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Product Description

The botanical name of garlic is Allium Sativum and it is the active ingredient in Lasuna. It is known to have antiseptic properties, as well as detoxifying agents. Garlic belongs to the lily family and has a pungent odor.

The capsules are the extract of garlic which provides numerous benefits to the person. This is a vegetarian product which has no sugar, no preservatives and no artificial flavors as well as colors. There are amino acids, enzymes, as well as sulphuric compounds along with garlic. This herbal product is also recommended by the people who are using this. For some it would be prescribed by the doctor.


Lasuna is used by patients who are suffering from high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It helps to reduce the cholesterol level by dissolving the blood so that the blood flows to all parts of the body easily. The natural remedies in this capsule help a patient to lessen the high blood pressure naturally.

When cholesterol as well as blood pressure is reduced, it in turn reduces the chance of heart related problems. Apart from this it is used to relieve stress, cold symptoms, cleanse kidney or liver, reduce pain during menstruation, digestive disorders, as well as to improve sexual health.

Even though there would be improvement in the symptoms, the capsule must be used for a longer period of time to get maximum benefit from it. The benefits as well as medicinal values of the garlic are very lengthy and it would also be interesting to know about the history of this spice


One or two Lasuna capsules can be taken twice in a day after a meal. Consult with the doctor before taking this pill. Since this is a natural product, taking extra capsules does not cause drug overdose. There is no restriction in foods while taking this capsule and can be used by both men and women.

Do not forget to tell the doctor if you are pregnant, breast feeding and if you have diabetes or hypertension.

Side effects

The side effects that may occur with lasuna are:

Relative Contraindications

Till date there are no contradictions of Lasuna with allopathy drugs, vitamin pills and other form of medications. For the safer side, consult with the doctor regarding the pills that are taken by you.
