Event Mag UK


The new Ferdi is tucked away in a quiet corner of Shepherd Market, with a jet-black façade and deep crimson curtains, and an agreeable air of Gallic sangfroid

Sound the cannon! Strike up the band! Set phasers to stun! Next Sunday is Mother's Day, and we must do everything in our power to prepare and celebrate the wonder of mums.

Perhaps something was lost in translation, such as sense. For the time being, I'm planning to stick with my strict non-binning policy.

Covent Garden should be embarrassed that this production is so manifestly ­inferior to recent Meister­singers at Welsh National Opera (revived by ENO) and Glyndebourne.

It's no accident martial arts stars are in Star Wars, or a Chinese pin-up popped up in X-Men. And there are one billion reasons why you won't see aTibetan mystic in Doctor Strange.