NBC News: Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Pedophile Ring At State Department

An NBC news report claims that Hillary Clinton, while secretary of state, shut down an investigation into an elite pedophile ring in State Department ranks in order to avoid scandal.

An NBC news report claims that Hillary Clinton, while secretary of state, shut down an investigation into an elite pedophile ring in State Department ranks in order to avoid scandal and protect the careers of high ranking officials and an ambassador. 

The NBC investigation was broadcast at a time when they were a real news organization rather than a branch of the Democratic Party’s PR department, and provided internal State Department memos to back up claims of a massive Hillary Clinton elite pedophile ring cover-up.

Serious allegations concerning the State Department,” the NBC anchor announced, before launching into the disturbing details that mainstream media would be unable to report on in 2017.

According to internal State Department memos the agency might have called off or intervened into investigations into possibly illegal, inappropriate behavior within it’s ranks allegedly to protect jobs and avoid scandals.

“This concerns a time when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.”

There is an old saying in Washington that the cover-up is worse than the crime. But in this case both parts of it are disturbing,” Chuck Todd continued.

Allegations of prostitution and pedophilia, and allegations that those crimes were somehow covered up or not looked into. So the State Department this morning is having to respond to those claims, and those investigations involve misconduct by State Department officials, including an Ambassador and security agents attached to then secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

“The allegations are that these investigations were whitewashed, quashed altogether, and that those orders came from high up.”

NBC has obtained documents relating to ongoing investigations into some disturbing allegations involving State Department personnel and at least one ambassador. A State Department memo says, quote, “the Ambassador routinely ditched his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children. 

“The memo also says a top State Department official directed State Department investigators to “cease the investigation” into the ambassador’s conduct.” It’s just one of what another document describes as “several examples of undue influence” from top State Department officials.”

Elite pedophile ring

In contrast to Clinton’s cover-up, President Trump has announced a federal investigation into the elite pedophile scandal involving human trafficking earlier this month and promised to help put an end to the “horrific, really horrific crimes taking place.”

The president held a short, dramatic press conference after meeting with human trafficking experts to announce that he will direct “the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies” to devote more resources and personnel to the investigation.

Appearing at the press conference for less than two minutes, President Trump said that the issue has been on the radar of federal government “for some time” but since taking office in January the investigation has become “much more focused.”

It has been much more focused over the last four weeks, I can tell you that.”

Baxter Dmitry

Baxter Dmitry

Baxter Dmitry is a writer at Your News Wire. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.
Email: baxter@yournewswire.com
Follow: @baxter_dmitry
Baxter Dmitry
  • Michael G

    Why can’t I find this on today.com???

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Vekf_2952U HWR

    Jews Control the U.S. State Department/US government

  • John C Carleton

    I am waiting to see, if the Trump team was only using this for political advantage, because the are many pedophiles on both side of the isles. This case of sweeping the baby rapers under the Washington DC rug is not the first. Big Pedophile scandal in the Regan white house, and the FEDS swept that under the rug.

    • dick_dick

      while this may well be true (see the documentary on youtube called the conspiracy of silence), don’t cheapen this event by pointing the shotgun finger. Hillary squashed the investigation. The Regan scandal was not hidden, but it was also not directly tied to the president himself, nor did the president order the investigation to be stopped.

    • Laurie Tysinger

      Trump started rounding them up and arresting them in January. MSM is silent about that, of course. They keep slinging BS like Russia out there to detract from it.

  • shesfuked

    Hillary looks like a man…lol..shes so….FUCKED

  • Cullen Fahey

    This shitpost gave me cancer. Only has one link to some Trump quote and then an out of context 1:38 min long clip. No wonder why people who post this get their intellect or lack thereof mocked

    • Concerned Reader

      I enjoy reading this site and feel like it reports accurately most of the time, but every article by Baxter Dmitry has to be checked and rechecked because he continually posts old stories with a spin on how it dovetails into current affairs, or worse, with the reptilian shape shifting articles literally reposts verbatim the same story with the exact same words. Go check them for yourself to see what I mean. I say this as someone who accepts the ET presence on our planet and thinks that tabloid writing and sensationalist click bait only serves to undermine these very important subjects. This isn’t an attack on Mr. Dmitry but rather a call to take this more seriously.

  • Pat Enery

    I believe that they will throw lower echelon pedophiles under the bus to look good. They won’t rat.The heavier ones will be protected at all costs. This scandal has the power to knock out 1/3 of our government & put the blackmailers in temporary check. So be it. The blackmailers would then have to catch new appointees in a “honey” trap in order to retain control. They are already in situation control mode with all all the denial that is current fake news. I don’t think that special interests have unlimited money for corrupt politicians. They watch their purse strings too. Hence the honey trap. Keep bombarding the President with tweets on this. We must not let up. He can’t ignore it forever.

  • dick_dick

    What is it with powerful people and child sex? That swamp has always existed because “some people are more equal than others.” Also, we need to be careful about removing scruples which has been done very effectively in the last 8 years. what’s to stop pedophilia from being normalized as well. Once it was used to attack in an attempt to destroy the Catholic Church, then, as an issue it was discarded.

    • Douglas Martin


    • Not Sure

      You do realize that people of great power have only one goal left to obtain……immortality. And if you dig deep enough as to why children are so important to these people, you will uncover a horrible, depraved, ghoulish activity that has gone on since the time of Babylon. These people are sick and need to be eliminated from this planet.

  • stevor

    the big surprise is that NBC reported it

  • Robert4709

    NBC News, Nothing But Crap News, Never heard of Pedophile Island and the Clintons ties to that? B.S. Chuck Todd??

  • Jim

    This is most likely fake news. Why? Because Lester Holt and NBC would themselves cover up a pedophile scandal if it involved Hillary Clinton or any Liberals they protect from any/all accusations.

  • fieldmcconnell

    The existence of PizzaGate and PedoGate was testified to, under oath, in open Court in Pierce County, Wisconsin on 21 August, 2014 by the sibling of Hillary’s handler Kristine Marcy. Trump and CJCS General Dunford are aware of Kristine Marcy and Hillary Clinton’s “pedophile stranglehold” on much of our government and Pres Trump and the military will be ‘taking care of business’ in the opinion of many military white hats.