those who have faced off with the worst in life and come away victorious. For Lawrence, the worst had come. The trial had passed. There was nothing more from life to fear.


As the work progressed into the evening, a lookout on Mount Oread, watching the activity below, happened to glance south toward the Wakarusa. There to his horror he saw rising from the valley floor an all-too-familiar sight—smoke and flame. Without a second thought the rider flew down the hill and galloped into town, screaming with all the power in his lungs, “They are coming again, they are coming again! Run for your lives, run for your lives!”

With these startling words reserves cracked, then crumbled, and suddenly there was nothing left. In a moment, as if from one mind, panic seized all, and like a cannon shot the race from Lawrence instantly became a mad stampede. Someone rang the armory bell but no one was fool enough to rally. Men who had naively held to their homes at the onset of the first raid and who thus experienced the most terrifying hours of their lives didn’t wait around for the second, but broke from town at a run, hair streaming in the wind. Women, whose courage hadn’t wavered during the Friday attack and whose poise had been a comfort to all, now caved in completely and became “utterly unstrung.” Men, women, children—all raced blindly, filling the streets with a bedlam of sobs, shrieks, and shouts, expecting the slaughter to overtake them with every bound.

Run for your life . . . Quantrill is coming back and will kill all of us! 

Run to the country, Quantrill is coming!

Take your children and run . . . Quantrill is coming!

After a few short minutes the dust finally settled. The town was deserted. Except for a few wounded, not a soul, black or white, resident or visitor, was left in Lawrence. As time passed, men on the opposite shore anxiously watched for the attack to begin. But mysteriously, there was only silence. Shortly, one hundred citizens recovered sufficiently to cross back and pass out weapons from the armory. Their plans for a stand were for naught, however, for they soon learned the cause of the lookout’s alarm—imprudently, a farmer had chosen this moment to burn off a field of straw.

Knowledge of the error came too late to reach the majority of people, however. Some were far away and still running while others were even further along and had no intention of ever stopping, like the clerk at R & B’s, who this time would not pull up until he reached New York and absolute safety. But for the rest, many carrying footsore children, there was no run left, and they simply alit in fields and thickets fringing the town.

That night proved to be one of the coldest, cruelest summer nights in border memory. The temperature plunged, the rain and hail came in sheets, the lightning cracked, the thunder roared, and the wind blew with all the fury of a cyclone. But still—soaked, frozen, and huddled as they were—few ventured back, for the wind and cold and rain were far preferable to Lawrence, where it was firmly believed Quantrill was adding the final touches to the bloody work begun on Friday.

One of these miserable refugees, seeking an answer to it all, later questioned his aged father. “Why have we been so terribly punished? Why so infinitely worse than any other place in all the history of this war? Why beyond comparison and precedent?” After brief reflection on the territorial days of the fifties, the war on the border and the sagging fortunes of the South in the sixties, of the bloody days of rampage when Lane, Jennison, and their Jayhawkers had turned western Missouri inside out, the son found the answer to his own question.

“lt has come,” he finally admitted, “and they have had their revenge.”

But another, angrier than the first, and speaking for a great many more than the first, considered the scales once more uneven.

“Oh! God!” he implored heaven, “Who shall avenge?”

First Man Standing

okeefe-logo-2015If the Last White Man Standing of the 20th Century was Adolf Hitler, then Ken O’Okeefe is my candidate for the First White Man Standing of the 21st-Century. I stand with Ken O’Keefe.

Ken is one charismatic warrior. He is extremely intelligent, he is eloquent, he is forceful, he is powerful, he is rock-ready and rock-steady, but most importantly, Ken is ferocious, fearless and not a man to fuck with. Nothing, and I mean nothing, stands between Ken and the truth. Like a comet drawn by gravity to the sun with increasing velocity, Ken allows nothing to get between him and his goal. My friends, strength, real unshakable strength, is like a mighty magnet; it attracts those less strong, like myself, and it increases their strength as it does. Ken is my mighty magnet.

In case you have been snoozing these past years and have not heard of Ken, this dynamic hero has been fighting hate and lies, both in person, and on numerous podiums, for some time now . . . and very, very effectively. In fact, the forces of darkness scatter and scurry when Ken steps up. The simple, yet powerful, weapons that this amazing man uses? Honesty, truth and the faith of his convictions. When I listen to Ken, I am impressed by a myriad of things, but mostly it is the intensity of his gaze, the passion in his voice, the sincerity in his words, but above all, when watching Ken I am struck first and foremost by his anger. No, not the rabid, foam-flecked kind of mad dog anger, but a controlled anger, a simmering, sizzling rage. It is this rage within that powers his drive and determination like steam powers a locomotive.

I have studied the eyes of many people in my lifetime. It’s a hobby. I truly do believe that old adage about the eyes being the “windows to a man’s soul.” I’ve looked into Ken’s eyes many times. Beyond, within, through his “windows”, I see a moral, honest, and ethical soul; but these noble qualities are tempest tossed; they roil in a stormy soul totally fed up with the crime, corruption, hypocrisy, and evil that threatens to consume us.

I’m sure there are the doubters, the groaners, the jealous, the envious, those whispering critics who try to chop Ken down and marginalize him. We have also among us, alas, the paralyzed paranoiacs and the demented conspiracists, those who believe everything is a conspiracy–including the “round” earth conspiracy–and that anyone who comet-like rises in the sky, including Ken, is an agent of disinformation and misdirection. Equally, I am also sure that there are the big talkers/small doers among us who are terrified by Ken. In Ken they see a no nonsense man-of-action who easily passes from theory to practice. And this a very scary thing for those who have hid behind computers and made a living ranting and raving about “what needs to be done” but who have never lifted a finger to do it.

Ken is not perfect. His pronouncement that “I believe every person on earth is my brother and sister” is certainly not my credo. Sorry, Ken, but those who would love to see me and my comrades boiled in oil or slowly tortured to death are not, and will never be, my “brothers” or “sisters”, Jesus or no Jesus. Also, I am not a big fan of anyone who debases their body with ink graffiti. But these are tiny details, mere fine points of taste. In no way does such hair-splitting deflect from my admiration for this Great White Warrior. I’m sure that during the American Revolution those cowards who didn’t want to risk their skins or jobs also disagreed with the minute details of the struggle and found all manner of reasons not to join in.

Like an oak, Ken O’Keefe stands—he bows to no man. He will not stop and he will not back down. I stand with my brother, Ken O’Keefe, yesterday, today and tomorrow. I will stand with Ken anywhere he may be. I will stand with him on a stage where there is not a friendly face in the crowd. I will stand with Ken in front of glaring lights and hostile cameras, stand with him on a street-corner, stand even in the midst of a hate-filled mob. And, if such be fate, I would even stand with Ken in front of a firing squad or die with him in a bloody ditch. By his example, Ken O’Keefe is creating many more Ken O’Keefes. Let us all stand firm like Ken, let us all be examples.