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Product Description

Diflucan (Fluconazole) is a medication that is used to treat different infections brought about by fungus, due to its antifungal antibiotic properties. These fungus-caused infections have the tendency of invading any body part from the blood, mouth, genital area, throat, bladder, esophagus to the lungs.

For people with suppressed immune system as a result of bone marrow transplant, disease, for example, AIDS, or even cancer treatment, Diflucan is used so as to prevent any fungal infection.

Important Safety Information’s

There exist some drugs that are known to react in an adverse manner when you take Diflucan, namely erythromycin, quinine or it could also be pimozide. In case if you are presently under treatment for some other ailment and have plans to take this medicine, inform the physician immediately.

On deciding to take Diflucan for a fungal infection, convey it to the doctor if you have any track record of suffering from heart ailments like arrhythmia. Along with that equally important is intimating the physician if you have present hepatic or renal problems or Long QT Syndrome.

On following the course of Diflucan, it is necessary to comply with the frequency of the medicine intake as advised by the doctor. At times, the symptoms would diminish earlier than the eradication of the infection from the body. Though the symptoms wane from the body, it is still advised to complete the course of medication. The infection is likely to recur if you try to skip doses of the medication in the final stages and can be immune to the medication itself.

Diflucan is originally manufactured for the objective of treating the infections caused by fungi. Taking this medication will not lead to subsidizing of the effects inflicted by the symptoms of influenza or cold that are classified as viral diseases. Refrain from this medicine if you exhibit allergic tendencies because of the main component fluconazole or if you are presently taking quinine.

Inform your physician if you are battling a hepatic ailment (a type of liver condition), AIDS, heart disease, arrhythmia, kidney ailments (if you are undergoing dialysis) and if you are allergic to any sort of antifungal drugs before starting the course of Diflucan

If you are intolerant towards lactose or galactose content, remember to inform the physician prior to the taking of suspension of Diflucan (liquid form of the medication taken orally) as it constitutes sucrose (a combination of starch and sugar). When you consume a single dose of the medication for treating infection of yeast in women, it does not have any kind of impact on the unborn child.

If you have conceived presently, then avoid taking more than one dose of this drug. When Diflucan is taken for longer time spans it has the potential to produce negative effects on the unborn baby. Inform the doctor at the earliest if you have any idea of becoming pregnant or if you are already conceived.


Remember to comply with the exact guidelines provided by the doctor as part of the prescription. Do not indulge in taking Diflucan additionally or lesser than the quantity that has been prescribed by the medico. See to it you do not exceed the time frame of continuing the medication against the doctor’s advice.

The dosage of Diflucan is subject to change on the basis of the infection you are presently afflicted with. It is just one dose of the drug that is sufficient to treat for many of the vaginal infections like yeast. Instances are quite high where the dosage is doubled if the infections are treated in this particular way. In any given circumstance the doctor’s words have to be adhered without fail.

Consumption of meals does not exert any influence on the capability of Diflucan. The medication can be either taken prior or after the meals. Shake the medication vigorously before taking if it is in liquid form. Ascertain the dosage levels with the help of an appropriate cup or spoon bought from the pharmacy and please do not opt for the normal one.

Missing a dose and overdose

When you, at sometimes miss out on taking the dose of Diflucan, do well to take it immediately on remembering it. Do not end up taking additional dose to make up for the forgotten one. Just leave the missed dose if it’s time for the next dose. Call the local poison hotline if you overdosed by mistake.

Side Effects

The side effects that arise from taking Diflucan are in two categories:

Serious side effects

These include:

Less serious effects

They include:

Relative Contraindications

In the course of taking the medication if you experience any form of allergic reaction like rashes in the body or have any problems in breathing normally curb any further intake.  Few patients have also mentioned instances of suffering from hives. Never take Diflucan with other medications like prednisone or halofantrine. At any point inform the medical professional about the medication you are presently taking.
