Nietzsche’s Coming God:
Or the Redemption of the Divine

TahaAbir Taha

London: Arktos, 2013
108 pages

paperback only: $17 

Read Michael O’Meara’s review of the French edition here.

In Nietzsche’s Coming God, the author demonstrates that the “destructive” and “nihilistic” side of Nietzsche’s thought was in fact only a hammer that Nietzsche used in order to destroy the “millenarian lies” of Judeo-Christianity, a necessary — albeit transitory — stage that preceded his ultimate creation: the Superman, an incarnation of the god in the making . . . the coming god. Contrary to popular belief, Nietzsche was both a free spirit and a deeply spiritual thinker who welcomed the death of the false god — the god who curses and denies life — not as an end in itself, but as a prelude to the rebirth of the divine.

Indeed, although Nietzsche was an avowed atheist, he was also “the most pious of the godless,” as he described himself in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Nietzsche dreamt of, and augured, a new mode of divinity and a new hope for mankind which, having rejected both religious obscurantist dogma as well as Cartesian rationalist dogma, would be the search for eternal self-perfection and self-overcoming.

The death of the god of monotheism thus paved the way for a new, pantheistic and pagan vision of the divine, heralding a “god to come” beyond good and evil, a god who affirms and blesses life. Nietzsche’s coming god is none other than Dionysus reborn, or the redemption of the divine.


Introduction: The Real Nietzsche

1. The Death of God, or the “End of the Longest Error”
-I- Symptom of decadence: The death of God as the outcome and culmination of nihilism
-II- The roots of nihilism: Christian life-denying morality
-III- The death of God, or the end of the millenarian lie: End or perpetuation of nihilism?

2. Beyond the Death of God: Nihilism Vanquished by Itself
-I- Beyond good and evil: Life as will to power
-II- The will to power as self-overcoming: The new nobility, prelude to the Superman

3. Nietzsche’s Spiritual Atheism: The Superman, a New Goal for Humanity
-I- The death of God, or spiritual atheism, prelude to the rebirth of the divine
-II- The new mode of divinity, a “coming god” beyond good and evil
-III- The Superman, a new goal for humanity
-IV- Dionysus reincarnated: A promise of noontide and eternity

Conclusion: The Redemption of the Divine


Abir Taha holds a postgraduate degree in philosophy from the Sorbonne, and is a career diplomat for the government of Lebanon, having previously served as the Consul at the Lebanese embassy in Paris. A thinker and a poet as well, she has spent years conducting in-depth research and analysis into Nietzsche’s thought, which has led her to assert the importance of the spiritual dimension of his philosophy, derived from the Vedic tradition of India as well as ancient Greek philosophy. Unlike other Nietzsche scholars, who treat him as a purely secular philosopher, Taha believes that this spirituality lies at the very heart of his thought. In English she has previously published Nietzsche, Prophet of Nazism: The Culture of the Superman. Unveiling the Nazi Secret Doctrine (2005) and The Epic of Arya: In Search of the Sacred Light (2009).

paperback only: $17


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