CNBC Asks The Only Question That Matters For This Market

Tyler Durden's picture

Once upon a time, the caption below would provide traders with at least a few chuckles. Now, with a market which makes new all time highs every single day in hypnotic, lugubrious, levitation blissfully ignorant of fundamentals, technicals and outright warnings, perhaps that is the only question that does matter for this market.


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NugginFuts's picture

I thought this was already obvious. Who hasn't heard of the ever successful "Buy everything before someone else does" strategy of stock investing?

Logan 5's picture

More 'PRESSING' question for CNBS:


"Is anybody actually watching us"?



Actually, I'll 'HEDGE' that just for a moment...


IF/WHEN the dollar goes to zero... Then yes, you should be buying EVERYTHING (but the problem with these RETARDS is that they think you should be buying paper stocks).

johngaltfla's picture

LOL! I thought this was going to be the real CNBS question:


"Is anybody watching us?"


I got all this corn I been holding that the CNBC assholes can invest in.

Once I divest myself of it on the porcelain throne, they be welcome to come pick up on a real deal per kernel.  

38BWD22's picture



Here's a list:

Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Ir

Buy everything!

Jim Sampson's picture

[Insert name, Index, w/e] is fine, don't be silly!

DontGive's picture

I have here this belly button lint.

Bids start at $1.

booboo's picture

Mark your calendars boys.

yogibear's picture

As someone comment that even a nuke detonated in NYC could cause this market to crash.

Gnostech's picture

Just buy a bank! That's how my good buddy Shekelsteingruberburgerfitz makes millions of dollars staying at home every day!

buzzsaw99's picture

of course. buy all the things. i agree with this.

Jäger's picture

CNBC is spooging over the Snapchat IPO these days

Dragon HAwk's picture

I have this little habit, weird i know  but every time the press tells me something  i think just the opposite.

cowdiddly's picture

I'll tell you how ridiculous it is. I ALMOST pulled the trigger today and sold the last stock that I still own. Now get this.

Its a junior miner that I paid .48 cents a share for and you can buy all of this Chinese,book cooking, liar beside a hole in the ground, steaming dog turd beauty that makes a whopping 7 cents a share for the bargain price of $4.04 cents today or about the next 30/40 years of future profit about a year later.

Zero hedge used to run Chinese small cap stock scam articles and this was one of them. Zerohedge was right and it got kicked off the NYSE for being a scam and under a dollar later. I followed it and found it laying for dead on the TSX.

You CNBC FAST Freddie guys may get it tommorrow if we have an up day on metals. Be waiting MSM retards, it will be a one block limit order before 10:30. You will need the volume.


Is-Be's picture

My horse looks askance at the markets.

It spooks him.

Oh! Now I get it!! That's why it's called a "Bull" market.

Consuelo's picture



What happened to the ski-ball guy with the pony tail -  Najarian...?

Atomizer's picture

He was shitting so much bullshit from the back of ponytail, he was whisked from climate change police. Too much CO2 usage. 


What happened to that Asian bitch, she was cute . I hated that show, the audio resembled the panel talking from a cambell soup tin can. 

DontFollowMyAdviceImaDummy's picture

definitely time to buy more AU & AG and maybe some PB too "for fishing" before that unfortunate boating accident

ErikE's picture

Cnbc has dropped the ball big time.

Only one analyst has a proven track record in stocks, oil and gold.




And  proves market calls by showing past time stamped charts.



lasvegaspersona's picture

Haven't had this much fun since Zimbabwe!!

Manipuflation's picture

I just received my silver from JM and promptly ordered more from Ampex.  Picked up a 1925 Soviet coin on the way.  Who is next?  Coast coins?  Silver doctors?  Both?LOL  Probably everyone else. 

Ship it bitchez.  I like half naked women and tree leaves.

ThanksIwillHaveAnother's picture

More smoke and mirrors.   If you buy downside protection via PUTs and market keeps going up why would you hold till expiration?  Also, why not buy long-term puts so can sleep at night?  These persons ended up talking nonsense.

DeepFriedLizards's picture

I hope their audience buys this hook, line and sinker.  It would serve them right.

Silversides's picture

And on that note....selling the remaining stocks first thing tomorrow and buying as much pm as possible

SomethingSomethingDarkSide's picture

Is it nailed to the ground?

Yes -> you can't buy it 

No -> buy it