Archives: February, 2015

17 Feb
Carta de Una Psiquiatra a los Jóvenes Acerca de las “Cincuenta Sombras de Grey”

Por Miriam Grossman MD. Psiquiatra. Traduccion Silvia Maldonado Versión original en {La letra se puede imprimir aquí:Carta de una Psiquiatra a los Jovenes acerca de las Cincuenta Sombras de Grey. Darle a alguien que usted ama – lo puso en su mochila , o en su almohada . Simplemente hazlo.} No hay nada gris en

11 Feb
A Psychiatrist’s Letter to Young People About “Fifty Shades of Grey”

{ Many of you have asked that I provide my letter to young people as a PDF. Download A Letter to Young People About Fifty Shades of Grey here. } There’s nothing grey about Fifty Shades of Grey. It’s all black. Let me explain. I help people who are broken inside. Unlike doctors who use x-rays

03 Feb
Parent Survival Guide to Fifty Shades of Grey – How to Talk to Your Child about Sadomasochism

Mom, who’s Mr. Grey? Dad, what do those handcuffs mean? Parents, get ready for questions. As the release of Fifty Shades of Grey on February 13th nears, an aggressive marketing campaign is underway that romanticizes sexual violence. Don’t underestimate the impact of the hard sell on your kids. Even if they don’t see the film, they are absorbing