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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.


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Two years ago today, /nofap/ was founded on the grounds that 2015 should be a nofap year. 2015 came and went, and now so has 2016.

Once again, we've all made great strides. Maybe you didn't make it the whole year. In fact, you probably didn't. If you did, you are the official king of /nofap/. If not, no sweat. Consider this: In a normal year you might have fapped once or more every day. That's at least 365 faps. Maybe in the past year you only fapped once every other day, or on and off every couple days, or something like that. That's not some big huge impressive streak, but that does cut 365 down to 182, which is pretty fucken good. When you think back on the past /nofap/ year, judge it in those terms.

That said, it's a new year, which means we all have the opportunity here to make it a completely clean /nofap/ year with a big huge impressive streak, which may not be necessary to mark improvement, but would still be fucking awesome to get. Get started now, because starting isn't gonna get easier the longer you wait. All you have to do is nothing, and believe that you're gonna make it. And remember that nofap isn't the only thing you can do to make your life better. Eat right, lift, read books, don't spend every second of your life shitposting. 2017 will be a great year.

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>Sageing a pinned thread

U wot m8

OT: Last year I had a pretty good streak, This year I'm going for a longer one. It is like my only new years resolution.

I'm certain I am going to make it, and I'm certain you guys will too.

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Welcome to /nofap/

This board is for the discussion of nofap, noporn, and the societal implications of fapping and porn.



>1. Stay on topic. The topic is pretty loosely defined here so use some common sense.

>2. Don't post porn. NSFW images will be deleted. Posting NSFW material as a shitty troll attempt will result in a comically long ban. This board is SFW, so keep it that way.

>3. Non-/nofap/pers are welcome to come and question the premise of nofap and to argue against nofap. That said, shitposts, flames, bait, spam, and trolls are not allowed and such threads will be locked or deleted.

Just those three.

And because I don't want to clutter the board with excess stickies:

ITT: dump /nofap/ infographs, videos, links, banners and other such things

EDIT: Adding the IRC to this thread because it doesn't need its own sticky.


#nofap on Rizon

For anyone who doesn't know how to access IRC, just click on the following link and it should become pretty apparent:


Rules are basically the same as here only it's going to be less strict on staying on-topic. Though copious funposting will be encouraged, we'll also be able to have real-time serious discussions if we want to. Maybe even work out a little fappers anonymous session.

Oh, and we've got Trivia and UNObot for sick nasty fun times. Happy IRCing.

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if you can't drop it altogether it's an addiction

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2017 Self-improvement declaration thread! Accountability goes HERE.

Here are the rules:

1) Post your resolution. Is it no PMO? Is it just no P? Easy mode? Hard mode? Whatever it is, post how you want to improve yourself related to the topic of this board.

2) Post an update. If you break your resolution, you HAVE to declare it. That's it, you lost the game, but you can still make 2017 your year so don't binge or anything.

If you don't cave in on what you set as your goal but have some wisdom to share, you can post it as an update. Perhaps you learned something important when you overcame an obstacle or trigger that previously would have you relapse? This is a valid update.

We have a fresh year before us. Let's make it THE year we get rid of bad habits.

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My goal is to not fap for streaks of 2+X weeks, where X is the number of times previously fapped in the year. Quitting cold turkey overnight isn't feasible imo, and going too sparse is going to cause me to fucking relapse and cave.




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Nofap for a whole week starting today. I already feel like im gonna cave in



Do pushups until you're too sore to move your arms.


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>Tfw successfully completed my first day


Last fap was on the 30th. Going strong so far.

What else are you guys doing this year? I've been taking cold showers since mid december, feels good man.

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does nofap actually make you more confident around women and how


increased testosterone






Some people mentioned having less dirty stuff occupying their thoughts and being less neurotic after NoFap, making it easier to connect with the opposite sex.

Who knows, it might work out for you.


Well one way to look at it is this: nofap puts you in control of your sexual urges. By exercising this restraint, you will be better able to make decisions based on rationality rather than what your dick wants.

I can't tell you the amount of guys I've met that are so fucking pussywhipped by their girl that they can't make any decisions in the relationship. All because their dicks are screaming "JUST DO WHAT SHE SAYS! SHE MIGHT PUT OUT IF YOU DO WHAT SHE SAYS! YOU DON'T WANT TO SLEEP ON THE COUCH, DO YOU?". This wouldn't be an issue if they were in control of their vices. You could barely call these people "men". Men don't get led around by their fucking women.

Women are emotionally and psychologically manipulative. Do you really need me to tell you why being in control of your sexuality would be a useful thing in these relationships?

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I feel like I'm going to die


Don't be such a cuck, Anon. Keep that vital life fluid in your balls where it belongs. Do you really want to get drained due to some insignificant pixels on your screen?



They're not insignificant!

It feels good!

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The whole article, excluding a few sentences near the end, essentially makes the assumption that porn consumption exists in a vacuum, that there are no external factors that would push someone to use porn rather than forming more natural sexual relationships. That people who may be using porn in an unhealthy way don't exist.

Then there are a handful of sentences near the end like "w-well I guess if someone was depressed, couldn't get into a real relationship, or is using porn as a coping mechanism in some other way then maybe porn addiction could be a thing and there could be a negative effect".

Like, no shit Chaim.

The author tries to avoid the entire demographic of nofappers and then makes a footnote about "oh, by the way, under x situations nothing I've said above would apply". Then he tries to even downplay that by saying "o-oh but exercising would help you even more goyim! start exercising and keep fapping to traps goy! don't reproduce! heh heh heh."


I understand if someone defends masturbation and calls that healthy but it's fucking obnoxious when someone defends porn.



>general consensus of his entire mental health/medical community

I see no reason to trust the mental health community. I was depressed from age 15-20 and went through a series of psychologists, psychiatrists, and drugs but the thing that got me better was to gain self-respect and confidence. Only you can decide to make yourself better, and "experts" won't help you do that any more than a trusted friend or family member.



>setting up a strawman

You really blew them the fuck out, didn't you lad? Keep it up and one day you'll be ready to tackle a real argument.



>Attention to attractive alternatives can be detrimental to relationships. With the growth of the pornography industry, it is important to consider the effects this material has on relationships. Our research suggests a powerful association between pornography consumption and increased attractiveness of alternative partners—an association that has direct implications for intimate extradyadic behavior.


>Our hypothesis was supported as pornography consumption predicted greater infidelity, as assessed by hooking up and as assessed in a more general manner. Furthermore, commitment mediated the relationship between pornography consumption and both hooking up and infidelity and the relationship between pornography consumption and commitment was mediated by hooking up and infidelity. Thus, it appears that pornography consumption is not only related to weakened commitment in relationships, but that there are high-risk, behavioral consequences to the decreased commitment associated with pornography consumption.


>Recent research suggests that this flood of visual stimulation may amplify men’s evolved drive for casual sex. In a recent study, for example, Wright found that men who use porn are more likely to have multiple partners and extramarital sex.

>“Is it just that people who like casual sex gravitate to pornography? I didn’t find that to be the case in a follow-up study,” says Wright. “Viewing pornography was associated with increases in casual sex, but the reverse wasn't true—casual sex didn't predict pornography use.”

>Wright’s findings are in line with what psychologists call “sexual script theory,” the widely studied notion that what we watch becomes our definition and even our expectatioPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Male models and celebrities are porpouted to be very promiscuous, with women (I can't say exclusively) for example. So, here, constant sex would amount to constant masturbation, according to the theory which accords effects of NOFAP to loss of semen, rather than the specific method. So, we have a kind of a paradox! Basically, we have the fact: A man who loses semen daily is found likeable by many women. This can have two possible answers: Such men do not really lose semen daily;are aware of NOFAP but never disclose it because publicity. Attraction is independent of "Pheromones",or sexual activities.

Anyone can solve this??

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> How about you go say that to someone on the street?

I maintain my doubt that common folk will adhere to the glorification of pernicious bums and criminals who incidentally have more monies than him(triggering possible Greed on the passer-by)




For what, may I ask?

Meekness is a virtue, a warrior is not a serial killer.



Material spoils and the self-conception of various ideals. Moderation is also a virtue.


Because women are attracted to men who sleep with a lot of women. They are not attracted to men who sleep with a lot of pixel women.



>Attraction is independent of "Pheromones",or sexual activities.

Hit the nail on the head. when it comes to women its money and status

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just watched this video about NoFap. The man in the video said that NoFap will help, but as long as I'm feeding other addictions I will never be truly happy.

For a while I thought that NoFap was the be all end all, and that it would fix all my problems. But after getting 2 weeks in at one point and still feeling pretty much the same, I doubt it. I play games for like 8 hours a day.

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Yeah I don't really like game anymore anyway. CS GO is widely regarded as one of the best games ever. But I think it's boring as hell. It's just the same thing over and over. After years and years of development, this is the best modern games can offer??

I loved Counter Strike: Source when I was 8 years old, but eventually you have to grow up.


I've been playing video games almost non stop since I was 5 years old. I can't even imagine not playing them it's that bad. My main dopamine fixes come from them, and so do my "friends". I feel like it's almost a heroin addiction in the disguise of a passion, but it's the only thing I feel like I know, it's the one thing I'm decent at (in competitive multiplayer games).

If I quit I would have no idea what to do to fill the void It's scary as shit.


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>CS GO is widely regarded as one of the best games ever.



Is there a board to discuss digital addictions? Things like gaming, internet and so on? There should be.


This one might be a touchy subject.

Quitting gaming altogether might not be so bad, but modern games certainly don't help.

Most modern titles rely on constant streamlined rewards in order to keep players enticed into the game. You go to Area 1, fight some goons, get a brief reward, go to the boss/event, then get a slightly larger reward. This is why barely any companies use save points anymore as opposed to automatic checkpoints, plus it makes picking up and putting a game down easier.

On the other hand, take something like Dwarf Fortress where the entertainment often comes from enduring long periods of nothing into a spontaneous and random narrative that you can miss altogether if you don't learn management and how to pay attention to details.

There's also using competitive scenes to meet people, but your mileage can vary on that one.

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How did you feel the first time you saw it?

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I was 17, about 10 years ago. This was before tube sites really existed, so you just had sites that contained collections of really shitty low res 2 minute free trailers from official porn sites.

That was enough for me back then. The dopamine rush was unreal.

Now I have to have like 30 different porn site tabs open and switch back and forth between shit to try to get something resembling satisfaction.



at a friends house when we stayed up late at night he put on the adult channel.


About 12 years old. Watched, for merely 5 seconds, a sex scene of a hentai aired in open TV.

Made me sexually confused for quite a while, since I had no idea what the moaning was about or what it supposed to be feeling good was.


My cousin showed me a german VHS porn tape from his dad's stash when I was like 9 years old. I didn't understand it at the time so that didn't change anything in my life.

It wasn't until I was 14 years old when I discovered that watching softcore videos of naked asses made me feel good. Next 6 years or so I was fapping everyday at least once but sometimes up to 5 times a day, including fapping to Oblivion mods while my sister was sleeping behind me. Naturally, my tastes deteriorated over time, I changed videos to 3D porn, mostly mods for Oblivion and Skyrim where I could pan the camera however I liked and get the perfect shot of the action.

I discovered NoFap like 2 years ago and I've been struggling ever since. Now I'm 23 and on my longest streak of 2 months and I hope to finally end this disgusting habit.


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Do movies with nudity and sexual themes count?

It isn't porn, per say, but back when I was a kid (near the early transitions to DVD), my family had a display case with most of our VHS tapes and half dozen DVDs. Our dad would record movies from tv all the time and put them in another cabinet right beside it, occasionally showing my brother and I those corny comedies of the yesterday (think stuff like Better Off Dead). Since occasionally some of the stuff we liked, and I knew that there were a few of the Beethoven movies in there, I would just spend afternoons meandering through looking for something that I recognized.

There was one movie with Demi Moore on the cover of it, naked but using her limbs to cover tits and junk, but even my eleven year old mind started to piece together that for some reason my penis would grow and make me happy just by watching it. I don't blame my dad for keeping it in there, we were still mostly interested in cartoons (I could tell you word for word the script of the Battling Eevee Brothers) and we weren't left alone that often in retrospect. Well… except that our dad worked until about 6:30, and my mother had to take my brother to soccer practice after school and attend to him there, and I was good enough at math to figure out how much time it would take to FF or RW through a tape to get to the part where it left off before, or to the "good parts."

Lord help us all when we got internet; my brother and dad got viruses at least five times on the family computer. I kept secretive to my own devices (I was always a reclusive child), which coincidentally never had any real problems (save for a bad BIOS one one laptop, which my mother tried to use as proof that I was just as bad as my father and brother. She dropped it after I started to ask her why someone would spread a virus that causes the computer to fuck up login, display, and sound after booting). Add that to my brother getting caught printing a crude compilation of tit pics and tossing it in a tiny ass bathroom trash can, and nobody even turned their eyes towards me.

Around 14, I started for real just to relieve stress. It's been a bitch to ween off of since.

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I don't think the jews have an agenda or are trying to destroy the world, I think they are just a resourceful, smart, profit oriented bunch. Originally porn was a just a matter of freedom of expression, so why not jump on the bandwagon if its for the sake of freedom and can make us money? At least that's how I think they see things.

Same thing with the music industry, they see an artist like chief keef and only see dollar signs, and "muh freedom of speech" justifies them promoting and selling it.



Nice try Goldstein


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Shit like cucking and "Black dick in white girls" threads easily took off on 4chan, once the someone laid the seeds for it.

People in the mainstream-world are constantly horrified by the vitriolic hatred 4chan is capable of. And we are.

4chan is generally a hateful place. It's an outlet, everything about us documents this. We use incredibly hateful language as commonplace, we create divisions and long-running feuds over petty shit, even on the themed boards.

At the core of all that shit, is self-hatred.

Anons hate the world in general, but they put themselves right at the top of that fucking list.

And what are you gonna get off to, if you really hate yourself?

The fantasy of some dude fucking your girlfriend. The fantasy of an entire race of dudes who are genetically superior at satisfying women that you want to get with.

The fantasy of submitting yourself to a worthier man.

The fantasy of not being yourself, but a much cooler person. Who's also a dragon, or a fox or some shit.

Whatever, it's a tenous fucking theory and I'm talking out of my ass, but 4chan was fucking primed to all drop to our knees and heil the cucklords long before we got into that shit.

Just my 2 cents…


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who else could invent niggers fucking white women if just 100 years ago they would be lynched just for staring at a white girl?

what I want to know is how did America go from lynching niggers to giving them their white daughters free of charge? what the fuck were parents telling their children for the last 100 years? even if I had a fucking pure breed dog that I paid 1000$ for I wouldn't let it to mate with a mutt, so why would I negate millions of years of white evolution and let my daughter breed with a stinky nigger?

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Things to remember before you fap

View thread nao.

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it doesnt really feel that great


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The 10 second orgasm isn't woth it.



>diesel-powered aircraft carrier

I shiggy diggy do for the first time in 2017.




>not white



>Jack Donovan

>Golden One


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Hey /nofap/ anons, I want this 2017 to be my own nofap year. Have you got any tips for a beginner? Maybe something to help me become disgusted with porn and fapping?


I'm going to sell meth regardless of whether or not I live in a capitalist country, goy. Would you rather my customers rob stores to pay their rent?


there was one post about girls being a rotting pile of bones and flesh, that helps for me


It's easy sailing after the second month.

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I have addiction to fap everytime i look at Elsa

Help, how to stop my addiction.

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Go ahead, but write down how you feel after.




Its getting worse

Now i fap twice a day everyday to Elsa (sometimes Anna) porn



We're still here, buddy. Don't give on yourself, you daft cunt!


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Delete all your Elsa pictures, I know you have them.

Do it you fucker, it'll save your life.


don't look at porno at all even if you don't plan on wanking it because you will regardless of your plans

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Pls giv tips, thnx


if you don't touch it you can't masturbate



Why don't you just read the other threads?



Yeah, we seriously need a sticky thread for tips, or some infographs.






>190 cm

>101.6 kg

I'm not going to fap.

I'm not going to eat candy or other sweets.

I'm not going to drink milk, or eat anything with soy in it.

I'm going to work out.

I'm going to study harder.

I'm going to dedicate my life to my folk.

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Hi /nofap/

Lately I've been experiencing side effect from fapping, depression/brainfog.

It's probably due to my fetishes getting out and hand, I no longer mastrubate/get off to normal porn.

Anyway, everytime I try to quit I relapse while my fetishes get progressivly worse.

So /nofap/ do you have any tips for me?


Delete all your stored porn, Hillary your drives with bleachbit or eraser6 so it can't be recovered, install K9 webfilter if you're on Windows, Pluckeye if you're on Linux or Mac.

Making it less accessible helps a lot, particularly if the stuff you're into is hard to find as it is. Of course you still need self control to stop yourself from breaking through these obstacles.



hey anon thanks for the K9 recommendation

looks like its what im looking for. was trying to use those firefox addons at first and they wouldnt have any exceptions like blocking 8chan and shit

was able to put in exceptions




>doing nofap

>habitually using imageboards

You're going to have a bad time.


>That pic

>That card that says 'Get well soon!'

I laugh every time.

For real though, I used to browse halfchan /d/ but I switched over to halfchan /h/ a little while back, and then normal porn, and then only clothed softcore for the past month in preparation for no PMO 2017. It might take a while to adjust, force yourself if you have to, but as long as you stay away from that /d/ shit you'll make it eventually.

Baby steps my dude, trying to go cold turkey from where you are will just make you relapse

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