Convergence of Catastrophes

convergenceGuillaume Faye

Foreword by Jared Taylor
Translated by E. Christian Kopff
London: Arktos, 2012
216 pages

paperback only SALE PRICE: $20 


The thesis of this book is a terrifying one: our present global civilisation will collapse within twenty years, and it is too late to stop it. We shall regress to a ‘New Middle Ages’ akin to the fall of the Roman Empire, only much more destructive.

For the first time in the whole of human history, certain ‘dramatic lines’, giant crises and catastrophes of immense proportions – already tangible – have emerged. They are converging and will most likely reach their zenith by 2020. Up to that time, as we have already been witnessing, their effects will continue to get worse, until a breaking point is reached.

Guillaume Faye rigorously examines these escalating crises one by one: environmental damage and climate change; the breakdown of a speculative and debt-ridden globalist economy; the return of global epidemics; the depletion of fossil fuels and of agricultural and fishing resources; the rise of mass immigration, terrorism and nuclear proliferation; the worsening of the rupture between Islam and the West; and the dramatic explosion of a population of the elderly in the wealthy countries – all of it leading to an unprecedented worldwide economic recession, an increase in localised and possibly large-scale armed conflicts . . . and perhaps worse.

Still, Faye reminds us, we should not give in to pessimism: what we are experiencing is not an apocalypse, but a metamorphosis of humanity. We might have reached the end of what the Hindu traditions refer to as the Kali Yuga, the ‘age of iron’ marked by materialism and selfishness, but those who survive the catastrophe and chaos will perhaps build a new and better humanity.


A Note from the Editor
Foreword by Jared Taylor

Introduction: An Explosive Cocktail
Believing in Miracles
Man, a Sick Animal
The Golem Paradigm, or the Machine That Went Mad
The ‘Billiard Ball’ Theory
‘Catastrophe Theory’ and ‘Discrete Structural Metamorphoses’
We Must Stop Believing in Sorcerers: Techno-science Gone Mad

1. Toward the Collapse of the Terrestrial Ecosystem
It is Already Too Late
How Times Have Changed!
Countdown to the Climate Bomb
Confronted by Global Warming, the Utopias of the Ecologists
Violent Climate Change Is Going to Provoke Geopolitical Earthquakes
The Spectre of Shortages
Examples of Ecological Disasters
And Let’s Not Forget Epidemics

2. Toward the Clash of Civilisations
The Globalisation of War
Toward the Most Bellicose Century in History
Terror as Art of Living
Is It a Question of War between Islam and the West?
China against the USA
When Everyone Has Nuclear Weapons
Israel’s Tears
Two Examples to Make Us Think
The Return of the Titans

3. Toward Chaos in Europe
In the Eye of the Cyclone
The Horrible Spectre of Ethnic Civil War
Economy: Tomorrow, the Great European Depression
The Demographic Coma
The Cancer of Decadence
The European Union: The Shattered Dream

4. Toward a Giant Economic Crisis
The End of the Paradigm of ‘Economic Development’
The Impending Death of World Economic Development
Toward a ‘Civilisational Break-up’
There Is No Reason to Believe That Traditional Economies Are ‘Underdeveloped’
Is the Techno-scientific Economy Viable?
The Neo-global Economy of the Post-Catastrophe Age
A Non-egalitarian Economy
Techno-science as Esoteric Alchemy
When the Worst is Probable
The End of ‘Growth’
Economism is Condemned
The Fraud of the ‘New Economy’
The Dangerous Fragility of Globalised Liberal Capitalism
Some Small but Worrying Signals
The Spectre of Poverty
Cancelling the Debts of Poor Countries Is a Farce

Conclusion: A New Middle Ages
– Chaos and Post-Chaos
– Humanity, the ‘Adjustment Variable’
– The Drunken Boat
– Catastrophe Scenarios
1) The Soft Scenario
2) The ‘Hard’ Scenario
3) The ‘Very Hard’ Scenario
The End of Contemporary Humanity, Predicted by Tradition
Out of Chaos into the Light


Guillaume Faye With a doctorate in political science from Paris’ Institute of Political Science, the essayist Guillaume Faye was one of the principal theoreticians of the French Nouvelle Droite in the 1970s and ’80s prior to his growing sympathy for the identitarian movement. He has also been a journalist at Figaro-Magazine, Paris-Match, Magazine-Hebdo, Valeurs Actuelles, and a radio commentator. For several years he was the editor of J’ai tout compris (I Understood Everything), a private newsletter which is now a blog:

paperback only: $20.00



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