Top 10 reasons to be a holocaust denier By Kevin Barrett Veterans Today Editor


Top 10 reasons to be a holocaust denier
By Kevin Barrett on October 29, 2016

It is possible not only to survive, but to actually thrive as a “holocaust denier.” Here are the top ten benefits of being so labeled.
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

It is very, very easy to become a “holocaust denier.”

I have never denied any holocausts. All I did was say that it looked like Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and their friends did 9/11. Out of nowhere, the ADL and B’nai Brith and their ilk all started screaming at me: “Why are you saying THAT, you anti-Semitic holocaust denier?!”

I was labeled a “supporter of holocaust deniers” on my Wikipedia page, even though I knew nothing about the “holocaust deniers” that some blogger claimed I supported.

That was roughly from 2006 to 2013. For all those years I couldn’t get my Wikipedia entry changed, even though it was absurdly false and referenced an unknown blogger as the source. Remove the lie, and it would be back up in hours, if not minutes.

Then I was officially labeled a “holocaust denier” myself – for the first time as far as I know – by Jonathan Kay in his book Among the Truthers. Kay cites no evidence whatsoever that I have ever denied any holocausts.


“Like Professor Anthony Hall—who was suspended from his tenured Full Professorship at the University of Lethbridge because someone planted a “genocidal holocaust denying” image on his Facebook page—I support open debate on all holocausts, and all other issues as well.”

Let me repeat: I don’t deny anything. I just support open debate.

So, using ADL/B’nai Brith nomenclature, I guess that makes me (in their eyes) a “holocaust denier.”

Since I had better make the best of it, here is a list of the most wonderful things about being a “holocaust denier.”

Top 10 Reasons to Be a Holocaust Denier


10) Incessantly bombarded with holocaust memorials, holocaust museums, and holocaust references in popular culture, you won’t have to get angry and gloomy and depressed and feel guilty (if you are not a Jew) or paranoid (if you are a Jew) but instead can shrug your shoulders and say, “It probably wasn’t quite THAT bad” and go about your business in a normal frame of mind. The cumulative effect of missing out on all that depression, anger, and guilt will add at least ten years to your life expectancy.

9) You can retire early and enjoy hobbies and gardening, since YOU WILL NEVER WORK IN THIS TOWN AGAIN. With all that extra life expectancy, you will have a very long and productive retirement.

8) The good news is that when holocaust denial finally becomes “cool” you will have gotten there first. The bad news is that your retirement may have to continue for many decades for you to live so long.

7) Holocaust denial is rapidly growing industry with openings for authors, documentary filmmakers, persecution victims, and false flag provocateurs for the ADL (the latter being by far the best-paying category).

6) You will lose all your “friends” who were neither terribly smart nor your friends. Good riddance!

5) You may get a chance to rub shoulders with famous people whose lives have recently been glamorized by Hollywood, such as David Irving.

4) When you become an erudite and prolific holocaust denying scholar, you can get a job in the field of Holocaust Studies. Since it is in Iran, you will need to be fluent in Farsi.

3) You can visit David Cole and partake of some of the stash he saved from his Republican Party Animal days. But be careful, since it seems to cause 9/11 truth denial and other symptoms of possible brain damage.

2) Your intrepid holocaust denying utterances will thrill your friends and mortify your enemies.

1) European governments will love you so much that next time you take a vacation there, they will insist that your vacation continue indefinitely, and they will even provide you with free food and housing.

[Arthur Topham’s Note: This may be the perfect time and place to add an additional 11th reason to be a Holocaust Denier. It would allow a person to add the letters “Ph.D” to their signature. The “Ph.D” would of course stand for “Professional Holocaust Denier (Ph.D)”! :-)]

URGENT!! You must STAND up for Anthony Hall against B’nai B’rith!!! By Trevor Labonte for TUT

URGENT!! You must STAND up for Anthony Hall against B’nai B’rith!!!
By Trevor Labonte


Letter to Lethbridge University, written by Trevor LaBonte

Mr. Mahon,

I know that you have recently been a victim of strong-arming by the infamous jewish secret society/hate-cult known as B’nai B’rith.

I know their tactics, they left you no choice but to fire the good Dr. Hall. All of the jewish organizations threatened to withhold funding for Lethbridge unless demands were met. This is standard operating procedure for these gangsters.

I have been featured on Iranian national news and many other shows and I am just telling you the facts that millions or maybe billions of people already know. Anyone who has made any serious inquiry into 9/11 has been met with an enormous array of extremely damning evidence that 9/11 was a zionist operation designed to draw America and other countries into a series of genocidal wars for expansionist Israel.

“Apartheid” does not BEGIN to describe the atrocities the zionist entity commits against the innocent Palestinian people, who only want to live on their own land which has belonged to them for thousands of years.

This paradigm of zionist propaganda will not last much longer. We are in the midst of a great awakening.

I highly encourage you, brother, to reinstate Dr. Hall, and you will be met with cheers and support from all over the world. Let’s chalk up a victory for truth and justice. Don’t make an innocent, heroic man homeless and destitute. This is a crime against humanity that you are being forced to commit at the childish behest of the Jewish lobby, who marches your children into genocidal, illegal wars that nobody but said lobby wants.

Also it may shock you to learn that the holocaust story we have all been taught is fraught with fantastical, physically impossible claims that are 100% without real evidence. The entire source of the story is the Nuremberg trials, which were nothing but a show trial ginned up by the victorious “Allies,” hardly a fair or impartial affair. It was nothing but a farce and a big kangaroo court which only further proved the Allies’ criminality after they firebombed hundreds of thousands of innocent people, dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, and killed millions of defenseless German prisoners AFTER the war was supposedly over. It was hardly a “good war” and is definitely nothing of which to be proud.

Interestingly, in the charter for the trial, in articles 19 and 20, it states that “the trial will not be bound by the rules of technical evidence.” Translated from legalese to English, this means they took the rules and threw them into the trash can. All this talk, for all these years, and all these articles, movies, etc…and here there has never been a single shred of evidence that a single jew was ever “gassed.” There was no “exermination” program, period. The emaciated bodies we see in Allied propaganda photographs are actually proof of Allied atrocities, namely the Allied bombings of supply lines that led directly to mass starvation and typhus outbreak. Yes, the jews that died in Germany’s camps were actually victims of Allied bombings.


These are all things that true intellectuals and researchers have known for certain for at least 40 years. It is so very sad that our educational institutions are being forced to peddle such a fraudulent narrative, deceiving, misleading, indoctrinating, and defrauding students of a true education based on facts and evidence. Students going into lifelong debt, just so they can be brainwashed and manipulated. What an epic catastrophe. And here you had ONE good professor, with the courage to investigate the truth, and you let yourself be bullied into throwing him onto the streets for the benefit of the world’s most dangerous gangsters.

This is your chance to be a hero. You will never find a finer example of a human than Dr. Hall. His work is famous around the world for its accurate revelations.

Do the right thing. Don’t martyr Dr. Hall. His blood will be on your hands for the rest of your life, and people around the world already bitterly resent this setback you have just dealt to the global truth community.

Our numbers are massive and we are growing exponentially everyday. We would love you forever if you can help us win this battle instead of capitulating to the tyrannical demands of Jews who believe they are the “Chosen people of God,” and who think they can do no wrong and are above the law. They are an ideological collective of moral relativists who believe that non-Jewish life has no sanctity or importance, and as such, they are hell-bound as well as dead wrong. Don’t do anything to support their racist, anti-gentile agenda.

This world is just a test. Your only job in this place is to do the right thing. Always remember that. Also it is only a matter of time until the truth emerges victorious, so NEVER lose faith, and NEVER be caught on the wrong side of truth.


Trevor Labonte


Jazz artist and peace/truth activist/journalist/blogger/international political commentator Trevor LaBonte

Holocaustianity on the march By Brandon Martinez (Non-Aligned Media NAM)


Holocaustianity on the march

By Brandon Martinez

Non-Aligned Media (August 6, 2015)

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When perusing YouTube last night, I came across a curious episode of the BBC debate show “The Big Questions.” The topic of this one was “Is it time to lay the Holocaust to rest?” It featured a coterie of Zionist Jews on one end and a dilapidated kosher-opposition on the other who shuddered in fear of the aggressive, hubristic Judeo-Nazis arguing that the “Holocaust” should be memorialized and commemorated until the end of time. To those in-the-know on the Jewish question, this show will inevitably produce one of two effects: it will either make you vomit out of disgust at the insane narcissism of the Jewish participants, or it will cause you to seethe with anger that such obviously demented people are given such a prominent voice in the media to promote their toxic supremacist viewpoints.

The Jewish panelists on the show endeavored to convince everyone that the “Holocaust” is a “unique” and “exceptional” event in history that has no equivalents. This claim is erroneous because all major historical events have some unique elements to them, so the same could be said about the Rwandan genocide, the Armenian genocide, Soviet-Communist atrocities, the Israeli-sponsored slow motion genocide of the Palestinians and other outrages. Despite their protestations to the contrary, those Jews who advance the alleged uniqueness and exceptionality of the Holocaust do so not because it was such in practice, but because they view its victims as unique and exceptional; they are, in essence, Jewish supremacists who believe Jewish casualties carry more weight than others, that Jewish blood has more worth than the blood of non-Jews. They pathetically tried to eschew such allegations on the BBC show, but their ethno-supremacist inferences are plain and obvious to those who can decipher Talmudic doublespeak. The former head of the Zionist-oriented Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, perfectly encapsulated this Judeo-supremacist notion when he said:

“The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God’s chosen children and, thus, on God Himself. It is an event that is the antithesis of Creation as recorded in the Bible; and like its direct opposite, which is relived weekly with the Sabbath and yearly with the Torah, it must be remembered from generation to generation.”


From the Jewish vantage point, it’s obvious why they wish to elevate the Holocaust narrative to sacrosanct, cult-like status, and to keep it there for all eternity. It supremely serves the Jewish-Zionist interest to have the Gentile masses genuflecting at the altar of Jewish victimology. As Norman Finkelstein argues in his book The Holocaust Industry, the Holocaust story serves to bolster Jewish economic and political privilege and works simultaneously to subdue forces opposed to that privilege. In other words, it is a weaponized mechanism of Jewish power and advancement, wielded like a sledgehammer against opponents of Zionism and Jewish ethnic supremacism in our world; it works to shame and stigmatize all criticism of Jews, Israel and their malevolent actions. A former Israeli minister once said that invoking the Holocaust as well as the “anti-Semite” canard are deceptive “tricks” designed to stifle debate about Jewish-Zionist atrocities in Palestine and their disproportionate power in the West. Who in their right mind can disagree?

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Was that not the desired outcome of the Holocaust campaign all along, to weaken Gentile resolve in the face of Zionist domination as well as guilt-trip the world into fast-tracking the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine? It appears so, and is evidenced by many statements from Jewish leaders over the years, going back as far as the year 1900. That year seems to have been a coming out party for the Zionist clique hell-bent on conquering the world led by such tribalist fanatics as Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and Chaim Wiezmann, two ultra-dedicated Jewish supremacist activists who plotted for decades to bring about the creation of Israel. In 1919 Weizmann said that securing the Zionist dream would be achieved “through persistent propaganda, through unceasing demonstration of the life force of our people.” He then issued an ultimatum to the world:

“We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not. You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world.”


Two decades earlier at a Zionist meeting in New York, Rabbi Wise spoke of “6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism,” a prescient remark that laid the foundation of what many have called the “Six Million Myth.” The propagation of that myth did not begin at the close of the Second World War, but evidently in 1900 and even before that, by Zionists attempting to garner sympathy for their cause of establishing a Jewish state in a land mostly populated by Arabs.

Dating from 1900 to 1945, there are hundreds of examples of individual Jews, Jewish-owned newspapers and pro-Zionist Christians invoking the story of “six million Jews” in grave danger of persecution or annihilation. I mentioned 13 glaring examples of this in my book Grand Deceptions, some of which are: the 1906 New York Times article reporting on the claims of Jewish activist Dr. Paul Nathan who alleged that six million Russian Jews were facing “murderous extermination” by the Czar; the 1911 presage by Max Nordau, a prominent Zionist leader, who told his co-religionists at the Zionist Congress in Switzerland that six million Jews would soon fall victim to a campaign of genocide by European regimes; the countless references to six million victimized Jews during World War I, particularly the 1919 American Hebrew article which told of “six million Jewish men and women” languishing in a “holocaust” of hunger and despair; the 1936 pronouncement of Chaim Weizmann before a British commission on Palestine, where he said that “six million Jews” were destined to death in Europe, and that their only refuge was “in the land of Israel”; another 1936 Zionist plea published in the New York Times which envisaged a harrowing “Holocaust” of Europe’s Jews, the only remedy for which was said to be “the restoration of the land of Israel to the children of Israel”; a 1940 warning from World Jewish Congress chairman Nahum Goldmann who alleged that a Nazi victory in Europe would spell “doom and destruction” for “6,000,000 Jews”; the December 1944 proclamation of Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg who floated the claim that “six million Jews” had fallen victim to Germany five months before the war would come to an end in May of 1945, long before any accurate statistical data on war deaths could have been ascertained. Even after the war, a precise calculation of Jewish deaths would be impossible considering the contentious issue of what constitutes a Jew to begin with. Yet by way of some miracle the Jewish leadership knew it was exactly “six million” before the last bombs and bullets of the war had reached their targets.

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The six million death figure is not rooted in any semblance of truth or fact, but rather in religious superstition stemming from the Kabbalah and gematria. The number six and variations of it is significant in that milieu. Mysticism and ‘magic’ is part and parcel of the Jewish religion, and manifests itself in the propaganda of the Holocaust narrative. The six million story was crafted by Jews transfixed with the Kabbalistic school of thought, which is why facts, evidence, logic and reason have no bearing on it – no matter what it remains a stagnant, unalterable story etched in stone, and anyone who attempts to revise it, even slightly, is villainized as a ‘Nazi-sympathizer.’

Regardless of the massive official reductions in the death totals at Auschwitz, Majdanek, Mauthausen and other wartime camps (more than four million “victims” have been excised from the official death total in recent decades), the six million figure is never altered, and is repeated again and again in schools and the media. Despite admissions from and exposé’s on prominent “Holocaust survivors” proving that their recollection of events was embellished, exaggerated and in some cases outright fabricated, skeptics are smeared as ‘hatemongers.’ Notwithstanding the scientific studies of chemists like Germar Rudolf, which have severally undermined claims about homicidal gas chambers, questioning the central tenets of the story (the six million number, the gas chambers, the “final solution” plan, etc.) is considered an unforgivable heresy and is stamped out with medieval fundamentalism. Does this not confirm that the doubters are on to something?

Jewish leaders seem to have an uncanny knack for foresight, unveiling a historical pattern of foreknowledge indicative of a conscious plan of intrigue coordinated over decades if not centuries. The aforementioned Rabbi Stephen Wise, who is described by the website of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum as “instrumental in obtaining President Woodrow Wilson’s support for the Balfour Declaration of 1917,” predicted the election of Woodrow Wilson as US President and later became his advisor; the Zionist leader Max Nordau predicted World War I in 1903; as mentioned above, Zionists routinely anticipated the demise of six million Jews, and then declared six million Jewish deaths months before World War II had even ended; in 1962, David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, prophesied the establishment of a Jewish-led world government centered in Jerusalem where the United Nations “will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents”; in 1979 the founder of Israel’s spy agencies, Isser Harel, envisioned a terrorist attack upon New York City’s “tallest building.” Is all of this uncanny prescience merely coincidental, or are these Zionist Jews political magicians who “make” happen what they want to see in the world?

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The agenda behind the Holocaust promotion industry couldn’t be more transparent. Memorializing the Holocaust is “central to the new world order,” Ian J. Kagedan, a spokesman of the Jewish-Masonic B’nai B’rith organization, wrote in 1991, adding that “achieving our quest of a ‘new world order’ depends on our learning the Holocaust’s lessons.” Using coded-language, Kagedan spoke of Holocaust mythology as a sort of “new religion” to be instituted worldwide that will function as a platform to launch a project for global Jewish hegemony, although the Zionists will disguise the scheme as a humanitarian endeavor aimed at ridding the world of war and calamity. In 1940, the British politician Arthur Greenwood announced that Jews would be granted a leading role in the construction of a “New World Order” after the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II, a world in which alleged Jewish grievances would be alleviated by way of unrestricted access to power positions. We have seen many parts of that vision enacted according to plan.

If nothing else, the unsettling BBC program mentioned above should serve to motivate people to challenge the supremacist discourse of Holocaustianity. While doing so may jeopardize career prospects and social status, fighting this artificial, largely fabricated narrative is one of the principal liberation struggles of our time; one that will work to empower the dispossessed and perennially victimized Palestinians who continue to be slaughtered by Israel in droves (with the full support of Zionized Western powers), and also the peoples of the West who, for the last few centuries, have been used as tools for Zionist imperialism and whose own cultures have been degraded by these same forces.

Copyright 2015 Brandon Martinez

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Drawing inspiration from the Non-Aligned Movement, especially the organization’s rejection of illegitimate global power structures, Non-Aligned Media (NAM) exists to expose, in particular, the negative outgrowths of the global Zionist-American Empire. Founded by journalists Brandon Martinez and Joshua Blakeney, the aim of NAM is to cut through the spin and deception of mainstream media and uncover truth in history. Not shackled by the political correctness which permeates the mainstream, NAM seeks to tackle the “taboo” subjects that have been relegated to the fringes by the powers that be, emphasizing the real forces behind war and globalism. Reoccurring themes of NAM include: False-Flag Terrorism, The Israel Lobby, The Mainstream Media, Hollywood and Zionism, Historical Revisionism, Supposed “Just Wars” Historically and Contemporarily, Ethnic Exceptionalism: Who Can be Ethnocentric and Who Cannot?, Race & Cultural Relativism, The Globalization of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, Thought-Crime Legislation and the State Regulation of History, Theology and Supremacism, The Geopolitical Battles Over the Middle East, Joshua Blakeney, Nationalism versus Internationalism.

Brandon Martinez can be contacted by email at:

Joshua Blakeney can be contacted by email at:

America the Beautiful: Why We’re Finished by Mark Dankof




As he was preparing to leave office in 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned that “America must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence…by the military-industrial complex.”  Borrowing the title from the Frank Capra Defense Department propaganda films of World War II, documentary film maker Eugene Jarecki chronicled the Eisenhower warning in Why We Fight, a production that would win the Grand Jury Prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival.

 I vaguely remember Eisenhower. What I didn’t know as a little boy in the summer of 1960 when my family piled into my Dad’s new white Plymouth Station Wagon to depart Alexandria, Virginia for McClellan Air Force Base in Sacramento, was the fact that Dad was working for the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC), the intelligence organization created by Eisenhower to work with the CIA and the AEC in monitoring Soviet nuclear tests, explosions, and missile sites around the world.  I did not know that my father was acquainted with Eisenhower, Curtis LeMay, Paul Tibbets of the Enola Gay, and many other storied names of the Second World War and the Cold War that followed.  I would learn a number of things about Dad in the decades that followed.  There are many other things I never learned, even as he was losing both coherence and consciousness in the final days of his life in San Antonio in May of 2009.  Allen Dulles was correct.  There are some things that remain secret “from inception to eternity.”

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In 1961, as a denizen of kindergarten at the Arthur S. Dudley Elementary School on an American Air Force reservation in Sacramento, I also had no idea that my father would also become acquainted with President Kennedy.  All I knew was that Kennedy was the most handsome and dynamic man I’d ever seen on TV, with the most beautiful wife to match.  With Kennedy in office, watching Arnold Palmer on TV winning the British Open, making many trips to San Francisco’s Candlestick Park to see Willie Mays in his prime, and trekking to old Kezar Stadium to watch the football 49ers, my idyllic childhood on the West Coast was wedded to an America filled with hope, youth, and limitless future.  Mythology and visual images seemed to correspond with reality. The realities of what Seymour Hersh would reveal in his 1996 chronicle of the Kennedy years entitled “The Dark Side of Camelot,” did not correspond to my universe as a kid in the America of the early 1960s.

Bob Greene of the Chicago Tribune would observe in 1984 that there was a day in Dallas, Texas that would “divide the hemispheres of our lives” for those old enough to remember.  When Jack Kennedy was gunned down in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd, 1963, I was serving a one year sentence in a 3rd grade class at Floyd Elementary School in Montgomery, Alabama during my Dad’s stint at the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base.  On that fateful Friday afternoon, American Mythology was slain with high powered rifle bullets coming from multiple guns and locations.  The visual images of horror emanating from Texas became a precursor of tragedies future.  Hope, youth, and limitless future were buried in Arlington National Cemetery.  Despair, the ravages of time and aging, and a future lost in the long-departed past, became the defining elements of the second hemisphere of life in ongoing attempts to recover the unrecoverable in time and space.  Elisabeth Kubler-Ross would later teach me that denial is the first stage in the process of experiencing death.

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I knew there was something wrong with the official story on the Kennedy death from the outset.  I had witnessed the Jack Ruby, a. k. a. Jack Rubenstein, slaying of Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV in my parents’ living room in Alabama.  What I did not know was the magnitude of the significance of what I’d seen.  What I did know half a century ago was that the idyllic days of my earlier childhood were as dead as the 35th President of the United States.  I would end up spending decades reading thousands of pages and talking to people who claimed to know something.  One of them was a private chat in May of 2001 with the retired Kennedy autopsy photographer and X-Ray technician then living in secluded retirement in Norristown, Pennsylvania.

 Ironically enough, it was right after 9-11 that Michael Collins Piper would tie together many of the loose ends of my own research on Dealey Plaza for me.  The significance of Final Judgment was not simply the best and presumably last word on the ultimate players in the events of Dallas, but the way in which the demise of Jack Kennedy in my childhood became a pivotal event in understanding the process of the demythologization of American history and foreign policy in my critical re-examination of what had preceded it and what would follow.  Piper’s magnum opus would years later join my own presentation on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor for the 2013 National Conference of the American Free Press in Austin, and my discussion of 9-11 for Kourosh Ziabari and the Fars News Agency of Iran, as prime exhibits in understanding the real Directors of the American Empire, their endgame, and the corresponding death of the Old American Republic, the Constitution of the United States, and any true sense of what the national purpose and destiny of a free American people should really be.

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My personal odyssey in all of this began in the fall of 1963 as a child.  It would accelerate at the speed of light after September 11th, 2001.  In these last dozen years, I’ve put my completion of my last graduate degree on hold, and my own career and economic prospects at extreme risk, by joining people like Piper, Mark Glenn, Merlin Miller, Adrian Krieg, Philip Giraldi, Paul Craig Roberts, Tony Cartalucci, and Pepe Escobar in what is known today as Alternative Media.  My stints at the Republic Broadcasting Network and the American Free Press have been augmented in recent years by a working relationship with Press TV/Iran, and in more recent times by some brief segments with Voice of Russia.

And to what ultimate end or purpose?  For if the truth be known, if I could now do one film documentary of my own under the direction of film producer Eugene Jarecki, it would be entitled “Why We’re Finished.”  For this is precisely what I have come to believe after the passage of all these many years.

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My conclusion is based on what should be inherently obvious.  The United States Government, its National Security Establishment, and its Corporate News Media are in the service of a political elite devoted to a New World Order under the control of International Bankers, Globalists, and Zionists.  The result is an overextended Empire militarily and economically.  We are awash in a national debt of $17.6 trillion and counting, even as the estimated $5-7 trillion that will be borrowed and spent on the ill-fated and falsely premised Iraq and Afghanistan expeditions continues to mount, while deliberately manufactured reasons to intervene militarily in Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine are bundled in packaged lies by CNN and Fox News for the consumption of the brain dead on a nightly basis. It is obvious that Israel is the driving force behind these policies, even as its domestic American lobby continues its ownership of the American government.  The published annual figures of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) tell the tale of the tape.

 Concurrently, the fiat money policies of the Federal Reserve Board continue apace, even as the manufacturing sector of the American economy continues to be exported abroad.  Fractional Reserve Banking is the ongoing order of the day for a fraudulent and evil financial system, along with credit-default swaps and derivatives. The corrosive metastasis of the social and moral agenda of the Frankfurt School’s Institute of Social Research in the United States in the last 50 years seems beyond repair.  I agree with Pat Buchanan that the Western World generally and the United States specifically, will be dead by 2025.

 The cancer is terminal.  Stage 5 has arrived.  There is no political solution that people like me can turn to for hope in another day, another time yet future.  The folks who control the money supply have purchased our Government, our Media, and our Educational Institutions.  An American Police State has come of age since September 11th, 2001, with the advance of the USA Patriot Acts, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the warrantless surveillance of the National Security Agency (NSA), and the advent of a militarized domestic police force in our major cities and communities commensurate with the termination of Posse Comitatus laws which once prevented the Armed Forces and Federal Government of the United States from usurping the powers lawfully designated to the states and their localities.  It is a fatal mistake with recent developments in Ferguson, Missouri to assume that the sole and primary targets of this Police State are either African Americans or Americans of Islamic faith. The Missouri Information Action Report (MIAC) of 2008 reveals a partnership between the Israelified Department of  Homeland Security, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith (ADL), the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the police departments of the American states and cities to target white males who oppose the New World Order, abortion, and gay marriage while voting for candidates like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan, as potential militia members and terrorists.

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 Dr. Adrian Krieg and Dr. Philip Giraldi meet at the critical intersection point:  Fascism has arrived in America.  Sinclair Lewis has proven prophetic in his prediction that it would be “wrapped in the Flag and carrying the Cross.”  This is the true role of the hireling John Hagee of San Antonio’s Cornerstone Church and his Christians United for Israel (CUFI) organization, to sell genocidal wars with a racially supremacist and globalist agenda wrapped in the American Flag and the Christian Cross.  The diabolical genius of this is that neither the true national American interest or the Kingdom of God in Christ has a thing to do with Fiat Money, Fractional Reserve Banking, or the Talmudic Racial Supremacist Land Thievery of Netanyahu and Company.  But the Giraldi piece on Fascism in America this week shows how the pro-Zionist Christian Right in the United States provides much of the glue which holds this burgeoning tragedy in perpetual place, even as a national judgment upon this country by the Biblical God is unfolding.  The Chris Kyles of The Realm are the triggermen.  The Marquis J. McCantses of The Realm are the benevolent and unsuspecting cannon fodder.

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The final straws would seem to be the American, Israeli, and EU sponsored coup in Kiev, Ukraine, and the Neo-Conservative cry for an American military intervention in Syria and Iraq to combat an ISIS organization which is a specific creation of the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the GCC states for just this very purpose.

     In the case of Ukraine, the taped conversation of American Undersecretary of State, Victoria Nuland (the wife of Neo-Conservative/Zionist zealot Robert Kagan), and the American Ambassador to the Ukraine, reveals the plot which overthrew that country’s legitimately elected government as part of the ongoing and irresponsible encirclement policy of Putin’s Russia by NATO. This policy is not merely the official breaking of the promises made by Republican Presidents to Gorbachev and Yeltsin that the United States would not recruit former Eastern Bloc countries for NATO membership or as hosts of NATO military hardware moved closer to Russian borders.  It has recklessly placed the United States in the position of being in a potential military showdown with a nuclear power, even as the American government supports an illegitimate government in Kiev and Ukraine peppered with Dual Israeli Citizen Oligarchs and EU-Affiliated Bankers.  The atrocities against Russian ethnics in Eastern Ukraine culminating in the fiery murders which resulted from the Odessa Trade Union torching at the hands of thugs controlled by the installed government, is now matched by the shootdown of Malaysian Airlines MH17.  The American government and media began weaving and spinning the myth that Russia and the pro-Russian rebels of Eastern Ukraine were responsible for this atrocity.  It proved as false as the phony accusation that Assad of Syria had used nerve gas against his opponents in Ghouta.  The evidence there pointed once more in the opposite direction.


In the case of the manufactured hysteria over the operations of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, Tony Cartalucci of Land Destroyer lays out the ultimate endgame of the United States and Israel:  the removal of President Assad of Syria as a precursor to a preemptive war with Iran to satisfy both Netanyahu and the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia.  In Iraq, the demise of the al-Maliki regime with one more amenable to an ongoing American military presence in that country in perpetuity, has already been achieved.

Which brings me back to the foundational premise of this article entitled “Why We’re Finished”:  

The American Empire, wedded to Zionism and a World Government empowered by Globalist Banking and Multinational Corporations, is the chief enabler of evil on this planet.  It is the chief adversary of peace abroad, even as it serves as the chief adversary of its own people.  The American Military is the armed Janissary force of this Beast.  It exists solely for this purpose, and is as much a chief threat to the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States as it is to the people of Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Palestine, and elsewhere.  The American National Security State has used Islamophobia and Russophobia to justify the targeting of its own citizens, especially political dissidents.  The American Church has maintained its 501c3 tax status by wrapping these policies in the Flag and carrying them with the Cross.  The American People are worried about the Ebola virus and AIDS, when they have been terminally infected with the Gadarene Swine Fallacy.  The cliff is closer than most can possibly imagine.


This is Why We’re Finished.  For those who have recently inquired, I’m presently reassessing how and when I continue in broadcasting, news analysis, and op-ed commentary.  If I do at all.  At the present time, I question my own effectiveness in the environment in which I operate, for a constituency whose vibrancy is a relic of a long forgotten past in the midst of a people with terminal amnesia and calcified indifference.

For now, I’m working on theological presentations for the remnant church, and looking at finishing my thesis on Christian Zionism for my last degree while sustaining a theological German exam in the next year.  The Old American Republic is dead.  The American Empire wants to destroy all of us who believe in Republic, not in Empire.  I see no reason to believe the American public has the insight and the guts to stand up to this onslaught.  We Are Truly Finished.

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Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East cancel Green Party leader Elizabeth May’s Ottawa speech

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Editor’s Note: Some clarification and commentary are necessary here. First off, the Jewish Tribune is a publication directly connected with the Rothschild criminal cartel which operates clandestinely under the auspices of what is known as B’nai Brith Canada which, in itself, is an extremely powerful and secretive Jews-only Masonic Order. It’s critical that readers understand the background of this newspaper and its agenda in terms of the New World Order Zionist agenda.

Also it’s vital that readers understand that it is this very same organization that was and is directly responsible for having filed both their 2007 sec. 13(1) “hate crime” complaint against myself and and their sec. 319(2) Criminal “hate crime” charge of 2012 that led to my arrest and jailing and the present legal case now unfolding before the courts.

As well, it has always been the willful intent of this Zionist Jew crime syndicate B’nai Brith Canada to both infiltrate and control each and every political party here in Canada in order to prevent the truth about their dark designs from ever surfacing before the general public.

Unfortunately for Elizabeth May, a lawyer and so-called seasoned politician, her ignorance of the true conditions within Israel and the Israeli government’s terrorizing and genocide of the Palestinian people, plus her abysmal understanding of the Zionist agenda for global hegemony, have both played into what she refers to as her “mea culpa” (i.e. “her fault”).

As a result, grievous errors such as May’s tactless criticism of the CJPME suddenly become grist for the Zionist agenda’s overall plan of making the Green Party of Canada not only look ridiculous in the eyes of the Canadian public but also making its leader out to be both a groveling sycophant of the Israeli state and just another lying politician trying to cover her ass. This foreign Zionist Jew B’nai Brith lobby are professionals at this sort of smear campaign all designed to destroy Canada’s democracy and control the peoples’ elected representatives.

The only hope for the Greens now is for the membership to call their leader to task on this horrendous faux pas and get their priorities straightened out as quickly as possible. Failing that their reputation will be undoubtedly tarnished and their support will surely dwindle.


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For Immediate Release

Montreal, Dec. 2, 2013  –  Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) has withdrawn its  invitation to Green Party leader Elizabeth May to speak at its  Ottawa fundraiser Dec. 5th.  The decision was taken  following the release of the full transcript of an interview May gave to the Jewish Tribune.  “When we invited May, we had assumed that she would present a position that was closely aligned to the official Green Party position on the Middle East and Israel-Palestine,” stated CJPME President Thomas Woodley.  The Green Party’s ‘Vision Green’ policy document on Israel-Palestine is clear in its intent to uphold international law, to promote the creation of a Palestinian state, and to seek to end the blockade of Gaza.  “Unfortunately, May’s comments to the Jewish Tribune indicated that she intended to stray surprisingly far from the ‘Vision Green’ platform in her speech at our event,” continued Woodley.  “As such, we felt it would be inappropriate to host her as a keynote speaker.”

May had accepted CJPME’s invitation to speak at its fundraiser earlier in the fall, and had not indicated any discomfort with CJPME’s policy focus on upholding international law in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Nevertheless, the Jewish Tribune article published November 19 – following an interview with May – quoted her as stating that CJPME maintained an “anti-Israel stance” that she wanted to distance herself from. CJPME immediately contacted May and asked her to correct the article if it misrepresented her stances. In response, May issued a statement on the Green Party website November 27th denying, among other things, that she had called CJPME “anti-Israel.” Nevertheless, two days later the Jewish Tribune published the full transcript and audio recording of the interview, which reveals that May’s “correction” was actually false.

The full transcript of the interview also revealed several other things, among them 1) that May was taking all her cues about CJPME from CJPME’s political opponents; 2) that May berated and belittled CJPME’s work for justice, peace, international law and human rights, and 3) that May had planned to use her speech to publicly oppose “a lot of the policies” of CJPME. “Naturally,” stated Woodley, “seeing the full transcript of the interview gave us pause for many reasons.”

CJPME has many friends within the Green Party, and fully recognizes that many of May’s comments were not representative of official Green Party policy on Israel-Palestine. CJPME’s policy work of the past eight years directly or indirectly is in alignment with every one of the Green Party’s seven policy points on Israel-Palestine. This extensive common ground was also reflected in CJPME’s highly positive review of Green Party Middle East policy in CJPME’s 2011 pre-election guide.


For more information, please contact:
Patricia Jean
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
Telephone: 438-380-5410
CJPME Email – CJPME Website


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In an article published in the Nov. 21, 2013 issue of the Jewish Tribune, a number of quotes were attributed to Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party of Canada. Last Wednesday, May posted a statement to her website that impugned the integrity of both the Tribune and our staff writer Joanne Hill. While it is difficult to convey tone of voice in a print interview, a link has been provided of the audio of the interview which will attest to the friendly, non-combative way in which the interview was conducted, contrary to May’s statement. Below, is a transcript of the interview in its entirety, which also shows that May was not taken out of context, as she alleges in her statement.  – Ed. Jewish Tribune

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Click HERE to watch video


Joanne Hill: Well, Elizabeth, I told your people that I was calling about your participation in the CJPME’s fundraiser and about the Israel/Palestine issue as well, because that’s what it’s really all about. So I’d like to ask if you are endorsing CJPME’s policies which –

Elizabeth May: Of course not.

Joanne: Of course not.

Elizabeth: No.

Joanne: Because I just want to bring to your attention – one of their policies includes making it against the law, like they want the Canadian government to make it against the law for Canadians to donate to charities that operate in the West Bank, for Canadians to own homes in the West Bank, to own or run businesses in the West Bank, and to invest in any Jewish companies or Jewish banks or any banks that do business in the West Bank.

Elizabeth: There are a lot of policies of the organization that I don’t support and that the Green Party doesn’t support. We don’t support any forms of boycotts of Israel: we oppose those.

So, and I didn’t – in accepting this speaking invitation – Joanne, I have to say quite candidly, I didn’t see it as a fundraising event, I was asked to speak.
Former Parliamentarian Warren Allmand is also speaking; he is someone I have worked with for years.

And I don’t plan to give a speech that deviates from the Green Party’s strong support for the State of Israel.

I think that dialogue is important and I think there are many good people who belong to this organization but who have not thought through what the real politic of life in the Middle East;  the positive role that Israel plays as the bulwark of democracy in the Middle East.

Similarly, I’m sure the Bnai Brith society would be disappointed the number of times the Green Party and I have felt that decisions by the State of Israel have not been in the best interests of peace in the Middle East.

So, we are not in any way – in coming to speak at this event – we’re not – far from it would we want to be associated with the policies of any group.

I speak to many, many organizations and do so without endorsing, or imagining for a moment that anyone would think that I was endorsing, or supporting the overall goals of other organizations. It happens to be – I could give you a litany of organizations to whom I’ve spoken at events where, even when they’ve charged admission, where part of what I say is, ‘the reasons I don’t agree with some of your positions on this, that or the other thing, are the following,’ just in the interest of dialogue.

So the Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, they certainly have, they have  attracted supporters including in my own riding. Local members of the organization have come to meet with me on many occasions because they’re concerned and believe that their participation in this group is a way to advance peace in the Middle East. I don’t happen to agree with these policy positions or suggested tactics; I think we all agree with the [inaudible]. I think most right-thinking Canadians want to see peace in the Middle East and want to see Canada play a constructive role in that. And, to the extent that Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, I think have made a mistake in thinking that they will advance the goal of peace in the Middle East by basically putting forward an agenda hostile to the State of Israel and I don’t think that’s a constructive way forward. I plan to tell them that.

Joanne: You plan to tell them that?

Elizabeth: Of course, because I’m speaking at their event. I have to identify those areas where I think they are, they are making a mistake in, in, I mean, that’s the point of dialogue, in my view. The point of accepting a speaking invitation –  I did the same thing, I mean, there’s the – the Free Thinking Society, for instance, has sponsored a lot of presentations that deny the science of climate change. Well, if they’re gonna invite me to speak, I’ll point out where we agree and where we disagree, and thank them for the opportunity to promote the dialogue. And that’s the spirit with which I accepted their invitation.

Joanne: I see, I see. So, do you understand how some people would see your participation in the CJPME event as a signal that the Green Party’s policies on Israel/Palestine might have changed or might be about to change to be more –

Elizabeth: Oh, that’s why I was happy you called. I spoke to Richard as well. This is no change in our policy or position. This organization, CJPME, they invited me to speak knowing our policies. I’m sure they don’t think that I’ve changed my position and they are obviously prepared to hear where we agree and where we disagree and how, what the best way is to go forward.

I don’t agree with a policy for Canada that says – which our current Prime Minister – and I know that most of the people in the community are happy with Stephen Harper’s approach: that ‘whatever Netanyahu does is okay with us.’

I mean, there’s a more critical analysis of what Israel does within Israel, than there is within the PMO these days. But a pro-Netanyahu, ‘whatever Netanyahu does, right or wrong, is okay with Canada,’ is not the Green Party position, but neither would we ever want to be associated with the anti-Israeli stance of the Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East.

We think that a two-state solution is essential and at the heart of that is the absolute inviolability of the principle that Israel has a right to exist and that its nearest neighbours are often threatening in stance and certainly Iran is a particularly worrying case in point.

But so, too, I mean, there was recently, John Kerry made the point that the continued settlement construction, when we are trying to restart a peace process, isn’t helpful. I mean, you can say that some of Israel’s actions aren’t helpful without moving to the position of condemnation and calling for boycott as the list of policies you read at the beginning of our interview. Those are not something that the Green Party would ever support.

So it’s, you know, I think dialogue is important. We have a lot of concerns about what is currently happening within Syria. In other words, there’s a lot to talk about within the rubric of peace and justice in the Middle East; I just don’t happen to agree with many of the policy positions of this organization.

And of course I will tell them that in my speech; I’m not going to pander.

Joanne: Even so, and I do understand what you’ve said, because I did read the policy on your website and I know what you’ve just told me is in line with your policy, and I know that you call for balance.

Elizabeth: Yes.

Joanne: Even so, you’re gonna be the star attraction at their fundraiser and the money will go to fund what you’ve just called their anti-Israel stance and their activities –

Elizabeth: Yes, and I said –

Joanne: Which would include –

Elizabeth: Yeah, I accepted the –

Joanne: Yeah, sure, just one sec – which includes their misleading ‘Disappearing Palestine’ ad campaign, so does that concern you?

Elizabeth: Well, again, I – as the event unfolded – certainly never considered that it was a fundraiser as opposed to just yet another speaking invitation that I was accepting. So, mea culpa on that, I did not see, and I didn’t consider that I was the star attraction. For me, I haven’t seen Warren Allmand in a good, long time and he’s somebody that I respect enormously from his parliamentary work when he was in the House.

So I don’t expect that – goodness only knows that they’ll actually – I have a lot of experience with fundraising events – we’ll see if it actually raises any money.
But in any – I hope to, my larger hope is that my speech influences what they do with all of their money. I’m more concerned with that than whatever small amount they might be raising at this event.

When I went to the Negev Dinner in Ottawa the other night and goodness, I could see that we were successful; it was a great event. It was sold out and the tickets were a significant commitment to the great work that’s done in making the desert bloom. No doubt in my mind a lot of money was raised there.

This [CJPME] event is not on that scale, it’s not going to raise a lot of money, and I think my participation is likely to have a bigger impact in raising questions about those policies. In other words, I think overall in the balance, my participation will do more good for creating, I hope, some questions on the part of the organization and those who support it, that their work could be more constructive if they were to be more balanced in recognizing the importance of the good work the State of Israel does in the world, while balancing where we would prefer to see policies change towards an approach that was more committed to working with other partners in the international community in order to find long-term peaceful solutions.

Joanne: Regarding your mea culpa, will you be having your staff maybe do a little bit more research before you accept future speaking engagements? Will this change sort of the way you make your decisions about those things?

Elizabeth: I think that’s the case, yes. It’s fair to say, I should have been much more aware of the fact that it was a fundraiser as opposed to just another speaking engagement.

Joanne: Yeah, yeah, okay.

Elizabeth: But I appreciate your call. I’m sure my conversation with you won’t satisfy everybody who’s concerned but – to the extent that you can underscore that the Green Party of Canada is very strongly supportive of the existence of the State of Israel, recognizes the importance to the Canadian community of having a strong and stable democracy in the Middle East, while at the same time feeling that it’s okay for friends to offer advice and criticism.

We do believe in dialogue and there’s no – I’m the kind of politician who does things that most won’t, which is – I will wade into areas where most people don’t want to go for fear of catching some sort of third rail.

I’m prepared to talk about why we need carbon tax, why we need to have a climate policy. I think we can have discussions on moral issues with respect towards each other without saying certain issues are always off the table. In other words, I respect the intelligence of an audience and I respect the intelligence of Canadians of all views to be able to have civil discourse and I don’t like the idea that some issues are just too hot to handle and we can’t ever discuss them and in that spirit I’m going to be opening this dialogue with this group in early December when I am back from the climate negotiations in Warsaw.

Joanne: Okay, good. Thank you so much, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Thank you so much. I hope to meet you sometime; you’ve been very lovely to talk to.

Joanne: Thank you, you too.

What is Hate Speech by Coach Dave Daubenmire of NewsWithViews.TV

 RadPress Editor Sml

[EDITOR’S NOTE: From an historical perspective people around the world have viewed the United States of America as the one and only remaining bastion of Free Speech thanks to the founding fathers who made the issue of freedom to speak one’s mind a key feature within their Bill of Human Rights. Well, that situation has been gradually eroded away as it has here in Canada and elsewhere around the world thanks to the machinations of the Zionist Jew juggernaut that is currently steamrolling itself over the fundamental, God-given right of all human beings to speak their minds when it comes to their individual interpretation of what is TRUTH and what is FALSEHOOD or DECEPTION. As such I would highly recommend watching this short 6 minute video in order to see just how these censorship freaks are working their snake oil wonders throughout the Internet via their absolute control of all the means of information presentation especially in terms of video productions.

We need only look at the recent act of sabotage by Mimeo Video in their liquidation of the videos of Brother Nathanael, another U.S. citizen, in order to see how they’re starting to put the screws to anyone who so much as mentions the Zionist Jews and their agenda for global governance at the cost of reducing 99% of the world’s population to the level of robotic automatons totally subservient to the Talmudic tyranny of their One World totalitarian mind-control matrix. Please pass this little gem of truth love around for others as it now appears that these control freaks will stop at nothing short of compete control of everyone’s thinking and regardless of what the U.S. Constitution states. It appears that all laws written by men are null and void in the eyes and deranged minds of the Zionists who view only their agenda as legitimate which is the ultimate act of a psychopathic mind.]

“The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. It ensures against governmental intrusions on the essential personal freedoms – freedom of religion: freedom of the press; free expression; freedom of association; and, freedom of assembly.  Regarding free expression, “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech”.  The Courts have interpreted the language to mean that no arm of the government, federal or state, can abridge the free speech right.”

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