Daniel Altman


What Enrique Peña Nieto Should Tell Donald Trump

Taxing Mexican goods to pay for a border wall will tank Mexico’s economy, spike immigration into the United States, and boost the drug trade.


Economics Has Failed America

When it comes to the impact of global trade, the dismal science has done a dismal job explaining how to help workers hurt by globalization.


Confessions of a Chronic Economist

Economics gets easier as you get older; changing jobs -- like I'm about to do -- doesn’t.


The Perverse Game Theory of Argentina’s Messed-Up Election

Here’s how each candidate can win Sunday’s vote for the presidency. Warning: this gets weird.


Pope Francis Is a Great Economist

His speeches in Washington weren’t just allegory and hope. They were a clear message to Congress to avoid creating a permanent American economic underclass.


We Should All Be Competing to Take In Refugees

People fleeing conflict are a boon to almost any economy, but even Germany isn’t going far enough to welcome them.

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About Daniel Altman

Daniel Altman is the owner of North Yard Analytics LLC, a sports data consulting firm, and an adjunct associate professor of economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business.



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