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  1. Basi, the world’s oldest panda, turns 37

  2. Thieves try to escape from cops by using a shortcut… only to discover it leads to the police station

  3. Can you spot the VERY crude optical illusion lurking in this photo?

  4. The most hilarious toilet design fails ever! 🚽

  5. Taiwan simulates Chinese invasion as tensions mount over 'One China' policy

  6. Man stripped naked and tortured for hours by Indian 'moral police' who decided he was 'walking suspiciously'

  7. .: It took guts for Theresa May to back full Brexit today

  8. Here's how to spot the most convincing Gmail phishing scam of all time

  9. Among the dead are at least six Red Cross workers

  10. How would passers-by react to a man kicking (fake) puppies in a bag - and would anyone be a hero and stop him?

  11. Captain of shipwrecked boat rescued after 48 hours clinging to wreckage in sea off the coast of Colombia

  12. Take this test to see if you're affected by false memories

  13. Crafty boyfriend fools his partner into thinking he's in bed while at the pub with friends

  14. Nigerian jet accidentally bombs a refugee camp killing more than 100 people

  15. Ivanka Trump PUSHES BACK the release of new book due to 'momentous changes in her life'

  16. Maryland mayor quits exclusive golf club after members launch a bid to blackball Obama's possible membership

  17. Special needs girl in critical condition after being ‘gang-raped by school principal and three teachers’ in India

  18. Special needs girl in critical condition after being ‘gang-raped by school principal and three teachers’ in India

  19. Basi the world's oldest panda turns 37

  20. Basi the world's oldest panda turns 37

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