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NFPA Journal®
The content of articles contained in NFPA Journal® solely reflect the personal opinions of the authors or contributors and doesn't necessarily represent the official position of NFPA, which, as to the meaning and intent of NFPA codes and standards, can only be obtained through NFPA's published procedures for requesting Formal Interpretations. Contents must not be reprinted without the written permission of NFPA. NFPA Journal® is a registered trademark of NFPA.

Web content
NFPA strives to provide useful and timely information on this website to assist users in reading and understanding NFPA codes and standards. The official position of the NFPA and its Technical Committees concerning the meaning and intent of NFPA codes and standards, however, can only be found in Formal Interpretations processed through the responsible Technical Committee in accordance with NFPA rules. Unless expressly designated as an NFPA Formal Interpretation, therefore, any statements on this Web site concerning the meaning or intent of NFPA codes and standards reflect the personal opinion of NFPA Technical Staff or other contributors to this website. In addition, the information and opinion contained in this website is provided for informational purposes and is not intended to provide professional services or substitute for the review and advice, in any given circumstances, of an appropriate professional. Finally, NFPA makes every effort to provide timely and accurate information, but we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in this website.