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The Middle East Policy Council fosters public discussion of the political, economic and security issues that affect U.S. national interests in the Middle East.

Washington, DC
Beigetreten Januar 2010


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  1. 13. März

    Preview "Challenges Facing Iraqi-Gulf Relations and How to Overcome Them" by Watheq Al-Hashemy & Sterling Jensen from new Winter 2018 journal here:

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  2. 13. März

    Israeli “Blue and White” Aim to Unseat Netanyahu

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    11. März

    Educators, has free online PD programs: Teaching Global Climate Change, Connecting the Geo-Inquiry Process to Your Classroom, and Integrating Service with Learning Goals.

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  4. 11. März

    Middle East In Focus is a special section of our website featuring views from the region on some of the most important news stories of the day. Postings from the past week cover the recent Arab League-EU Summit & Iranian FM resignation. Access here:

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  5. 5. März

    Preview "Challenges Facing Iraqi-Gulf Relations and How to Overcome Them" by Watheq Al-Hashemy & Sterling Jensen from new Winter 2018 journal here:

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  6. 5. März

    "The Joint Arab List for the Knesset: United, Shared or Split?" by Gadi Hitman () Preview available here:

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  7. 4. März

    New speech from Ambassador Chas Freeman at the St. Petersburg Conference on World Affairs "After the Trade War, a Real War with ?" can be accessed here:

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  8. 4. März

    Preview: "Developing Alliances: Emerging Trade Routes in the Arabian Sea" by Reumah Suhail from the new issue of Middle East Policy

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  9. 4. März

    "The Kremlin is intent on regaining leverage in its bilateral relationships with the United States and the European Union." New essay by Robert Mason () is fully available here:

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  10. 4. März

    With heightened focus on human rights in , Anchi Hoh's new essay "From to : Security in 's Belt and Road Initiative" is more relevant than ever. Access a preview here:

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  11. 4. März

    As the role of the U.S. military in Africa evolves, so does the rivalry between and there. Preview "Iran-Saudi Rivalry in : Implications for Regional Stability" by of Cairo University. Access it here:

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  12. 19. Feb.

    Understanding 's Relationship with . Preview this new article from the Winter 2018 journal by & of . Access it here:

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  13. 19. Feb.

    Preview: "Developing Alliances: Emerging Trade Routes in the Arabian Sea" by Reumah Suhail from the new issue of Middle East Policy

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  14. 19. Feb.

    "The Joint Arab List for the Knesset: United, Shared or Split?" by Gadi Hitman () Preview available here:

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  15. hat retweetet
    14. Feb.

    Relations between and and Southeast Asia generally have been strong for decades and have grown even stronger over the last decade after the Arab Spring. For a brief paper on the subject, see my work in on the subject .

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  16. hat retweetet
    14. Feb.

    highlights on my latest regarding new . Lebanon’s economic woes are one of the main sources of concern for many regional observers, including writer Christiane Waked

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  17. 13. Feb.

    Mark Katz reviews "'s Middle East Policy: From to " by Alexey Vasiliev:

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  18. 13. Feb.

    Review of "New Capitalism in : The Relationship Between Politics, Religion and Business" by Ayşe Buğra and Osman Savaşkan

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  19. 13. Feb.

    New speech from Ambassador Chas Freeman at the St. Petersburg Conference on World Affairs "After the Trade War, a Real War with ?" can be accessed here:

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  20. hat retweetet
    7. Feb.

    "Indeed, not since Richard P. Mitchell’s The Society of the Muslim Brothers and Nazih Ayubi’s equally definitive Political Islam has the scholarly community been treated to such a comprehensive and thought-provoking work"

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